What next for STO?
Will we be able to fly ships from Babylon 5, Firefly or Farscape?
Obviously I don't mean this serious. And while the mirror universe has featured a lot in this game in those last years that I have wasted my life on it I am a bit sceptical about the alternate timeline.
Whenever there were changes in timeline all previous Things ceased to exist. To now have characters with Access to ships from both timelines somehow doesn't make sense in the ST universe - pls correct me if I am wrong here.
Or make a good storyline (not just: Q interferes or temporal Agent brings back ship plans)
Yes, I do like the way the ships look. But I have the "Highlander Problem" - if there can be only one, so how come each of the 327 films Ends with the last and final confrontation?
I know there are Topics about new series already - but I hope that this will be the Comedy Version of it. Write what else can be introduced into the game, now that credibility has gone
I am nt sure if there would be a chance for a Galaxy Quest spoof in this game. I think we can all agree that was one of the best Trek movies.
Star Trek has been not realy all that consistent what time travel does or doesn't do. You have weird things like a Temporal Police Force or something, that somehow can "retain the integrity of the time line" - as if one coudl exist outside of this universe somehow.
It seems that now the Kelvin Timeline and the Prime Universe are deemed as parallel universes/alternate dimensions, just like the Mirrorverse. Personally I dislike the excessive Mirrorverse focus (and how it "evolved"). The Kelvin Timeline seems will be limited to a single episode, I would probably enjoy a bit more.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
So another alternate timeline we could visit?
Won't happen, but it would kinda be cool. Well, as long as they keep Sorbo out of it. I was more a fan of his Nietzschean comrade and enemy. (What was his name again?)
Tyr Anasazi... not that I'm still an avid fan of Andromeda ten years after it ended or anything.
That's the one. I can't remember that I've seen the actor again in any shows. Unlike for example Lexa Doig (which admittedly is a bit more welcome sight for me.
they all disappeared again, didn't they? Once Things went back to normal. LEft no traces, did they?
but pls - this was supposed to be a Comedy thread, not discussing what is feasable/ which Company owns the rights of a certain series. I thought I had written that in the original post.
Actually, yes I did write that. I also pointed out there were plenty of Topics about that as well - but None that took the wee out of that.
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I think I heard he got into acting in soap operas, but since you couldn't even pay me to watch one I can't say for sure. And yes, imho, Lexa Doig is reason enough to watch almost any show.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Who you callin' penny-ante?
original join date 2010
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