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Hangar pets broken again?

I have attempted to utilize hangar pets on various carrier ships that I own recently. I have noticed that all of my hangar pets, including frigates and fighters are not properly responding to commands such as recall, escort occasionally and attack. When I go to full throttle (not full impulse), they are quickly left behind and eventually despawn. At full impulse, they have no chance of catching up. When I go into combat, they are no where to be found. A few of the hangar pets that I own do visually appear to go into full impulse, but they are moving at an extremely low rate of speed. At this point, hangar pets feel worthless and not worth the resources to purchase.

Is this a current known issue/bug or do I need to create a bug report? It was my understanding that this issue was fixed awhile back.


  • reiklingraiderreiklingraider Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    It is a known issue. I don't remember when they got broke but there are other threads on this subject you should look at that contain more information.
  • nateham101#2745 nateham101 Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    Outstanding. I remember writing bug reports back when all the first started before the "fix". IMO, hangar pets worked just fine before the overhaul.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    I'm using the Breen carrier now. Recall works, but only (for me) if I set the throttle speed to lower than full, like to half speed.

    Pet full impulse also works if you keep the "full" impulse throttle below half speed. What works better is to recall the pets then travel with them docked.

    Other comments in this thread: http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline/#/discussion/comment/13016221
  • nateham101#2745 nateham101 Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    I'm using the Breen carrier now. Recall works, but only (for me) if I set the throttle speed to lower than full, like to half speed.

    Other comments in this thread: http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline/#/discussion/comment/13016221

    Thanks for the link. lets hope they do something about this. Really enjoy the carrier playstyle and would like to take advantage of the resources I have spent to obtain the elite hangars :)
  • chozoelder2ndchozoelder2nd Member Posts: 440 Arc User
    They've always been a little wonky. I remember commenting about the Callistos on my Jupiter a while ago.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    ^ also see the edit I just made to include full impulse. Recall before impulse and they won't disappear on you, or for short distances use "full" impulse at below half-(full)-throttle

    This is making me less interested in the Romulan lock box ship, since the hangars will be a pain to use.
  • kitsunesnoutkitsunesnout Member Posts: 1,210 Arc User
    "Hangar pets broken again?" When have they ever not been broken? That's how I feel as I've never had pets ever fully obey commands.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    Shortly after the release of the Jupiter Class, they did a round of 'fixes' for carrier pets.

    None of them did anything at all.. and they gave up. Much like Romulan DoFF recruitment, they just removed it from 'known issues' and never said another word. I'm sorry to say, but I really don't think this will ever be fixed. Fighters do work better then Frigates, but none of them work correctly.

    I actively avoid any ship with a hangar bay because it's just a waste. The exception of course, are ships like the Vengeance that has a hangar bay but really doesn't need it. Of all the pets I have tried, the Kevlin Timeline Pets seem to function the most reliably. Swarmers are fairly functional as well.. Callistos are completely and totally broken in every possible way.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    The Breen frigates need extra work for recall and full impulse, but they do a pretty good job of doing damage. When I mark a target they go in ahead of me with transphasic torps and polaron cannons + turrets and I can watch the target health drop before my carrier enters firing range.
  • nateham101#2745 nateham101 Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    ^ also see the edit I just made to include full impulse. Recall before impulse and they won't disappear on you, or for short distances use "full" impulse at below half-(full)-throttle

    This is making me less interested in the Romulan lock box ship, since the hangars will be a pain to use.

    Same here. Was looking for forward to the romulan carrier. Not so much anymore. I do remember when the Jupiter/Callisto's appeared. They were broken from the start. Too bad, a lot of potential with pets like those. Glad that I held off from buying the JHAS just so I could obtain the JHAS frigates...
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    ^ also see the edit I just made to include full impulse. Recall before impulse and they won't disappear on you, or for short distances use "full" impulse at below half-(full)-throttle

    This is making me less interested in the Romulan lock box ship, since the hangars will be a pain to use.

    Same here. Was looking for forward to the romulan carrier. Not so much anymore. I do remember when the Jupiter/Callisto's appeared. They were broken from the start. Too bad, a lot of potential with pets like those. Glad that I held off from buying the JHAS just so I could obtain the JHAS frigates...

    Luckily, I bought the Jupiter purely with excess Dilithium that I had at the time.

    If I had paid $30 for it, I would have been furious. It's biggest appeal was the Callisto Light Escort Frigates and they're completely and totally broken.

    I would never spend money for a Carrier in STO, that' the equivalent of flushing money down the toilet.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • aleaicaleaic Member Posts: 352 Arc User
    Getting abilities that reduce hangar cooldown time, Doff/Trait/where ever, makes it more manageable for moi, as timers can be gotten down to within 10 secs or so, even after a frigate launch. I treat em as supplimental fun damage, since hangar craft have never been taken seriously by the developers, or they go with what they see in the Trek shows, as fighters tend to get shot down faster than a geek at a bar, from what I've seen.
  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,924 Arc User
    Yeah. That's what I use my hangar pets for. I get as much hangar cool-down abilities I can and the appropriate DOFFs and use the pets as distractions while I pound away at the enemy.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • mercgargoylemercgargoyle Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Is this a current known issue/bug or do I need to create a bug report? It was my understanding that this issue was fixed awhile back.

    Hanger pets have been in various states of broken/acceptable. As far back as the Atrox Carrier release and does not show any sign of improvement. Romulan Drone ships, Callisto light escorts often do not want to go to full impulse and for some carriers, and dreadnoughts you may as well forget the recall command.

    I got a Kelvin Intel Warbird and loaded it up with ARDS and the recall command often ends up like this. Bouncing off some invisible force field and refusing to dock at all.


    I really wish it was fixed but its not game breaking so much as annoying. 4 Drone ships do an excellent job in combat.

  • unotetsuunotetsu Member Posts: 663 Arc User
    Here is how "Recall" should work

    Recall should just instantly teleport Hangar pet to hangar bay if within 50KM, if past that distance the pets are dismissed and able to be re-summoned back to hangar bay depending on the deploy cool down. After the recall button is pressed, there should be a 10-30 seconds recall timer (depending on buffs and carrier type) is added any other carrier pet commands.

    Instead of making the pet actually "fly" back to the carrier...

    I could live with this better...

    I must warn you, I am quite Isane! I am Grand Duchess of the Abh Empire: Beneej Letopanyu Spoor!
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    @unotetsu I like that idea. Would be nice if they just instantly teleported into the hangar bay. As it is now they don't respond to recall consistently. I use a Herald carrier as my main ship so I'm very familiar with how terribad pets respond to commands.
  • unotetsuunotetsu Member Posts: 663 Arc User
    nikephorus wrote: »
    @unotetsu I like that idea. Would be nice if they just instantly teleported into the hangar bay. As it is now they don't respond to recall consistently. I use a Herald carrier as my main ship so I'm very familiar with how terribad pets respond to commands.

    Yeah, even if recall meant you couldn't to any other pet commands for like 10 seconds, just the idea my pets were safe and in the bay homes would be very nice.
    I must warn you, I am quite Isane! I am Grand Duchess of the Abh Empire: Beneej Letopanyu Spoor!
  • nateham101#2745 nateham101 Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    Maybe they will fix the problem soon.
  • talientalien Member Posts: 712 Arc User
    It's almost like cryptic finally gave up on trying to fix hangar pets. Every time they make improvements (WCB avoidance, anyone? That worked for all of one patch) or fix something that had been previously broken the fixes no longer work after the next update. That cycle has been going on for a very long time, only now it's worse than it's ever been because until recently they'd at least keep up with you at full impulse.
  • hugin1205hugin1205 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    it's on schedule...right after Fixing Defera and rebalancing PvP....

    some Bugs don't get repaired for years - and I am afraid, this is one.

    now due to this, carriers aren't fun to Play in certain missions - like the azura nebular PvE
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