please keep the settings between death, map changes and logins for:
- threatening stance (i'd also prefer that to be in the special ship powers tray)
- cruiser commands
- ship mode (tac/sci toggle mode consoles and the like)
- carrier commands
- summoned vanity pets
But I doubt the sevrer could handle that properly. Remember the issues we had before they changed a couple buffs, powers & mechanics to be less server straining?
And now imagine the server having to keep tabs on all buffs of all characters of all accounts 24/7. When you start to hink about it you'll realize how much this really is.
Earth dosen't have enough hamsters for this....
Currently, I'm specced for threat. It's always on and I like it that way. S11.5 will make it so I have to toggle it back on after every death or map transition.
Apart from vanity pets I already trigger all those things listed in OP every single time I load into a new mission/queue. That's before I can start buffing up or piloting.
They're toggles already, they just default to off. Allowing persistence of toggled settings would be good to have.
STO servers are more than capable of storing a few extra (kilo)bits of boolean values for these things. It's just a case of dev time and willingness.
say, an item takes 4 byte as pointer/id for its type (tetryon dbb, feline supplement 71, kinetic cutting beam), 1 byte mk level + quality, 4 byte for tech points, 4 byte for quality improvement chance, 4x 1 byte for modifier id (5th modifier is fixed by type, afaik). 17 bytes in total per item (this of course is just a guess, i don't actually know how they implemented this).
a t6 ship has up to 8 weapon slots, engine, deflector, secondary deflector, shield, power core, 4x device, 11x console, 2x hangar. 29 items in total. as not all are applicable, say 3 less, so 26 items per ship.
if the autofire data is also per loadout, that's another byte
loadout base data: 26*17+1= 443 bytes.
loadout name: 32 bytes,
loadout id: 4 bytes (player id), 2 bytes ship id, 1 byte loadout id -> 7 bytes
total loadout data: 482 bytes
ship name is 16 bytes. 4 bytes for (player) id, 2 bytes for the ship type itself, 1 byte for ship_of_player id -> 23 bytes
ship design and interior choice:
pattern and style are probably 1 byte each per node (saucer, nacelles, ...); i think at most 8 nodes, 16 bytes.
2 colors from a <256 palette; 2 more bytes.
hull material: 3 bits; window type: 3 bits; interior size: 2 bits -> 1 byte
interior type: 2 bytes (i think they've got more than 256 by now)
basic ship data: 44 bytes
total of all stuff that i could think of: basic ship data+loadout base data = 487 bytes (no saved loadout, only current fitting; each stored loadout comes at 482 bytes)
now the additional data: let's assume that "none" is no longer an option for the hangar modes and the cruiser commands; each has 4 possible states, so 2 bits. 2 hangars = 4 bits; cruiser commands, another 2 bits; threatening stance, 1 bit; ship mode, 1 more bit; total 8 bit = 1 byte.
active pets... that's going to be a bit more tricky. in space, you can have multiple pets at the same time, so we need to limit it somewhat. it be easiest if cryptic would eliminate pets from the actual inventory, and make them character unlocks. then, we can have a static list of possible pets, and a bit array of toggled pets. so, for each 8 possible pets, we'd need 1 byte to store the toggled state. i'd call that about 10 more bytes.
alternative: when you switch ships, the pet data gets lost. we need to store the inventory slot id for the toggled pets, and need to update them when we move the pet in the inventory (either clear the flag, or move it to the new position). so, max_inventory_slots bits. never tried to get additional inventory slots, so i can only guess that maximum will be 240 or less -> 30 bytes
so, from the data amount, the change would be manageable imo. heck, it'd probably be possible to "hide" the non-pet stuff in the 1st byte of the "tech points" int, when storing into the database... even though that'd be an evil hack, and someone would have to call the data field abuse hotline for that
as for the "in memory" amount, it wouldn't change a thing as those fields already exist there.
tl;dr: estimated storage space per ship/loadout would change by 0-6%, depending on pets and field (ab/re)use.
conclusion: i agree with eradicator84: it's probably more a case of cost/dev time availability as well as ui design/game mechanic considerations, not hardware constraints
new question arises: do we want this per loadout, or per ship? i'd say pets suffices per ship, but the rest ideally should be stored per loadout
sidenote: should my ballpark figure of ~500 bytes per ship be true, and sto has say 1 million accounts with an average of 10 ships each (not counting drydock, those need less), that'd be 5'000'000'000 bytes, or ~4.7 gigabytes of raw data, which is a single-sided single layer dvd. this basically screams for a "the ships of sto"-dvd!
How do I turn threatening stance off? I accidentally turned it on, and now I appear to be permanently stuck with it. It's incredibly annoying. All I can do is "Re-activate" it, but there's no option for turning it off.
Is there any way to get it to turn "off" again?