Character: Level 37 Tactical officer
Ship: Long Range Science Vessel
Okay so I just got the game reinstalled and I'm lost as to what to do with my skill points. I'm fairly positive they were placed when i last played and now i have none placed and i have no clue where to begin. I'm wanting to run a DPS science vessel. Any pointers as to where i should place my points? And before i get any "use google" replies, I have. Almost everything i find on google is outdated.
(well, new to everyone who hasn't camped out on tribble)
I seem to remember that someone put together a skill planner tool a little while back, but I don't have the link handy.
I just finished the install like 15 minutes ago, i did not know it was that new. Thanks!
STO academy Skill Planner official and unofficial site for any needs of planning skills.
As for the respec, OP I would hold off on using it until you're at least level 50 if you don't like where your skills are at. At level 37, you have 13 more points to gain before you have all of them so you have time to figure things out.
Yes, listen to him. ^^
You are in the happy situation that you can learn with all us together, since we just today recieved a skill revamp.
I kinda hope someone (maybe even me) will put up some guide on how to convert an old build to the new system, but that won't help you much since you probably don't know your old build if you haven't played in a while.
I am not sure what your end goal is - will you stay with a Science Vessel even at endgame? OR will you later try out other ship types, or already have decided what you'll play eventually?
As a general guideline:
The first point in any 3-point branch will give you the most bang for your buck. So just spending the first point in any skill will not cost you all that much, but probably already benefit you if you ever use any of the abilities that are affected by that skill. This will be particular true in the first 3-4 skill tiers (up to Lt.Cmdr), I think. Afterwards, you might want to be a bit more conservative.
Since you're in a Science Vessel, the most important skills for a ship of that type ship will probably be Control Expertise, Drain Expertise and Exotic Particle Generator.
Good additional skills are Shield Restoration and Hull Restoration, Projectile Skill Training, Shield Hardness and Defensive Subsystem Tuning. This selection will buff pretty much your primary offensive and defensive science bridge officer skill you can slot, plus the weapons you are most likely to get the most out of if you are running low weapon power and high auxiliary power.
As you experiment with your build, you can probably best choose not to spend too many skill points and really just spend points in the first rank of each skill, just to get some benefit. As you find a play style, you can spend the rest. And if you screwed up, use that free respec - wisely. Ideally by then, you will have learned more yourself and the community will also have grown more accustomed to the system to give you advice where you are unsure.