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Re-write part of a franchise

evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
At some point or another, we all have a beloved franchise that, to our great disappointment, suddenly takes a massive turn in the wrong direction.

If you could, what franchise would you rewrite, and where and how would you rewrite it?

For me right now, it would be Resident Evil. While I enjoyed 4, I really didn't like that it started with an explanation that Umbrella had essentially died on it's own after Racoon City. 5 and 6 were just awful, so I won't comment on those further. What I would do is scrap everything after Code: Veronica, and state in the opening that Umbrella had managed to completely cover up their involvement in the Racoon City incident, while simultaneously pinning everything on Wesker, his S.T.A.R.S., and the rest of the Racoon survivors, essentially labeling them all terrorists.

In this new timeline, the fourth game would involve the survivors from the previous games going into an Umbrella facility somewhere in Europe to look for evidence to clear their names and take down Umbrella. In the process, they would fall into a trap designed to use them to test new B.O.W.s. At some point, Wesker and his rival agency would infiltrate the facility and release the T-Virus, causing another outbreak while he executes Umbrella's top executives. In the end, Umbrella would be ruined, but the Racoon survivors would still be fugitives, and Wesker would be in possession of all of Umbrella's research.

Later, whenever Wesker finally was dealt with, it would be WITHOUT a ridiculous mutation, as TBH he was more than a match for anyone just with the virus he already had injected himself with.

Ate there any franchises you would change if you could?
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
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  • dmtdmt Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    I would have set Star Wars Ep 7 200+ years after Ep 4 and kept the Expanded Universe as canon.

    I would have set Star Trek 09 1000+ years after Nemesis and kept the same plot, only changing the Fed characters involved (For example: Chris Pine plays an OC rather than a alternate Kirk).
  • the0infamousthe0infamous Member Posts: 528 Arc User
    I am still in shock that the Star Trek reboot destroyed Romulus and Vulcan, much less exists to begin with...
  • sarreoussarreous Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    The Superman movies. And I don't mean the newer ones. They had something good going for them but apparently either didn't have the ideas or didn't have the first clue on how to properly execute those ideas.

    Charmed. The last season should have never happened. I'd go so far as to say that maybe the show should have ended after Shannon Doherty's rage quit. I really did not like her replacement or much of the writing for her.

    Bleach. For me, it ended after the whole rescue Rukia deal.
    I am still in shock that the Star Trek reboot destroyed Romulus and Vulcan

    Yeah, that's always going to be a sore spot for me. Abrams seems to like killing off things which we do not like to be killed off.

    I'll try to have something with a little more detail later. I've had ideas for rewrites, I just can't think of them right now.
  • conkav22conkav22 Member Posts: 8,146 Arc User
    Star Wars battlefront. Basically erase the abomination from EA and replace it with what Free Radical were working on before the plug was pulled,

    That said apparently some company got Free Radicals work and is making there own Battlefront 3, Although they can't charge for it otherwise Disney would be pretty angry and sick their lawyers on them.​​
  • admiralnatadmiralnat Member Posts: 22,432 Arc User
    I am still in shock that the Star Trek reboot destroyed Romulus and Vulcan, much less exists to begin with...

    Well, there's the Vengeance, so at least something good came from the reboots. Even then, the other Fed ships, Klingon ships, and such are pretty cool, just the story that could use some work. Well, maybe a lot of work, but it's too late now. :smiley:

    Personally, I'd probably write out the reboots are an entirely independent universe of it's own, without blowing up the prime-verse's Romulus or anything like that. Or at the very least, not blow up Romulus. Surely Nero could have been from some other Romulan colony that could be blown up instead?​​
    It's what I do. It's what I just did. It's what I'm about to do again. It's being undisputed emperor of an empire that cannot be disproved as the most powerful intergalactic empire in the entire universe; I always win, and everything I've won will definitely be won again... by me. It's my signature move, and thus, it's my signature. Problem, Sonic? Yeah, I mean you, Sonic, because you're being beat up, despite your being super. You can't even hit Shadow back, can you? Nope, he's too strong for you. Of course, I'm not Shadow, I'm the Super Emerald fueled fox that's pulling the strings; trust me, the fight would only be a few frames long if I were in it personally. Oh, and here's something for all you guys thinking you can win Last Post Wins 3.0; trust me, I'll be around a long while after the sun has already consumed the Earth while I sit out with the forum servers on Titan. Yes, I mean Titan... that comparatively little moon orbiting Saturn. It's a nice little place in a version of our solar system where the sun is a lot bigger. I mean, Mars will last longer than your precious Earth, but by then, it'll be one hot planet... and I figure Saturn's moon will be about the right temperate for a super-powered warlord. Oh, and trust me, I packed a lot of rings, and I mean a lot. Trillions, in fact, so I'll never run out of rings to power my super form. Besides, if I start to run out, I can just chaos control more rings into my reach. It's quite easy, really. You should try it. Granted, you'll never have the 7 Super Emeralds that I have in my possession, nor the Master Emerald that I've got hidden away somewhere... absorbed into my body thanks to Sonic logic, but whatever. I win. Again. I'm not kidding, either. Just check Last Post Wins, and if the last post isn't mine, it soon will be. Very, very soon. You can count on it. Seriously. By the way, if you're wondering, there's a really great Super Tails sprite sheet out there... somewhere... by some guy named shadow_91. These sprites are really great. Like, really good. Quality. Just like what I like to see in a sprite sheet. Also, credit to Joe T.E., his Sonic Battle style Super Sonic sprites have a great palette for a Super Sonic being beat up by Super Shadow, who's palette is from a Super Shadow sheet of unknown origin, but it turns out they were "borrowed" from a better sheet made by a certain Domenico. Oh, and the gif is actually a custom made super version of a similar gif, of which there are only 3 or 4 copies to be found by Google, and even then, evidently of an unknown source. Yep, it's one of those things. Stuff people have made, spread around, only for it to vanish and you to be the only person who still has a copy, not even knowing where it came from... like, literally at all. Oh, and anyone notice that Shadow's little chaos snap blast thingies are red and blue now? Yeah, I changed it. Problem, fans of purple? Yeah, I know you got a problem with that one, but you can just deal with it. After all, according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly... alright, alright, I'll spare you the entire Bee Movie script, just Google it if you want. By the way, ever wonder how your characters would've ended up if they evolved in another universe? Yeah, that. Think about it. Ok, so you probably didn't bother reading up to here, but whatever, here's a surprise for you guys over at ESD (RP) who were crazy enough to read this: Emperor Nat of the mcfreakin' Terran Empire is gonna be right all along! The universe is gonna go BOOM! *Thumbs up to the insanity*
    Oh, now don't tell me you want in on all this! Well, ok. Look this that Egg Pawn hanging outside your window, pointing his laser rifle at you, waiting for my next order. He's doing his part. He helps conquer the weak-minded. He roboticizes the weak-bodied. Heck, he even helps keep the useless people from causing any trouble, but you know what? Join. Find the closest Nataran Empire roboticization center near you and join the ranks, before the ranks find you. Oh, I know, you figure it must be so satisfying to know I basically rule the world now, and you know what? It is, but do you want to know the true definition of satisfaction? Well, let me tell you a little story. One day, you see a brand new event. They're giving out boxes that give old event stuff. Your dilithium is plentiful. You buy a whole lot of Phoenix packs on your main, and open them all. You get one epic token. Then, you decide, that since you have all the Breen ships and don't give a damn about the others, you exchange it for an ultra rare, and grab yourself a Jem'Hadar Attack Ship and for the hell of it, a Voth Bulwark. You open both, leaving the Bulwark in your vast masses of starships as you jump into the bugship and deck it out, deck by deck, into the most awesome Jem'Hadar ship you can. You fly it. You enjoy it. Eventually, you get bored and leave, leaving the old Bulwark never flown... until later. Your main is long complete. Your new alt main, based off some character you pulled out of nothing just to explain away some starship being in service without the command of your dear admiral, is also complete. Mostly. Their reps and doffs are hard at work, getting you stuff. You realize the potential, and head back for your dear admiral, pull the most Voth themed build you can out of thin air, and suit up in your giant ship in the shape of you know what. You head out... and cause all sorts of havoc. Enemies scream out your name as their very life is drained away by your swarms of Aceton Assimilators. They complain to the devs of your OPness when you revive yourself from death every time you die. Do you show any form of mercy? No. After all, this isn't the United Federation of Planets, this is mother frakkin' Starfleet, where you explore strange new worlds and kick butt never kicked before. Oh, and you realize that I just wrote another speech rivaling your own signature. Cool. Oh, wait, that's just the original draft, it is part of my signature now. Oh, and yes, I am aware that I have become a Canadian Regent; one day, sooner than you'd expect, we'll suddenly decide to take over the world and declare an "alliance", and I shall become it's Regent. You know, like the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance in the mirror universe of our beloved Star Trek. Oh, who'll we be taking over with? I dunno, maybe [REDACTED], or maybe aliens from outer space. Guess you'll have to wait and find out, won't we? Until then, don't ask too many questions, or else my Breen allies on Titania might pick up on your -- [REDACTED BY BREEN CONFEDERACY FOR REASONS] Also, psst... keep an eye out for flying Tribbles! Also walls. Big, great walls, separating entire continents apart. Walls patrolled by Tribbles. Flying Tribbles. Flying Nukara Tribbles. Don't worry, it's not like they were on Venus with a herd of Tholians or anything, they just like the extreme heat and brutal weather like acid rain and hurricane force winds as the norm. Oh, and definitely keep your eye out on any two-tailed foxes, because if they ain't glowing, they're definitely an imposter. Possibly an Undine, we caught one of those once in my place once. Oh, and if you find a two-tailed fox that doesn't like the cold... most certainly ask him to say sorry. If he refuses, DESTROY HIM WITH A DOOMSDAY MACHINE, BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING ELSE THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH AGAINST SUCH AN OVERPOWERED IMPOSTER!

    tr;dr, I am winning last post wins 3.0. Thank you for your time.
    Oh, look, an explosion...
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    Yeah. If I could change one tiny detail, it would be to erase that nonsense Hobus supernova from history. And with it, the destruction of Romulus, all of JJ Trek, and all of STO's Iconian war.

    It is the single lynch pin moment in the franchise history where everything went stupid.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    azniadeet wrote: »
    Yeah. If I could change one tiny detail, it would be to erase that nonsense Hobus supernova from history. And with it, the destruction of Romulus, all of JJ Trek, and all of STO's Iconian war.

    It is the single lynch pin moment in the franchise history where everything went stupid.

    I disagree. The whole Hobus thing is sci-fi wise far-fetched, but I think it makes a solid story. The Iconian return is also a neat plot twist, even though I wouldn't mind rewriting it.

    But VOY needs to be completely rewritten. The characters were all grea,t the premise was great, the execution left a lot to be desired and it causes the real headaches.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    Other things I would've done differently: I would've made Nick Locarno the Voyager's helmsman.

    I would've made the Maquis a more active part of the Dominion war in DS9, ultimately (and ironically) allying with Damar's Cardassaian resistance at the end.

    And I would've given Enterprise a few more seasons.
  • antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    I think the original intention for ENT's season 1 would have been interesting - prepping and fighting to get the ship out of the system and begin its grand exploration. It could have been a real exploration into what 'Star Trek' means from an in-universe perspective, and would have forced the writers out of some of the well-worn plots.
    Fate - protects fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise Will Riker

    Member Access Denied Armada!

    My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
  • bioixibioixi Member Posts: 764 Arc User
    Stargate. The Stargate Universe spin-off. Less drama and more stargates and exploration. The whole first season was just demoralizing, everyone was sad, everything was depressing and there was too much focus on who wants to have sex with whom and who hates whom. Season 2 was way better but they screwed up so hard with season 1 that the series went to hell.

    They've spent too much effort building depressing character backstories instead of focusing on the main plot. The result was an space soap opera which just happened to have stargates from time to time.

    My rewrite would be:

    Fix the basic problems with the ship (water, food, air, energy) in the pilot and another episode, follow up with the blue alien storyline, some exploration, mid season, crack the command code while fending off a blue alien attack, more exploration, end season with the Lucian alliance attack. New season begins with twin destinies but the Destiny descendants are a galactic civilization at war with the Berserk drones and help the Destiny crew in restoring the ship and contacting Earth.
  • sarreoussarreous Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    bioixi wrote: »
    Stargate. The Stargate Universe spin-off. Less drama and more stargates and exploration. The whole first season was just demoralizing, everyone was sad, everything was depressing and there was too much focus on who wants to have sex with whom and who hates whom. Season 2 was way better but they screwed up so hard with season 1 that the series went to hell.

    They've spent too much effort building depressing character backstories instead of focusing on the main plot. The result was an space soap opera which just happened to have stargates from time to time.

    My rewrite would be:

    Fix the basic problems with the ship (water, food, air, energy) in the pilot and another episode, follow up with the blue alien storyline, some exploration, mid season, crack the command code while fending off a blue alien attack, more exploration, end season with the Lucian alliance attack. New season begins with twin destinies but the Destiny descendants are a galactic civilization at war with the Berserk drones and help the Destiny crew in restoring the ship and contacting Earth.

    I stopped watching after the episode where they were switching back and forth between "The ship's gonna xplodes!" and "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Witff were they thinking...I went from skeptical but willing to give it a chance to "NO". I'm told it got better in the next season. I'll just take their word for it.

    Plus I found their resident genius to be unconvincing. I think I can see where they were going with it, like an unstable but brilliant type, but it just didn't do it for me.
  • thekodanarmada#7342 thekodanarmada Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    Stargate Was Bad. Everyone on Earth should have been dead after they got back from Abydos with guts and lungs full of Abydos' virii. And everyone on Abydos should have been dead from Earth flu and/or HSV. Episode 1 of a Stargate rewrite begins as The Walking Dead and 28 Days Later.

    But then, this is true of literally every science fiction franchise involving beings physically traveling to differently evolved planetary biomes.
  • moonshadowdarkmoonshadowdark Member Posts: 1,899 Arc User
    Rewrite Batman v. Superman to be about BATMAN. VERSUS. SUPERMAN.

    "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"

    -Leonard Nimoy, RIP
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,502 Arc User
    Stargate Was Bad. Everyone on Earth should have been dead after they got back from Abydos with guts and lungs full of Abydos' virii. And everyone on Abydos should have been dead from Earth flu and/or HSV. Episode 1 of a Stargate rewrite begins as The Walking Dead and 28 Days Later.

    But then, this is true of literally every science fiction franchise involving beings physically traveling to differently evolved planetary biomes.
    Unless, of course, you examine Earth itself, and realize how very few virii cross species barriers - and these are species from the same evolutionary trees. It seems to me unlikely that a virus native to Algerderberon Eleventeen would find a human an at all congenial host; the biology would be all wrong. Rather, I think James White hit on something with his Sector General stories, in which it is preferred that doctors at the hospital be of a different species than their patients in order to minimize transmission of disease.​​
  • thekodanarmada#7342 thekodanarmada Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    jonsills wrote: »
    Stargate Was Bad. Everyone on Earth should have been dead after they got back from Abydos with guts and lungs full of Abydos' virii. And everyone on Abydos should have been dead from Earth flu and/or HSV. Episode 1 of a Stargate rewrite begins as The Walking Dead and 28 Days Later.

    But then, this is true of literally every science fiction franchise involving beings physically traveling to differently evolved planetary biomes.
    Unless, of course, you examine Earth itself, and realize how very few virii cross species barriers - and these are species from the same evolutionary trees. It seems to me unlikely that a virus native to Algerderberon Eleventeen would find a human an at all congenial host; the biology would be all wrong. Rather, I think James White hit on something with his Sector General stories, in which it is preferred that doctors at the hospital be of a different species than their patients in order to minimize transmission of disease.​​

    And then you have a Trek universe where the primary differentiation is forehead due to a single progenitor race, or a universe like Stargate where most people out there were taken from an actual Earth human population and resettled thousands of years prior. Species-hopping does exist as well as safe reservoir for one host that is transmitted to another species host.
  • This content has been removed.
  • bioixibioixi Member Posts: 764 Arc User
    jonsills wrote: »
    Stargate Was Bad. Everyone on Earth should have been dead after they got back from Abydos with guts and lungs full of Abydos' virii. And everyone on Abydos should have been dead from Earth flu and/or HSV. Episode 1 of a Stargate rewrite begins as The Walking Dead and 28 Days Later.

    But then, this is true of literally every science fiction franchise involving beings physically traveling to differently evolved planetary biomes.
    Unless, of course, you examine Earth itself, and realize how very few virii cross species barriers - and these are species from the same evolutionary trees. It seems to me unlikely that a virus native to Algerderberon Eleventeen would find a human an at all congenial host; the biology would be all wrong. Rather, I think James White hit on something with his Sector General stories, in which it is preferred that doctors at the hospital be of a different species than their patients in order to minimize transmission of disease.​​

    And then you have a Trek universe where the primary differentiation is forehead due to a single progenitor race, or a universe like Stargate where most people out there were taken from an actual Earth human population and resettled thousands of years prior. Species-hopping does exist as well as safe reservoir for one host that is transmitted to another species host.

    I'm a biologist and I tell you, viruses wouldn't be a problem for Earth humans, but they might be a problem for alien humans. Meanwhile Earth humans would be way more concerned about bacteria, protozoa and parasites.

    Viruses are very specific and it would be really hard if not impossible to find an alien virus capable of infecting humans, meanwhile it's likely that some of the alien humans are not inmune to some of the viruses we have on Earth and while it's plausible that we might find new strains of already existing Earth viruses that followed a different evolutionary path on an alien world, modern medicine and maybe our inmune system would be able to deal with them. Viruses used to be a problem when we didn't have vaccines and antiserums, now bacteria are a problem because they are capable of developing resistances to antibiotics.

    Bacteria, protozoa and parasites, now that's another story, there is a reason the most devastating plagues known to mankind are bacterial, like cholera, tyfhus, meningitis, black death and protozoa like Malaria and Leishmaniasis. Those pesky buggers can live almost anywhere, develop resistances to antibiotics and can easily adapt to different conditions, not to mention alien bacteria could theoretically infect humans. Viruses need to be able to take over a cell, use its "machinery" to produce more viruses, an alien virus would not harm us because it doesn't know how to do it, but bacteria, they just want the stuff we are made off, the basic building blocks. They make more bacteria by themselves and same goes for protozoa and parasites.
  • jtoon74jtoon74 Member Posts: 409 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    At some point or another, we all have a beloved franchise that, to our great disappointment, suddenly takes a massive turn in the wrong direction.

    If you could, what franchise would you rewrite, and where and how would you rewrite it?

    For me right now, it would be Resident Evil. While I enjoyed 4, I really didn't like that it started with an explanation that Umbrella had essentially died on it's own after Racoon City. 5 and 6 were just awful, so I won't comment on those further. What I would do is scrap everything after Code: Veronica, and state in the opening that Umbrella had managed to completely cover up their involvement in the Racoon City incident, while simultaneously pinning everything on Wesker, his S.T.A.R.S., and the rest of the Racoon survivors, essentially labeling them all terrorists.

    In this new timeline, the fourth game would involve the survivors from the previous games going into an Umbrella facility somewhere in Europe to look for evidence to clear their names and take down Umbrella. In the process, they would fall into a trap designed to use them to test new B.O.W.s. At some point, Wesker and his rival agency would infiltrate the facility and release the T-Virus, causing another outbreak while he executes Umbrella's top executives. In the end, Umbrella would be ruined, but the Racoon survivors would still be fugitives, and Wesker would be in possession of all of Umbrella's research.

    Later, whenever Wesker finally was dealt with, it would be WITHOUT a ridiculous mutation, as TBH he was more than a match for anyone just with the virus he already had injected himself with.

    Ate there any franchises you would change if you could?

    I quite liked RE 5, 6 was just appauling.

    About 98% of the Dr Who Stuff since the revamp.

    The Star Wars prequals and those new Disney things.

    All of Star trek ofter Voyger and Nemesis.
  • shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    The biggest issue i have with anything trek related these days, including sto is the addiction to "time travel".

    It's like they cant come up with anything without it involved.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,502 Arc User
    The Superman movie franchise. First off, Zack Snyder doesn't go anywhere near it.

    Now, we know that it's been too long since the Christopher Reeve movies, and the movie world must be brought up to date. However, we can't lose sight of what the character means - Superman is more than just a guy with enormous muscles and a cape, he's an icon. He stands for the best we can be. Accordingly, the infant Kal-El is found by the Midwestern farm couple, yes - but we don't write Jonathan Kent to be a Randian archetype. His concern should not be for whether Clark is being used, but for whether Clark is using his abilities for the betterment of man, rather than the betterment of himself. So while Clark might wind up running from his responsibilities, as shown in Man of Steel, it would be a personal journey of discovery, learning why these beings need his help, not simply hiding as his father taught him.

    When he gets his costume, the colors should not be muted. The character is bold and bigger than life - and his costume should be the same way. Bright red, bright blue, not the subdued dark pastels Snyder used. And while he may still be forced to kill Zod in the end (as he doesn't yet have the experience to stop another Kryptonian without that level of violence), he should be visibly agonizing about it, perhaps even weeping over the corpse afterward.

    And in the sequel movie with Batman (who does get the dark, subdued colors, because that's his iconography), while they might be manipulated into a fight, Supes should see through it pretty quickly, then try to get Bruce to stop (and Bruce then gets him to fake fighting more, while they figure out what Luthor's endgame is).​​
  • marcusdkanemarcusdkane Member Posts: 7,439 Arc User
    I'd make some tweaks to Season One of TNG so Beverly admits that Picard is Wesley's biodad, which some early stories hinted at trapdoors to allow to happen...
  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    jonsills wrote: »
    The Superman movie franchise. First off, Zack Snyder doesn't go anywhere near it.

    Now, we know that it's been too long since the Christopher Reeve movies, and the movie world must be brought up to date. However, we can't lose sight of what the character means - Superman is more than just a guy with enormous muscles and a cape, he's an icon. He stands for the best we can be. Accordingly, the infant Kal-El is found by the Midwestern farm couple, yes - but we don't write Jonathan Kent to be a Randian archetype. His concern should not be for whether Clark is being used, but for whether Clark is using his abilities for the betterment of man, rather than the betterment of himself. So while Clark might wind up running from his responsibilities, as shown in Man of Steel, it would be a personal journey of discovery, learning why these beings need his help, not simply hiding as his father taught him.

    When he gets his costume, the colors should not be muted. The character is bold and bigger than life - and his costume should be the same way. Bright red, bright blue, not the subdued dark pastels Snyder used. And while he may still be forced to kill Zod in the end (as he doesn't yet have the experience to stop another Kryptonian without that level of violence), he should be visibly agonizing about it, perhaps even weeping over the corpse afterward.

    And in the sequel movie with Batman (who does get the dark, subdued colors, because that's his iconography), while they might be manipulated into a fight, Supes should see through it pretty quickly, then try to get Bruce to stop (and Bruce then gets him to fake fighting more, while they figure out what Luthor's endgame is).​​

    Superman is probably my least favorite super hero, most DC heroes have almost god like power, which isn't something I like. However, thats some great stuff in there, and it would go a long way towards fixing Man of Steel.
    jtoon74 wrote: »
    At some point or another, we all have a beloved franchise that, to our great disappointment, suddenly takes a massive turn in the wrong direction.

    If you could, what franchise would you rewrite, and where and how would you rewrite it?

    For me right now, it would be Resident Evil. While I enjoyed 4, I really didn't like that it started with an explanation that Umbrella had essentially died on it's own after Racoon City. 5 and 6 were just awful, so I won't comment on those further. What I would do is scrap everything after Code: Veronica, and state in the opening that Umbrella had managed to completely cover up their involvement in the Racoon City incident, while simultaneously pinning everything on Wesker, his S.T.A.R.S., and the rest of the Racoon survivors, essentially labeling them all terrorists.

    In this new timeline, the fourth game would involve the survivors from the previous games going into an Umbrella facility somewhere in Europe to look for evidence to clear their names and take down Umbrella. In the process, they would fall into a trap designed to use them to test new B.O.W.s. At some point, Wesker and his rival agency would infiltrate the facility and release the T-Virus, causing another outbreak while he executes Umbrella's top executives. In the end, Umbrella would be ruined, but the Racoon survivors would still be fugitives, and Wesker would be in possession of all of Umbrella's research.

    Later, whenever Wesker finally was dealt with, it would be WITHOUT a ridiculous mutation, as TBH he was more than a match for anyone just with the virus he already had injected himself with.

    Ate there any franchises you would change if you could?

    I quite liked RE 5, 6 was just appauling.

    I just didn't like anything about 5. They said it was going to be just as scary with the day time setting, but it wasn't scary at all. It was also the game that fully pushed the series into full blown action, and I disliked most of the story, particularly the part when Wesker injected himself with the new virus, even though he was more than capable of killing Chris with his bare hands if he would just stop toying with him.

    To expand on my ideas for redoing Resident Evil 4, I would have the survivors split into two teams. The player would either be Rebecca, with Leon and Claire as supporting characters, or Carlos, with Chris and Jill in supporting roles. Barry would stay at the safe house with Sherry, since he's a family man he seems like the perfect choice to watch over the girl.

    Rebecca would encounter Wesker, and be manipulated with an "enemy of my enemy" lie into helping him, while Carlos would deal with Nickolai, who would survived Resident Evil 3. The game would end with Barry killed by Wesker, and Sherry being taken.
    Post edited by evilmark444 on
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
    ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    I think I'd rewrite the Battletech universe to get rid of the silly FedCom civil war. Trouble is, I have no idea what I'd replace it with.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    New version of Young Justice. Parts in green are new things, the rest is taken from the actual comics.

    Team leader: Cassandra Sandsmark
    Others: M'gann M'Orzz, Kara Zor-El, Conner Kent, Kaldur'ahm, Artemis Crock, Damien Wayne, Garfield Logan, Devastation, Tanya Wilson(new character)

    Story synopsis: a new war between the Greek gods and Titans is brewing. Cassie is the team leader in part for symbolic reasons, but also she's pretty much the most powerful member of the team. In this story she is more goddess than human. Not only does she have strength, speed and the ability to fly, as well as a few mystical weapons, but she can summon lightning much like her father Zeus, teleport, and has a sort of limited omniscience(she has to focus and concentrate to use it, but she can see almost anything or anyone almost anywhere).

    Tanya is a person who grew up thinking she was a normal human... But one day she met Cassie and shook her hand. Touching a demi-goddess awoke the latent Titan essence in her. Then she had a choice... help her kind destroy the mortal world she lived in or... fight them. She's very strong and tough, but also has the ability to control fire/magma and water/ice, which also gives her near immunity to those elements, and the ability to use them to levitate/fly.

    Devastation... well, she was literally created (by the Titans!) to be a supervillain(more specifically to kill WW). Why is she fighting them? Well.... Wonder Woman dealt her a morale shattering defeat that literally changed who she was. WW used time travel to add some of her own blood to the mystical concoction used to create Deva. The idea was to give Deva the ability to choose her own destiny and not simply live the life the Titans chose for her(IE being a living weapon). Deva was utterly horrified, and spent several years sulking instead of trying to kill WW. Now? The Titans have decided that she is a liability and tried to get rid of her, but not until after Cassie talked to her about the coming war. Well, actually, the Titans apparently decided to kill her BECAUSE Cassie talked to her.
    Post edited by markhawkman on
    My character Tsin'xing
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    Yeah. I'd have rewritten the Iconian War to be more of an epic finale after 4 or 5 years of plot build-up instead of rescuing Qo'noS followed by


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