The first of my RSE missions, cross-posted from the
Foundry - Mission Database forum.
Mission Name: [RSE] Citizenship
Author: Gawain_VIII
Minimum Level: Any
Allegiance: KlingonProject ID: ST-HED5HZKHP
Estimated Mission Length: 30-45 Mins
This is the first mission in the [RSE] series, an alternative to the official Romulan storyline, where you are an officer in the Romulan Imperial Star Navy.This mission takes places prior to "Turning Point".
In 2409, [Nickname] is a civilian, working as a manager at a supply distribution facility on Rator III, the new capital of the Romulan Star Empire. Life is good, simple, uncomplicated... until the duties of citizenship requires [Nickname] and team to answer the call of service.
Go to the Rator System.
(Note: This mission has been updated, as of Feb 19, and it's name has changed from "Duty, Citizenship, Service" to just "Citizenship". Cleaned up the corridors to make movement easier, added some background material, new dialog, and optional tasks. Added a new map, more NPCs, & optional objectives. Fixed typos.)
*mumbles about dumb faction allegiance system in game and downs an ale*