None, but I'm guessing from the front page we're getting at least two new episodes to break try out.
It is possible they will not post patchnotes until after maintenance is done. I believe that is how they do it on Tribble. I can't imagine them just adding two mission to tribble and not tell us
Patching now, 975MB incoming.
I'm sorry to people who I, in the past, insulted, annoyed, etc.
Windows 10 Pro
Intel Core i7-5700
2 Titan GTX 980M GDDR5 8 GB
None, but I'm guessing from the front page we're getting at least two new episodes to break try out.
It is possible they will not post patchnotes until after maintenance is done. I believe that is how they do it on Tribble. I can't imagine them just adding two mission to tribble and not tell us
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