Will there be a suite of TOS themed ship weapons available with AoY? For instance, we already have TOS Phasers, but will here be dual beam banks or cannons in the same style available? This will in all likelihood make or break my decision to use a TOS skin at T6...
What I mean is, will we see DBB's, DHC's, etc., in the same style as the TOS Phasers? Like how Andorian phasers come in all weapon types? I want to run the Theseus with the Perseus skin but if the only TOS phaser weapons I have are the beam arrays, I won't be able to do it effectively, so I'm hoping there are dual beam banks with the same visual/sound effect and damage type.
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Dual Beam Banks aren't the same as TOS phasers. The VFX for the TOS shows 2 beams per weapon from a single hardpoint.