Hello, on Tribble we released today a build which has updates made to the backend process of animation in STO. This should not cause any changes in game to how animations play visibly but the updates could cause new issues to surface.
Please use this thread to post any issues you may see. These issues could include how weaponry moves and fires, how clothing such as cloth moves, cutscenes, NPC movement, and structures that move.
Editted since I went back and played it a second time to see again.
Nouveau riche LTS member
With shocking regularity I see my ship disappear immediately, then the "space tracks" appear, fianlly the little vortex plays... and sometimes my ship reappears for a moment. It's not game-breaking of course, but I'd love to hear that's been fixed
I think the "talking over one another" thing was intentional. It really worked well imo to up the dramatic tension in the episode and make it seem much more like a real conversation, rather than a stolid scripted piece.
I noticed some lipsynching being a bit off and one of my boffs getting stuck in the engineer "fabrication deployment" crouch anim when he was killed trying to deploy something, but nothing other than that.
It has been many many months since the last time we've been able to change their length and thickness, having it locked on "freaking long" and causing the character creator to lag when trying to change it.
Now, when you jump, the tail suddenly and instantly gets lifted up, tip pointing upwards.
Currently, on the holodeck, it only starts to naturally raise up when you begin to fall to the ground after the jump.
It seems that they are already aware of this issue, but I have no idea when it will be fixed. See the link below:
EDIT: I just checked Tribble. The bug has not been fixed, but it's different now. The ship doesn't reappear during the final warp-out through the transwarp vortex.
- the running posture with one foot in the air
- the semi-crouched fighting posture
- the stance you had set in the tailor ("Standard", "Feminine", etc.)
The transition between these three postures is not smooth.Similar issues when you go from Walking to Running, there is a Small Studderstep. Also Occurs when starting off on a dead run from a standstill.
Will update with more.... its a really tedious process consider i can only have 25 per map....
Are NPC facial expressions broken?
Feature request: Can we get a true static stance in the tailor? The static stance on Holodeck isn't truly static: the character sways back and forth, and the eyes blink.
Also, when they change to the "Thoughtful" stance after jogging or running, the hands clip through the hips.
Many of the emotes in the list seem to do nothing right now, I guess not all of them are implemented yet?
The speaking animation seems to just move the mouth, while the teeth don't move.
The Lips of some characters with mouth protrusion at a low number vanish behind the teeth.
Can confirm this. I'm assuming this is a mistake, since the new stance doesn't fit the theme of the Seductive stance at all.
If it is intended to replace and it is a stance and not a misplaced animation, then it'd be better off being a completely separate and new stance on its own.
Pretty sure that'll get noticed quickly if it makes it to Holodeck.
I do kind of wish we had a Ponder 2 instead, as the original Ponder did have a nice repeating "ah, maybe!" moments in its animation that was useful for things like screenshots.
I'll go ahead and list the emotes I have access to on Tribble that don't have animations apparently attached.
Beg, Blow Kiss, Cheer, Combadge, Face Palm, Face Palm Double, Jumping Jacks, Paper, Point, Prosper, Push Ups, Rock, Roll Dice, Salute, Scissors, Shrug, Stretch, and Tug.
Though I don't believe Roll Dice, for instance, ever had an animation in the first place, but I'll leave it added above just in case.
Special emotes, former c-store emotes and others, I can't test on Tribble as I don't have access to them there currently, so please double-check on those. Specifically, AirGuitar, Bloodwine, Bow, Dance (Ferengi), Dance (Jester), Dance (Shuffle), Frustrated, ItsAFake, Khaan, Pick Me, Shaka, Shoo, and Vulcan Meditation.
(Also, just a vaguely-related suggestion, but could we get those c-store emotes re-added? I know more than a few people who would have liked to have gotten them.)
Besides missing animations, some seem a bit weird that I've noticed...
Mokbara has an odd issue when the start-up part of the animation moves into the main repeating part, when first begun. It repeats a little as if suddenly rewound and started over again when it should have moved on.
Qapla' and Yell appears to move in fast-forward. Various others seem to move a little fast, but I can't tell if they're maybe unintentionally fast or not, as these two seem to be.
I believe this has always been like this, but Sleeping doesn't seem to involve having closed eyes, and some species like playable Vulcans show clear signs of breathing while Andorians lie perfectly still.
Tricorder (Scan), (DataEntry), and (medical) emotes for TOS characters are holding the TOS tricorder incorrectly, clearly unintentional given how hand and fingers are positioned.
Dance_Fan, while now seeming to finally be a repeating animation (presumably, watched it for a little while, at least), still has the frond fans vanish after a few repetitions, thus doing the fan dance with nothing to fan with.
I tested this some more. The transwarp animation doesn't look right on Feds or Romulans either. The ship warps out before the vortex has time to reach full size. Also, the ship looks as though it's flying through a hoop rather than taking the transwarp gate to another destination.
Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.
I dare you to do better.
Another problem: Caitian tails are stiffer and more rigid on Tribble than on Holodeck when the character is running or jogging.
(I tested this in the morning before today's patch).
I'd been wondering why all the NPCs that are sitting seem to be sitting forward OUT of their seats, until I applied a sitting emote (specifically in this case the Sit (Captain) one) and discovered that it doesn't really sit you far back enough like it used to. Instead, it seems to seat players and NPCs alike further forward from the sitting point.
This means you're, at least, sitting on the very edge of a seat or at worse way off the seat and floating.
This lack of the mining drill animation occurred with three KDF characters and one Delta Recruit Federation character on July 9th, 2016 between approximately 19:30 and 20:48 US CDT. My ISP is AT&T. I have the basic level of service. Prior to the release of AoY, this disconnect of the mining drill animation and the minigame did not occur. While I was checking this, it appeared other players were experiencing the same effect. NPCs at the Federation Fleet Mine did not appear to be affected by this disconnect.
I play STO on an HP Pavilion laptop which has been upgraded to Windows 10.
CPU: AMD A10-5750M
GPU: AMD Radeon HD8650G
Because the only visible results I see is that most animations that don't consist in moving and shooting are more or less broken in many ways.
Is this now LIVE??? Has this been moved over to Holodeck???
I am finding some annoying animation related weirdness on Holodeck that did not exist before "the expansion" patch went live.
I have no idea where you need us to post what we are seeing...."Holodeck Gameplay Bug Reports" or "Holodeck Graphics and Sound Issues" section of the forums.
Please consider a post similar to this one but on Holodeck side, so people can find it and consolidate our reports. This Vanilla forum is difficult to search through...if one can even get search to work properly, and only if titles by authors make sense (a lot of which do not).
Most of it on Risa...which I am still doing (and as mentioned above by saurializard) unrelated to combat.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
- relaxed stance is broken, the animation has lost its fluidity
- animations are too fast.
- "run" stop after a moment, same thing for the risian floater, "move forward" stops (z key)
- the TOS boffs don't run
- driclae pup has a wrong animation (this pet uses now the alien dog animation)
- when a grenade is thrown, impossible to advance at the same time, like it was possible to do before the patch.
- when we shoot with a gun, impossible to crouch at the same time, like it was possible to do before the patch
- jump animation is weird and too slow, same thing when we fall from something
- risian cruiser wings animation is broken
- sometimes, the animation used when we throw a grenade doesn't work, the grenade is thrown but there are no animations
Well, now they've been fixed. Kinda hoping they get broken again. They're so exaggerated, I don't like them at all.
I should note that contacts using these animations are pretty twitchy right now, though.
Has that been fixed on Tribble?
First thing I spotted:
When holstering a weapon, the weapon just disappears and the hand remains in the drawn animation for several seconds afterwards. Also, as has been mentioned, sometimes when drawing a weapon, the animation happens twice. This also happens when changing weapons from primary to secondary.
The Mokbara animation starts, then resets and starts again a few seconds later. Seems to run okay after that.
Tricorder (emotes) - on KDF toon, the tricorder shows in the animation for a second, and then disappears.
(request) since we have the flip-a-coin emote, is it possible to have it randomly come up with a heads or tails message in the text? Sort of like Roll Dice comes up with a random number. Just thought it might come in handy and it should be a relatively minor text adjustment.