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Borg Lock Boxs Ideas

We got Iconian And Everything What do We don't have Yup Borg. So Hope that Devs Would Find this and use it for later Updates.
Ship from Borg Lockboxs
Instead of Giving Ve'ger And make everybody super OP I come up with something What if You make the Already In game ship Turn it into Assimilate ship just like The tal shiar lock box. Here some of My ideas
Assimilate Galaxy class ,Assimilate Defiant class,Assimilate Intrepid class [T6]
Player would be allow to chosen one of the Ship only based on their Career.
it not matter if Player Sci Or Tac or Eng Player Still can have option to choose The Ship they wanted.
The Assimilate ship would have passive Ability such as Adaptable hull. or Bonus on healing. Adaptive Shielding.
Allow player reduce incoming energy damage the more they are fired at. And Adaptive Weapons is a Passive ability which increase Damage the more you fire at the Target (If player change target the process would be reset back to 0)
both 3 Ship would have The same console No matter what Just a few different on the Ship layout and build. Such as Assimilate Galaxy (Or any Cruiser of Devs choice)would have more based Hull and resistance.And adaptable hull. Defiant (Or any escort of Devs choice) would have better weapons penetration. And Intrepid (or any Sci Ship with Devs choice)With Better Shield draining make Shield draining Skill more effective.
These lockboxs ship would have custom interior which are Assimilate federation Interior.

For those KDF And Rom Would have the choice of ship based on they own faction. but Rom would be able to choose one of they choice of Allies Assimlate ship. (Such as Rom allies with fed would have chance to get one of 3 Federation Assimilate ship same goes for KDF allies)

Those Following are The main Ship that player would get if when they open lockboxs (Source like main price)
I also got an idea for an pet Assimilate Pet based on your Lucks Epooh Cat or beagle even Assmilate Targ Or Horta.
And Also They are another T5 ship as well This one a bit tricky but I tried to stay away from the Idea of giving player A Borg ship So I come up with two ideas One giving player an Assimlate Tuffi or the assimilate ship in Startrek Enterprise. If any of you have more Idea Just put it down in the thread.

For Lobi ship I still have no idea for it but Since We going with Temporal theme Why not Give us Assimilate Wells class I do have an idea for an console which are The Borg Temporal Drive Which allow player to travel into Time Vortex (Just like One of the console From Undine Lockboxs)

For kit I going with Assmilate technology theme one of them are assimilation nano probe release allow player to assimilate enemy for short period of time Allow them to fight for you for short amount of time And kill them In the Process (just like When you got assimilate by Borg Also Work with player in PVP to just The effect won't kill them in the Process. ). And Other is Borg Collective Jammer Allow player to Jammed Borg Drone and making them Disconnect from Collective and Help you fight for short amount of time. for more KIts Idea Please Put it down in dicussion.

For Lastly idea that I have Maybe Give us Borg Adaptive Armor With have Chance to give you Immune to Energy that you are being fired at for Short amount of time until it wear off. In PVP player are can used Re modulator to counter act this.

So if you have anymore Idea to this Lockboxs please put in the thread I hope that Devs would put take this Change it a bit and Put it in the game.
Later on.

P.S.I truly wish they are A Section for player Suggested Content because Player can be very creative with ideas.


  • cidjackcidjack Member Posts: 2,017 Arc User
    Someone else over a month ago suggested a Borg lock box. Sorry to say, but he did a much better job presenting his ideas, and still got no comment from the devs.
    Armada: Multiplying fleet projects in need of dilithium by 13."
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  • johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    I'd buy 50 keys just for an actual Horta bridge officer! The idea of walking around the bridge of my ship and seeing a Horta attempting to not melt the controls at the tactical station may make me laugh so hard I would rupture my spleen
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,421 Arc User
    We got Iconian And Everything What do We don't have Yup Borg. So Hope that Devs Would Find this and use it for later Updates.
    Ship from Borg Lockboxs
    Instead of Giving Ve'ger And make everybody super OP I come up with something What if You make the Already In game ship Turn it into Assimilate ship just like The tal shiar lock box. Here some of My ideas
    Assimilate Galaxy class ,Assimilate Defiant class,Assimilate Intrepid class [T6]
    Player would be allow to chosen one of the Ship only based on their Career.
    it not matter if Player Sci Or Tac or Eng Player Still can have option to choose The Ship they wanted.
    The Assimilate ship would have passive Ability such as Adaptable hull. or Bonus on healing. Adaptive Shielding.
    Allow player reduce incoming energy damage the more they are fired at. And Adaptive Weapons is a Passive ability which increase Damage the more you fire at the Target (If player change target the process would be reset back to 0)
    both 3 Ship would have The same console No matter what Just a few different on the Ship layout and build. Such as Assimilate Galaxy (Or any Cruiser of Devs choice)would have more based Hull and resistance.And adaptable hull. Defiant (Or any escort of Devs choice) would have better weapons penetration. And Intrepid (or any Sci Ship with Devs choice)With Better Shield draining make Shield draining Skill more effective.
    These lockboxs ship would have custom interior which are Assimilate federation Interior.

    For those KDF And Rom Would have the choice of ship based on they own faction. but Rom would be able to choose one of they choice of Allies Assimlate ship. (Such as Rom allies with fed would have chance to get one of 3 Federation Assimilate ship same goes for KDF allies)

    Those Following are The main Ship that player would get if when they open lockboxs (Source like main price)
    I also got an idea for an pet Assimilate Pet based on your Lucks Epooh Cat or beagle even Assmilate Targ Or Horta.
    And Also They are another T5 ship as well This one a bit tricky but I tried to stay away from the Idea of giving player A Borg ship So I come up with two ideas One giving player an Assimlate Tuffi or the assimilate ship in Startrek Enterprise. If any of you have more Idea Just put it down in the thread.

    For Lobi ship I still have no idea for it but Since We going with Temporal theme Why not Give us Assimilate Wells class I do have an idea for an console which are The Borg Temporal Drive Which allow player to travel into Time Vortex (Just like One of the console From Undine Lockboxs)

    For kit I going with Assmilate technology theme one of them are assimilation nano probe release allow player to assimilate enemy for short period of time Allow them to fight for you for short amount of time And kill them In the Process (just like When you got assimilate by Borg Also Work with player in PVP to just The effect won't kill them in the Process. ). And Other is Borg Collective Jammer Allow player to Jammed Borg Drone and making them Disconnect from Collective and Help you fight for short amount of time. for more KIts Idea Please Put it down in dicussion.

    For Lastly idea that I have Maybe Give us Borg Adaptive Armor With have Chance to give you Immune to Energy that you are being fired at for Short amount of time until it wear off. In PVP player are can used Re modulator to counter act this.

    So if you have anymore Idea to this Lockboxs please put in the thread I hope that Devs would put take this Change it a bit and Put it in the game.
    Later on.

    P.S.I truly wish they are can be A Section for player Suggested Content because Player very creative with ideas.

    Or you can do the Omega Reputation and get the Assimilated Set and make your ship look like it's been assimilated, plus all the gizmos available from such Rep, which by the way has been available for around 4 years!

    PS: Your wish for "A Section for player Suggested Content" is actually called the Feedback section in the forums.

    PPS: I really really resisted some serious head-desking when I read your post OP! Talk about inability to search for stuff that's already in-game and some serious grammar and spelling errors too! And YES, I know, Grammar Police, but I'm so claiming this one!
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • winsarun007winsarun007 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    I almost for got to tell you That 3 main ship Such as Defiant Galaxy and Intrepid can have 3 diffrent interior Galaxy Will have Enterprise D Interior that look like been assimlated. Intrepid would look like A Voyager Interior Only with Assmilate look into it.
    And Defiant would be Belfast Assimilate counterpart of it. Player will not able to access any other part of the interior Than The Bridge player would only be able to access These Following area.
    Intrepid: Conference room,Main bridge, ready room
    Defiant: Ready room And main bridge.
    Galaxy: Ready Room and Main Bridge.
    Even tho I want the ship to have The Engineering part as well. But it would be unfair for the player who paid for Those Interior.
    And Also You can hit easy button and And used the The Federation bridge that come with Every ship orginally and make it look assimilate but please I want to see more unique bridge in game. Also I want to add that the odyssey can have the Aquarius lnterior but Assimilate.
  • unotetsuunotetsu Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    I think a borg lockbox ship should be a variety of ships with fused assimilated consoles and assimilated set pieces in them.

    Like say for instance a Federation Galaxy Class with assimilated impulse, deflector and shields maybe warp core with values slightly higher than a Mk XIV Gold for each one. A Fused assimilated console + Cutting Beam and Borg torpedo (leaving 3 + 2 weapons slots avail) Maybe an assimilated tact plasma console and an assimilated neutronium console.

    All fused of course so that while it is a good ship you have to limit your build around a certain weapon type like plasma etc...

    So you could have the following:

    Assimilated ships: Fed Galaxy, Fed Nebula, Fed Excelsior, Rom D'dedrix, Rom Warbird (TOS style), Klingon Vorcha, Klingon Bird of Prey, Klingon Carrier (Cure found type), a few Delta quad assimilated ships and a Cardassian assimilated galore, and maybe an assimilated Jem Hadar Attack ship.

    Could be fun.
    I must warn you, I am quite Isane! I am Grand Duchess of the Abh Empire: Beneej Letopanyu Spoor!
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,421 Arc User
    unotetsu wrote: »
    I think a borg lockbox ship should be a variety of ships with fused assimilated consoles and assimilated set pieces in them.

    Like say for instance a Federation Galaxy Class with assimilated impulse, deflector and shields maybe warp core with values slightly higher than a Mk XIV Gold for each one. A Fused assimilated console + Cutting Beam and Borg torpedo (leaving 3 + 2 weapons slots avail) Maybe an assimilated tact plasma console and an assimilated neutronium console.

    All fused of course so that while it is a good ship you have to limit your build around a certain weapon type like plasma etc...

    So you could have the following:

    Assimilated ships: Fed Galaxy, Fed Nebula, Fed Excelsior, Rom D'dedrix, Rom Warbird (TOS style), Klingon Vorcha, Klingon Bird of Prey, Klingon Carrier (Cure found type), a few Delta quad assimilated ships and a Cardassian assimilated galore, and maybe an assimilated Jem Hadar Attack ship.

    Could be fun.

    Again, all this can be done with Omega Rep items.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    Assimilated ships are fine but actual borg ships get a big hell no from me. They are too big and just would not work as player ships.

    Besides, borg tech was so twenty years ago...
  • sparkysightssparkysights Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    I remember the devs saying they weren't going to do a Borg Lockbox in case they wanted to do a Borg faction. This was a few years ago.
  • kayajaykayajay Member Posts: 1,990 Arc User
    IF there was a Borg Lock Box...

    Borg outfit...aka, a BOFF suit and a choice of having an ocular implant. Oh and Borg assimilated ship skin option.

    Borg weapons, which work like the micro photon torpedo launcher...they look attached, etc.

    Like Kemocite, an enhancement that that gives your weapons more shield penetration.

    Something a assimilate an enemy on ground or space...on ground, it works like when you're assimilated and in space, like viral matrix.

    A universal console...could be launch a probe, a tractor beam probe or even give you an assimilated tractor beam or 360 torpedo tubes.
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