Hey folks!
With our update and everything coming up, we will once against temporarily be disabling UGC in STO in order to do Anniversary stuff and... other things. Also I have some Foundry stuff that I'm planning, but that's me being a tease.
~Morrigan "LaughingTrendy"
Foundry is, as i understand, the published content while UGC is the system to create content.
Thanks for the answer folks.
Other way around really. The tool is the Foundry, and user generated content is what it creates.
Looks like it's immediately. Even the published missions are down. With that in mind, will the rating system be temporarily disabled once Foundry comes back up to give us time to make sure nothing has changed to make our missions unplayable?
"No matter where you go...there you are."
"and...other things."
Would it have to do with a new Foundry search UI? (see sig below)
*hint, hint* *nudge, nudge* *wink, wink*
I'm just asking and/or speculating or guessing.
That would be so awesome
My character Tsin'xing
"User-generated content has been temporarily disabled; we apologize for the convenience. See this forum thread for explanation."
Uh yeah. that.