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Paradox Frigates Option Proposal

Here is my case for why the Paradox deserves a Frigate option, and not just the Aeon fighters it comes with. Do correct me if I have any errors or omitted anything, or if you have any reason – with clear evidence - why having only fighters is appropriate.

This is not intended to fuel power creep even if it will make its flight deck more effective, but to bring it back on par with other ships in its class. I believe other ships have received improvements or corrections after the fact, so a change isn’t by any means impossible or unlikely to take place. A clear and very recent example is the Defiant receiving a proper battle cloak option after the fact to correct set bonuses that were previously mismatched to its capabilities.

T6 Lobi Paradox Dreadnought Science Vessel needs the ability to mount a new Temporal Destroyer Frigate option for its flight deck assuming that T5 Lobi ship is also owned on that character, and with skin options for each of the 3 factions (a tiny version of the existing ones).

1. Non-Carrier Dreadnoughts can also house frigates (ex. Annorax, Sheshar, Rezreth, Ateleth) and this is not Lockbox/Promo territory (Ateleth; also see point 3 below).
2. Other T6 Ships don’t need a carrier to port frigates over from (Sheshar, Annorax) or even require owning the Carrier either (Tarantula, Quas).
3. Paradox comes from a Lockbox-line of ships (Temporal Science Vessel) given the set bonuses it relies on, and deserves to be considered on par to other Lockbox-class Ships that come with frigates (Ateleth) or at the very least be on par with other Lobi ship capabilities that are not even Dreadnoughts but still can house frigates (Quas).
4. Flight Deck pets even come in ‘Heavy’ variety (Bastion) or with innate abilities to survive (Olean).
5. T5 C-Store Non-Carrier Dreadnoughts come with Frigates innately (Romulan Dreadnoughts with Frigate Drone Ships).
6. A captured mirror ship adapted with technology from the future mirror universe still only has T5 spec pets (ex. Spec Tree Abilities such as ‘lock on target,’ ‘scratch the paint,’ or timeship abilities) and with only 1 ability (THY2) not counting subatomic disruptor array, and no ‘eject tetryon plasma cloud’ either, while other T6 ships (Olean) get a brand new T6 level pet despite not even having a purchasable (lobi) or flyable shuttle version of the Castroi or Mobulai.
7. Paradox has no unique faction-specific skins, or bridge other than the standard temporal vessel one that’s either blue or red, therefore much development time could have been used to size down an existing temporal destroyer into a frigate.
8. Profits: Added incentive to acquire temporal destroyer to unlock frigate, and to open temporal boxes for temporal science vessels and completing set bonus; it would not interfere with Annorax sales (whenever promo comes around) any more than a lobi Ateleth would with a promo Sheshar, and they are different ships (tac vs engi secondary orientations, starship traits, chroniton lance).

It is a discussion on whether it should or should not receive such an improvement to its flight deck pets, if the proposal is sound and accurate, if additional information can be added to it, alternative improvements to Aeon pets or other pet ideas, and what this could mean for existing and future dreadnoughts, flight deck ships and even carriers in its class ballpark as this awkward transition to Tier 6 is still taking place.

Specs for Reference and Comparison at a Glance
T6 Promo
Annorax - Heavy Raider Frigates
Sheshar - Heavy Raider Frigates (if owning 1 of 2 T5 Elachi ships)

T6 Ultra-Rare Lockbox Carriers
Vonph – Frigate Raiders (if owning Baltim)

T6 Lockbox Dreadnoughts
Tarantula – Frigate: “The Tarantula allows you to purchase and slot Mesh Weaver pets innately.” No need for Recluse even.

T6 Lockbox Flight Decks
*Olean Escort - Fighters with Scratch the paint
Elite Xindi-Insectoid Castroi Fighter

Availability: Fleet hangar pet store
1x Plasmatic Biomatter Beam Array (Fore)
1x Quantum Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
1x Plasmatic Biomatter Turret (Aft)
Emergency Power to Shields II
Scratch the Paint
Beam: Fire at Will I

T6 Event/Exclusive
Rezreth Dreadnought - Raider Frigates if owning Sarr Theln & Plesh Brek (at least I think you need both)

T6 Lobi Flight Decks
Quas - Frigate Raiders (if owning Baltim Raider)

T6 Lobi Carriers
Ateleth - Frigates (if owning Narcine)

T5 Promo/Exclusive Dreadnought
*Bulwark - heavy fighters
[Fore Antiproton Array]
[Aft Antiproton Array]
[Aft Chroniton Transphasic Torpedo Launcher]
Beam Overload II
Emergency Power to Shields III
Emergency Power to Weapons III

T5 Lockbox Flight Decks
*JH Heavy Escort Carrier - fighters
Bastion - heavy fighters (see Bulwark)

T5 Lobi Carriers
Advanced Obelisk Carrier - drones (vr ones are free)
Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier - fighters, but can be upgraded to frigate JHAS pets if owning T5 JHAS
Recluse Carrier - mesh weaver frigates
Narcine Carrier - frigates


  • imperatorpaveliimperatorpaveli Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    The plesh brek pets only require owning the plesh brek raider and either the sarr theln or rezereth.

    nitpick, I know, sorry.
  • lordofhatslordofhats Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    I personally want to add that I would love the ability to launch Time Ship Frigates. That would be BA :D
  • harlequinpixieharlequinpixie Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    Frigates would be very nice indeed, as fighters last about 20 seconds these days. I gave up launching most fighters due to how quickly they die.
  • zombieman149zombieman149 Member Posts: 29 New User
    Nope, do not do the Frigates. No Frigates!
  • lilithene666lilithene666 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    I'd love to see more choices for hangar pets in general.
  • semalda226semalda226 Member Posts: 1,994 Arc User
    I like my Krenim Frigates though! WHY would I want more that don't have Viral Matrix?

  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    My gut response is that we'll see a Tactical version of the Paradox that takes its cues from the Wells instead of the Mobius and it will have fighter pets. And it will be an R&D pack prize.

    Mirror Mobius (Escort) -> Prime Wells (Science)
    Mirror Paradox (Sci Dreadnought) -> Prime ??? (Tac Dreadnought)
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I fail to see why the Aeon/Rozhenko fighters don't have Scratch the Paint. With how incredibly stupid hangar pets are, it should be required with all of them now there is a counter to the main thing killing them: warp core explosions.

    While the Nusuti pets made me like hangar pets, Aeons made me hate them again.
    Post edited by saurializard on
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