Correct. Which is why I moved the body of the post, having accidentally posted here. If we had the facility to delete our own posts, I would have done so. As you can see, the hyperlink in the OP was modified to be a link to the new thread in Ten Forward. Best that can be achieved given the limitations present.
Hey no harm done. I really do wish we could delete our own posts, even if it was restricted to only posts without replies. That'd prevent this kinda spammy stuff I had to unleash.
Hey no harm done. I really do wish we could delete our own posts, even if it was restricted to only posts without replies. That'd prevent this kinda spammy stuff I had to unleash.
you can pm a mod and ask them to lock a thread you made
Be free and do what you want. I'm sorry if i was being snitchy.
you can pm a mod and ask them to lock a thread you made