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ok so they have been out a while.. are the T6 flagships worth it?

better to get the megabundle or individual tac versions? are the console sets worth while? don't know if i want to spend part of the tax refund or not


  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    As with many things in this game, "That depends..."

    That depends on if you're a Min/Max player. That depends if playing for a "theme" is more important.

    Longer explanation:
    First thing's first. It's long been established that ship set consoles are extremely rare to use as a full or near full set while still being great for maxing out ship performance. Personally, I can't think of any but I'm sure there are "okay" ones out there but none jump out in mind that makes me say, "If you fly this ship, you need to fly with the full set consoles because it's sooo good!"

    That said, the T6 Flagship Consoles are okay compared to other ship console sets. They surprisingly mesh well to surge combat power. However, the drawback is that it's tied to gimmick consoles which have active and cooldown timers. From a Min/Max POV, I would drop these consoles entirely to stuff in traditional power-build consoles that give fixed stats of what I want; Stats that will always be working for the build and not be rendered useless for periods of time.

    For the ships themselves, the SCI & TAC versions both have merits. The ENG version is garbage useless. In addition, the TAC & SCI versions have interesting traits that have applications on various ships and builds, not just the TAC Cruiser role.

    TLDR version
    So, OP... Full Pack or just the TAC version?
    - Full Pack if you will be flying different TAC or SCI themed builds, want the TAC & SCI traits, want the flexibility to play either Cruiser.

    - Full Pack if you were the type that enjoyed the Full T5 Bundle.

    - Single Ship Buy if all you're interested in is a single aspect with no interest in any other trait, console, etc.
  • horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    Thanks to both of you for asking and answering questions I had on these ships. I only play the tac variants but usually buy the pack so I can mix costumes and have one that is most appealing to my eye.

  • georikzaberiskgeorikzaberisk Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    Depends on which Faction you're playing and which ship you are talking about.

    As for me if you're talking Fed and you want a to have a gimmick set and a bit tight on other things I would refer to you the Command Battle Cruiser set. But I would only recommend it if you have the Kobali Ship. Yes technically it's not half bad even without the Full Command set but the 33% Energy Damage and other plus with the set is too hard to pass up... Unless you're min/maxing. Then again each of the console has it's uses and the clicky powers aint bad at all most specially if you have the 4th console. Just getting to get used to it that is the problem. It requires god judgement in when and where to use those clickies.

    Also since the CBC's are 11 console slots and if you're going to use the Presidio or the other faction equivalent it saves you a lot from buying a fleet version of any other ships.

    In the end of the day a T6 to me is just all about the 5th trait skill, the extra slots and the fact it saves you a lot when buying the fleet version. Since you can technically buy the fleet version with the extra slot and minor stats buff but it takes at least a T4 Starbase and shipyard to get those fleet versions and without buying the C-Store variant you wont get a discount on the Fleet ship module.

    So to summarize the plus of buying T6's are:
    1. If your looking for some good skills like like AHOC.
    2. If you're a themed player or just playing RP.
    3. If you want a decent ship that would save you a lot for that Fleet version.
    4. Aesthetic reasons.

    Granted all what I have said here are just some reasons base on what I experience and it may vary from person to person. Also the T6's aren't the all end game ships that one are over powered. They are great ships but not that unbeatable and the consoles that come with them aren't Leech Level in usefulness anyway. Which to me is something good since the Leech Console is something that actually ruined the game in my opinion. Why I think of it like that is for another time and another story.

    But yeah in the end the game is not really tied to T6's but rather most and foremost, the Weapons and the Consoles that increase your damage. Then Traits, Sepcialization, BOFF's and BOFF seats. You can have a T6 ship but you could still lose to someone who has a T5 if you don have those things I mentioned and yet the latter has.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    Thanks to both of you for asking and answering questions I had on these ships. I only play the tac variants but usually buy the pack so I can mix costumes and have one that is most appealing to my eye.

    You only need one to get access to all the other costumes. I have the science pilot warbird, and can use the costumes from the other two variants. Pretty sure the flagships are the same way.
  • squirrleytunicsquirrleytunic Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    From a Min/Max POV, I would drop these consoles entirely to stuff in traditional power-build consoles that give fixed stats of what I want; Stats that will always be working for the build and not be rendered useless for periods of time.

    For the ships themselves, the SCI & TAC versions both have merits. The ENG version is garbage useless. In addition, the TAC & SCI versions have interesting traits that have applications on various ships and builds, not just the TAC Cruiser role.

    Just wanted to say that the current top scores on both boards use two of the Flagship consoles with the console from the Krenim Science Dreadnought for the three piece bonus. I believe the CLR guys are using the Engineering version in their top runs, personally I fly the Flambard, and I know Tapper flies the Science Fed Flagship.

    There are very viable builds with pretty much all of the flagships, most likely making them best in terms of dps while taking a huge amount of aggro for all three factions. I bought the mega-pack day one, and would suggest thinking hard about it before just buying one variant.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    You only need one to get access to all the other costumes. I have the science pilot warbird, and can use the costumes from the other two variants. Pretty sure the flagships are the same way.

    Sorry, but this is not correct. In order to use the visual effects from the other ships in the pack, you must own those ships. That includes the Pilot ships as well. If you only purchase one of the Odyssey ships for example, you'll have access to that ships skin as well as the base T5 Odyssey skin. If you purchase the Tactical ship, you cannot use skin options from the Engineering.

    You can see the other skins in the ship tailor, but in order to put them on your ship outside the tailor you need to buy those ships.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    I bought the mega-bundle and it's been very helpful advancing my stable of captains which is spread out across all three factions. I like the ship skills a lot and didn't have a bunch of options previously available to me - that's really been the core of the value proposition for me. The admiralty cards have noticeably helped some captains I play less actively continue to level up by kicking the doors in on some of the harder admiralty tasks.

    I don't see any of my captains flying them on a permanent basis as each of my captains is built around a specific ship I wanted to fly when I made them, but the flagships are still fun to bring out from time to time. I'm satisfied with the purchase.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    You only need one to get access to all the other costumes. I have the science pilot warbird, and can use the costumes from the other two variants. Pretty sure the flagships are the same way.

    Sorry, but this is not correct. In order to use the visual effects from the other ships in the pack, you must own those ships. That includes the Pilot ships as well. If you only purchase one of the Odyssey ships for example, you'll have access to that ships skin as well as the base T5 Odyssey skin. If you purchase the Tactical ship, you cannot use skin options from the Engineering.

    You can see the other skins in the ship tailor, but in order to put them on your ship outside the tailor you need to buy those ships.

    Then I must be bugged, because I can use all the parts on my one purchase. And have.

  • eldritchxeldritchx Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    I think the Scimitar set is worth it, even if you have the T5 versions. You get an additional Lt or LtC power and 5 more subsystem power over the originals.
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    As before the science version is considered to be the greatest tank in the game last I checked.
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    It all depends on how important 3000 zen are to you, for a single toon players thats over 3 months dil to zen and an extra 3 months waiting, for the cash buyer its either trivial or you shouldn't be spending it on zen in the first place. Perhaps with season 11.5 coming they'll be a special cstore promo, one of those spoiler leaking websites suggests a class of ship is coming that would probably trigger a cstore promo, truth is the next promo weekend could be any time 2 weeks - 3 months away.

    The sci variant has a trait that anyone wanting to run a part gen/torp build will want, and once you want two the pack is the sensible deal.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    It's a good idea to wait for a sale, as always, otherwise... I think they are fine ships, with the Engineering variant perhaps the least interesting.

    They are certainly fun to play. I think the Federation ones are also pretty good looking and have lots of combination options (if you have access to all the skins).
    The Klingon ones have a few shortcomings, for example is the new Tier 6 Material still not available, and the Bortas Hull and Saucher just don't seem fit quite to the other variants.
    The Scimitar is not exactly my favorite, aesthetically speaking, but if the Scimitar was always one of the best ships in the game, the Tier 6 variants are not hurting it.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • captaintroikacaptaintroika Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    They are hot garbage, much like everything else with command spec slots. Though they are also bad for other reasons as well.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    They are hot garbage, much like everything else with command spec slots. Though they are also bad for other reasons as well.
    Of course, everything that isn't adding a percentage point to your DPS output in ISA is hot garbage, I think we all clearly agree with that. But imagine someone was pointing a gun at your head and told you to choose from the hot garbage option, which would you pick, what are the arguments that could stand in those ship's favour?

    Mustrum "Some people think it's all about DPS, these poor pepole don't realize that the real game is Space Barbie and there the Flagships are top quality" Ridcully
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    They are hot garbage, much like everything else with command spec slots. Though they are also bad for other reasons as well.
    Of course, everything that isn't adding a percentage point to your DPS output in ISA is hot garbage, I think we all clearly agree with that. But imagine someone was pointing a gun at your head and told you to choose from the hot garbage option, which would you pick, what are the arguments that could stand in those ship's favour?

    Mustrum "Some people think it's all about DPS, these poor pepole don't realize that the real game is Space Barbie and there the Flagships are top quality" Ridcully

    Well I mean, if the only trait you had equipped was Aux boosting your Damage, then that gun you were pointing might not do enough DPS for me to really be threatened by you pointing it at me, and I might be able to just solo the discussion!

  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    They are hot garbage, much like everything else with command spec slots. Though they are also bad for other reasons as well.
    Of course, everything that isn't adding a percentage point to your DPS output in ISA is hot garbage, I think we all clearly agree with that. But imagine someone was pointing a gun at your head and told you to choose from the hot garbage option, which would you pick, what are the arguments that could stand in those ship's favour?

    Mustrum "Some people think it's all about DPS, these poor pepole don't realize that the real game is Space Barbie and there the Flagships are top quality" Ridcully

    Well I mean, if the only trait you had equipped was Aux boosting your Damage, then that gun you were pointing might not do enough DPS for me to really be threatened by you pointing it at me, and I might be able to just solo the discussion!


    I... You... Err... :p
    Mustrum "Bang! Now you're dead! - Snippety Snip! Now you're a girl!" Ridcully
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • alcyoneserenealcyoneserene Member Posts: 2,414 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Reasons I went for full bundle:

    - Would have bought Odyssey 3-pack for sure, and one T6 Scimitar, but decided to add one more ship's price to equal bundle price and essentially get the 'starcraft' ships and all Scimitars as well; in retrospect, I'm so glad I did as to not miss out on KDF ones

    - Odyssey's my fav ship design and 3-pack all look incredible plus only had the Ops T5 for saucer separation and Sci variant is the only cruiser outside of the tal shiar BC with Sensor Analysis making it probably one of the best support ships. Surprised to hear people call it the best tank too as I was sure the Command Battlecruisers were untouchable for that role, and the Presidio alone is incredible.

    - Scimitar's my fav ship to fly cause of the challenge, T5 bundle clickies are situational (and I'd say outdated post-DR, wish they'd boost them significantly) but do add to the fun, T6 ones while not a fan of their appearance do seem effective plus they add all the things that rounds out the ship: Dmg/movement, Dmg Resist, and AoE control, so it covers its weak spots and strengths with them, plus the team support which contributes to why repetitive PvE is still fun

    - Bortasqu' never had one before, but if KDF ships are known for something, it's Birds of Prey and Battlecruisers and it really shows; models are very well done (minus remaining kitbash problem with T5 skin), and new turn rate is enough to point the ship at NPCs given you work the subsystem powers and cruiser commands on the fly, and unleash CRF3 while you soak up anything and everything they try to throw at you while watching the DHC continue to work on the eroded shield facing instead of having to retreat.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    If you want one for every faction (3 single ships), it costs almost as much as the megapack. You might as well put down the little extra to get them all.
  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    not if u already have the T5-U flagship
  • rojorrojor Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    If you are a completionist, dont get them as the 4th console from the console set is locked away in an unobtainable aniversiary ship, as it is with a few other zen store sets.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    I bought the Odyssey 3-pack, for sure. But, for some reason, they didn't give me the same thrill as the original Odyssey series. I took the Traits off of them, and that was pretty much it. YMMV, of course.
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    I was thinking about the mega pack because I love the Oddy, and my klinks and rom could always use ships and I have the command cruisers. I think I'll wait for a sale though
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    I was thinking about the mega pack because I love the Oddy, and my klinks and rom could always use ships and I have the command cruisers. I think I'll wait for a sale though

    Waiting is prudent for the reasons you mentioned and the fact that a new Lockbox is coming. Usually new C-Store ships come along with a new Lockbox, so wait and see what's hitting very soon.
  • jaturnleyjaturnley Member Posts: 1,218 Arc User
    I was thinking about the mega pack because I love the Oddy, and my klinks and rom could always use ships and I have the command cruisers. I think I'll wait for a sale though

    Waiting is prudent for the reasons you mentioned and the fact that a new Lockbox is coming. Usually new C-Store ships come along with a new Lockbox, so wait and see what's hitting very soon.

    There's a pattern. New lockboxes along with the season/half season updates every three months, with a new C-Store ship bundle the month after. Sometimes they throw in some extra stuff like one-off non-bundled C-Store ships or the bundle shows up a little early, but for the most part that's how it's worked since around the time PWE took over.
  • realastheearthrealastheearth Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    i would love to get the set;but after putting so much time,money and effort into my Oddys i have no desire to put them on the dhelf dor asthetics...but they are very hot looking.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    i would love to get the set;but after putting so much time,money and effort into my Oddys i have no desire to put them on the dhelf dor asthetics...but they are very hot looking.
    You can make your T6 Oddy look like the T5 one if you want.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    when will be the next sale, if you had to guess?
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