Hey guys, I love to play tactical-trek online just liek you, and just liek you I converted to the light-side of dps, and retired my tank/healer long ago into the old folks home now that I parse well over 100k... but I still need more. Killing everything in a few hits is not enough, I want a special "win the match" button that allows me to instantly nuke the map, nay, the entire galaxy while eating nachos or playing poker with my friends, because I'm beginning to feel that spamming the spacesbar all day is just too darn laboursome! Whether it's pvp or pve, doesn't matter, because I especially love stuff that instantly bypasses res/shields like a broken record. The best defense is the best offense as they say... or something like that.
My advice to come closer to our progressive/evolutionary dps realization is that we need 8 weapons to the fore, turnate of 50, longer and faster Frenzy, Improved Kemocite - and that it always procs on energy weapons, then BFAW would then be truly more like a space disco ball (but don't forget to sell it as expensive as you can on the exchange, because dps sells even better than sex). As for ground-wise Tactical Initiative should have a very small cooldown, moar summonable escorts and ambush definitely needs to upped to +1000% and make it tick 10 times! yusss, I luv it My teenage federation hormones go all crazy for this. I'll be sure to make another broken cookiecutter spammer at the upcoming feddy-based event. PLZ TAKE MY MONEY
Show me on the doll where the bad DPSer, Dev, PvPer, ERPer, or whoever else you're blaming for this "awful game" violated you.
via Imgflip Meme Generator
Move along.. Nothing to see here.
That's so last year.
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