See if you can spot what QA didn't in this picture.

The Cryptic budget for this mission was SO TIGHT that they couldn't even afford multiple Bridge Officer waypoints for your 3 Bridge Officers to stand in at this point in the mission.
LOOK at the picture.
All 3 Bridge Officers are auto-directed to stand in the exact same spot at the exact same time ... so now they're all standing inside of each other (glorious clipping issues and all!).

I would HOPE that this is an easy enough issue to fix ... since the Obvious Problem Behavior Is Obvious.
Don't know if I should post them here or not, because it doesn't seem to make a difference, and you'll always get some crazy troll to post in there too.
I kind of feel the same way about posting bugs in here. I usually file a bug ticket though, in game. What they do with that information I do not know. As the bugs I report are either impossible to fix, tickets are not read, not worth the time to fix or not worth the effort, I have no clue to if the in game bug system even works. Searching for already reported bugs in it has been broken for as long as I can remember.
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