I have just spent well over 40 minutes trying to beat a Krenim warship. When I have to call upon nimbus distress call 3 separate times, scorpian fighters and fleet support to defeat one ship.. it's OP.
This reminds me of watching my brand new and expensive ( and not good value for money imo ) Voyager replica get destroyed in less than 3 seconds by a Vaaduwar Warship. That was when I decided to no longer be a pay to play player or spend more than minimal money on the game.
I'm pretty torqued off at the moment.. I predict that once again, I'll be denied the grind ship by some stupid snag. So, Cryptic.. that's why you aren't seeing me spend money on your game.
The krenim warship? Those things die quick. took me 2 or 3 seconds to destroy that. The annorax went down to nothing in about 5 seconds. You must be doing something seriously wrong...
We also have much power creep after 6 years in game however this should not lock you out of a story mission for as long as you don’t make any fundamental mistakes.
General and brief advice how to build powerful starships can be found here:
Even if you only follow 1/3 of it you should be able to cut through all story missions like buttah.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
...if you're an awesome DPS player. If you're one of the people that gets complained about in those "AAARRGG, sub-3K DPS in my STF!" threads, then not so much. (Or if you're someone in between those two extremes)
Personally, they weren't hard to beat (not like those darned Iconian cruisers/dreads) and didn't kill me, but they did take long enough that I could fire off at a few torpedoes in each fight. (I don't think I've "1-shot" any enemies since those frigate trios in the lv20-40 range...)
Thanks to the magic of BFAW I was surprised by how easy the combat was. I just tried to stay out of the scary red cone attacks (no idea if I needed to) and the ships died quickly though not 1-shotted. I was wondering why I was fighting single ships at several points instead of 2-3.
The Kremin are easy but the Nakul (destroyers) are not. You will notice when you are hitting them they keep coming up as immune. You need to destroy the "disruption" shadow first. Either that or wait for them to disappear.