Hi guys, this time I'm askin you about a PVP Torp Boat version of the Alita Class:
Gravimetric Photon Torpedo Launcher
Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo Launcher
Experimental Proton Weapon
Terran Task Force Photon Torpedo Launcher
Qunatum Phase Torpedo Launcher
Quantum Phase Beam Array
Photon Torpedo Launcher [Acc][CrtD]x3
DEFLECTOR: Adapted MACO Positron
ENGINES: Adapted MACO Combat
CORE: Elite Fleet Reinforced (Shield + Aux) [W->S][W->A]
SHIELD: Elite Fleet Resilient
Proton Particle Stabilizer
Torpedo Point Defense
Destabilized Tachyon Emitter
Ferrofluid Dynamic Assembly
Quantum Phase Converter (to boost flow cap, phaser damage and complete the quantum phase set)
Restorative Particle Focuser [+GravG][Flow]
CC Multi Energy Relay (to boost torpedoes, radiation, and phasers: which get also buffed by the 2pc set power)
4x Vulnerability Locator (+PhP)
3x Projectile Weapons Officers [purple]
2x Mainainance Engineers [purple]
1x something to boost torpedoes or kill opponents shields xD
*3x Projectile Weapons Offs cause many of these torps, even being photon, have 8.5 secs reload, like quantums ... also, due to the ferrofluid assembly, I may want to fire them as faster as possible.
[Sup ROM Op] TAC Cmd: TT1 - TS2 - TS3 - APO3
[Sup ROM Op] TAC Lt.1: TT1 - APB1
[Sup ROM Op] TAC Lt.2: KLW1 - KLW2
[Human] ENG Lt.Cmd: EPtA1 - RSP1 - ET3
[Human] SCI: TacB1 - TrB2
*KLW = Kemocite Laced Weaponry, to further boost torpedoes and get the most out of the CC Multi-Energy Relay. Its also useful to further use Tactical Precision trait and have a TAC BOFF (which can be a Sup ROM Op).
*EPtA to boost Aux (for SCI Skills) and get the perception bonus, in order to find cloaked ships and bomb them with torpedoes.
*TacB = Tachyon Beam, to quickly kill enemy shields along with Destabilized Tachyon Emitter and Quantum Destabilizing Beam, to get the most out of the Flow Capacitors.
*TrB = Tractor Beam, to hold opponents still and unleash the hell upon them with the uber buffed photon torpedoes.
*Quantum Phase Set is to quickly kill shields and further use the flow caps, I placed them on the AFT cause they are not photon torps: their only application is in shield killing after the first raid.
*RSP is needed cause I won't have much shield cap on this ship, and I need it to survive for at least 2 raids.
- Precision (+4% crit chance)
- Advanced Targeting Systems (+16% crit sev)
- Torpedo Pre-Fire Systems (+15% torp damage)
- Omega Kinetic Shearing (DoT Damage for torpedoes)
- Tactical Precision (+3%/+12% Accuracy)
This is a fun build: I don't know if its really that good, since its more a vape build and there are a LOT of skills that f**ks up vapers and torp builds xD
I ran aft turrets with high flow caps etc and the tet-glider. CRF would cut the shields off anything short of a boss before the torps hit at a long range and as far as I can tell glider works without range falloff. Its probable that pvp opponents have more sense about shield heals though, its more useful against robots
Does it works good in advanced/elite STFs ?
I noticed that borgs don't have much shield, but there enemies like the undine and the voth in advanced/elite that are quite impossible to kill
However, there is the Neutron Torpedo along with its set which looks great, maybe on a SCI quantum torp boat.