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Time for one of my regular irregular rants!

Some things have been lessening (destroying) my enjoyment of the game recently. Today, they all happened in the same instance, while trying to Finnish up the DUFF grind. Here in no specific order are the gripes of the month, week, and especially mostly today.

1) Some of us online like to "Role Play" the game! I am in this camp, unfortunately, we do not have a separate RP server as many other MMORGs have. Many things can detract from this enjoying past time for those of us who do like to RP our Star Trek Online. Among this the "drive by shooter!" I was running around the academy, for fun even running into the Commandant's office, like an overenthusiastic academy student may occasionally do. (I only did it once or twice to my CO, but the same thought is there). Only to have four or five players follow me in, and proceed to private message that there are no particles in there. This is more of the annoyance factor to have to reply back "I'm in RPG, I know." Because the absence of little floating blue orbs didn't tell me that.

But the even more egregious version of the "drive by shooter" was the person who decided to ride my Toon's behind for over five minutes, over and over again, calling in an airstrike from their star-ship, inside the lobby of the main building of the academy setting the whole 2x2 orb area ablaze. First of all, I would like to know how that happens without leaving an equally large hole in the roof and second and/or third floors. But as a level 60 Admiral, I should be able to finish off a single Klingon armed with a Mek'leth without the entire academy being wiped off the face of San Francisco Bay.

2) I do not speak German, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Lithuanian, or Estonian fluently. I did have three years of German in High School THIRTY YEARS AGO! I only had to use it once or twice in my life, and have kind of gotten out of practice. I will try to comprehend what is being said, and if possible answer back in English (maybe even German if I remember the syntax of what I want to say). But usually also respond with "Auf Englisch bitte." or "Ich spreche nicht Deutsch. (I don't speak German), or even "Ich spreche nur ein bißchen Deutsch" (I speak very little German), if I am feeling overly generous. I am currently learning Italian because I someday hope to visit Italy someday before I die, but so far I speak even less than I do German. If I respond in your language asking you to take the conversation to English, or telling you I don't speak your language; believe me! Telling me more in the same language does not help me. If you can't speak English, and I can't speak your language, and it is important; ask me to take it to Google where we can at least attempt a translation matrix.

3) I am not my Toon! - This is a good one for number three, because today the same person that did not understand this, did not understand problems 1 or 2 (0011 in binary turn on bit one, two, and is the numeric representation of three so I am reduced to making binary jokes. LOL)

This person who followed me so closely that my toon was being sexually assaulted every time I stopped moving, and calling in the firestorms, kept telling me in German "Ihre Alien hat einen schönen Hintern." and "Sie haben große Brüste". My Vulcan Female Admiral appreciates your interest in her looks and what you wish she were wearing, but I bet that she probably gets to hit the gym more than I do. Also, the reality of 50 years is never as kind as the image of what the game portray.

Not to mention that what is being said is and could be considered sexual harassment given a different context. I understand the whole geek Star Trek thing, and if your parts for your primary sexual hormone production have not yet descended, and you feel you have to resort to trying to pick-up people in a different language on an MMO game to get a girlfriend/boyfriend; you have my sympathy, my understanding. But just remember that Vulcan with the great rack, might be someones 50 year old grandma (or hey maybe grandpa, who am I to judge).

And yes, I did date someone that I met on another MMO, but we were friends for months before we even talked on teamspeak and found that we wanted to take the conversations elsewhere. There is a whole world of fantastic things that exist outside of the game. Go and find it!

4) Although I have been on STO since it went live, and purchased a life-time on opening weekend, does not mean that I am loaded. Do not ask me for Zen, EC, Lobi, Gold-pressed Latnium, Credits, Silver Pieces, Copper Farthings, Fennigs, or a Halfpenny in any other currency real or imagined. I worked for 30+ years before I found myself filing for disability after the accident. I haven't even had my case heard yet, so I have very little income. If I get a master key for a lockbox, it is because I farmed dilithium, or skipped movies, deserts, food, car payment, etc. to get it. Even my wealthiest toon has less that 1.5M EC. I play for the enjoyment, not to acquire the most toys, (I tried that in real life and it almost killed me).

5) Lastly, we all know that Arc Games and despite it's name Perfect World is anything but perfect. They are companies here to make money to pay stockholders. In doing so, they hire normal fallible, and on occasion; caring people. To put together something that we can all enjoy if we respect each other and enjoy the game, with just a hint of the community that Gene Roddenberry believed was possible in the human nature, even if it has problem manifesting itself all the time.

The companies are not perfect, neither are the code writers, tech support staff, secretaries, janitors, executives, and countless other people that these companies employ. Give suggestions on the boards, Yes!, find a glitch or better yet, a solution to one, Yes! Do like I do and come to the boards to occasionally complain (within guidelines), Yes! by all means. But to constantly bellyache, whine, complain, call the companies or employee's names in the Chat window, because you wish the Master-Keys were cheaper, or the DOFF event ran longer, helps no one. Least of all the moral and caring of the people that we rely on keep the game enjoyable.

(Soapbox off)


  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    'tis a fine rant.

    a fellow old timer
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • geezerpunkgeezerpunk Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Maybe in retrospect I should have cooled down and taken a break before ranting. But the fastest way for this game to loose people is to allow sexist and racist comments. Especially to those that are not entertained by them. It is no different than if I put up an avatar that some might find objectionable. People would get upset, get me banned and if things continued in that direction, quit the game.

    I thought I would say something as opposed to simply turning him over to be banned. Especially since he was in the same fleet as I am. Next time I know not to give them the benefit of a doubt, and just report it.

    Also, you can't tell me that you would enjoy having someone follow you through an entire mission, or worse a grind; and not allow you to play the game your way. You want to use a Bat'lith, but someone uses their autofire to get all the agro aimed at you and just waits around the next building to do it again. If we are unable to play in a way that is enjoyable to us, why play. Get enough people to leave and watch the game whither on the vine.

    Everything else was just as the title said, rants. If you look over my posting, You will find that I have never made a rant until today. I am sorry if my rant offended you.
    Post edited by jodarkrider on
  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    You do realise that STO and PWI/Cryptic are exactly what Gene Roddenberry would want/have expected/created? The vast monetisation of ST as a brand.
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


    '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
    'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
    'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
    '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    Look up star citizen. Might help.
  • theillusivenmantheillusivenman Member Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    geezerpunk wrote: »
    Some things have been lessening (destroying) my enjoyment of the game recently. Today, they all happened in the same instance, while trying to Finnish up the DUFF grind. Here in no specific order are the gripes of the month, week, and especially mostly today.

    1) Some of us online like to "Role Play" the game! I am in this camp, unfortunately, we do not have a separate RP server as many other MMORGs have. Many things can detract from this enjoying past time for those of us who do like to RP our Star Trek Online. Among this the "drive by shooter!" I was running around the academy, for fun even running into the Commandant's office, like an overenthusiastic academy student may occasionally do. (I only did it once or twice to my CO, but the same thought is there). Only to have four or five players follow me in, and proceed to private message that there are no particles in there. This is more of the annoyance factor to have to reply back "I'm in RPG, I know." Because the absence of little floating blue orbs didn't tell me that.

    They're being nice, I'd personally do the same. Don't blame the people for being nice. Turn off the chat box if you want peace.
    But the even more egregious version of the "drive by shooter" was the person who decided to ride my Toon's behind for over five minutes, over and over again, calling in an airstrike from their star-ship,
    He was even burning the whole ground for ya. Love at first sight! :p
    2) I do not speak German, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Lithuanian, or Estonian fluently. (...) or even "Ich spreche nur ein bißchen Deutsch" (I speak very little German), if I am feeling overly generous.
    I speak four languages fluently and English isn't even my main. I'll answer if I understand, if I don't, I'll just simply ignore the message, or politely explain I do not speak that language. There isn't a written Cryptic rule that states "talk english or you'll be banned", until such a rule gets forced upon players, I'll accept all people speaking their own languages. I don't see this an issue, and while it might be annoyance to some, people need to understand not all nations are the same and not everyone speaks or wants to speak, english.
    This person who followed me so closely that my toon was being sexually assaulted every time I stopped moving, and calling in the firestorms, kept telling me in German "Ihre Alien hat einen schönen Hintern." and "Sie haben große Brüste". My Vulcan Female Admiral appreciates your interest in her looks and what you wish she were wearing, but I bet that she probably gets to hit the gym more than I do. Also, the reality of 50 years is never as kind as the image of what the game portray.
    It's roleplaying really. He didn't sexually assaulted you, since you're not your character. He didn't sexually assaulted your character, because to do something like that, he'd have to be very corporeal (I was sexually assaulted in real life, so I can speak from my experience), and your character would need to be as well, and we're talkin pixels here. So yes, he was roleplaying. It's a game, and other people like to do other things in a game. If you think this is bad, you ought not to play Second Life. Solution? Ignore him ingame, or quite literally put to ignore list, if you're bothered by this so much. When something happens like that to me (and god all my chars are good looking and sassy women), I just laugh it out, or do a /dance, or some other roleplay, or if I'm not in mood, simply ignore. I'm not bothered by it, on another side of screen, it's not me whos out there, it's Cryptic's toon.
    Not to mention that what is being said is and could be considered sexual harassment given a different context. I understand the whole geek Star Trek thing, and if your parts for your primary sexual hormone production have not yet descended, and you feel you have to resort to trying to pick-up people in a different language on an MMO game to get a girlfriend/boyfriend; you have my sympathy, my understanding. But just remember that Vulcan with the great rack, might be someones 50 year old grandma (or hey maybe grandpa, who am I to judge).
    It's roleplaying and powerplay, you'd be surprised how many older peeps do it as well.

    4) Although I have been on STO since it went live, and purchased a life-time on opening weekend, does not mean that I am loaded. Do not ask me for Zen, EC, Lobi, Gold-pressed Latnium, Credits, Silver Pieces, Copper Farthings, Fennigs, or a Halfpenny in any other currency real or imagined. I worked for 30+ years before I found myself filing for disability after the accident. I haven't even had my case heard yet, so I have very little income. If I get a master key for a lockbox, it is because I farmed dilithium, or skipped movies, deserts, food, car payment, etc. to get it. Even my wealthiest toon has less that 1.5M EC. I play for the enjoyment, not to acquire the most toys, (I tried that in real life and it almost killed me).
    There's ignore list for a reason, if you're really bothered by it. Besides, I'll even give energy credits if someone really needs it for a honest and obvious reason, there was this guy who said he was saving for a fleet ship, but in his fleet no one was helping him, I gave him 2 fleet ship modules after couple of minutes of talking with him, he seemed honest and nice. 10 mins later he flies out of Qo'nos with his brand new fleet vessel all happy. And I was happy for him. EC is nothing and most of people sit on a pile of creds anyway, and even if I didn't have a bunch (which I do) I'm not selfish and that's the easiest thing I can do for someone.

    [Modded, to remove a reaction to previously objectionable material posted by another user]
    Post edited by jodarkrider on
    "Reality is a thing of the past."
    Proud supporter of equality for all human beings.
  • fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    Look up star citizen. Might help.

    I doubt. I have played several MMO's and you find everywhere people as the OP describes.

    About roleplay. I have played WoW for six years. I always rolled roleplay (RP) servers, but most players weren't roleplaying and it seemed also to me that the majority or a considerable group of the server base weren't even roleplayers. They didn't have a clue about the concept, meaning they were too stupid to pick the right server. And that is the truth we see from time to time. A) we are all different, B) most of us are stupid.
  • geezerpunkgeezerpunk Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    [Modded the content to avoid derailing/unnecessary inflamatory material]
    Post edited by jodarkrider on
  • sevenofnine13141sevenofnine13141 Member Posts: 4,273 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    [Modded, as it was a reaction to previously objectionable material]
  • geezerpunkgeezerpunk Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    Sorry, my bad.
  • jodarkriderjodarkrider Member Posts: 2,097 Arc User
    This topic is on the verge of being closed. Did a little clean-up.

    A friendly reminder - if someone posts an objectionable material, breaking the forum rules, please report their post by 'Flag' function at the bottom of the post. Don't react/quote it & derail the topic.

    Thank you.
    ~Your friendly Community Moderator. :smile:
    [10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.

    Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
    "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
    "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9] 
    "Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy

    Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider

  • sevenofnine13141sevenofnine13141 Member Posts: 4,273 Arc User
    geezerpunk wrote: »
    Sorry, my bad.
    I understand. There's sometimes the occasional player that sees people standing or walking and doesn't realize they're RPing. The language barrier between two distinct languages such as German and our own English language is also a pain to handle. Just, please keep rants controlled and don't post controversial stuff in a thread. It only causes problems. And I don't want a flame war raging in General Discussion. :#
  • sevenofnine13141sevenofnine13141 Member Posts: 4,273 Arc User
    This topic is on the verge of being closed. Did a little clean-up.

    A friendly reminder - if someone posts an objectionable material, breaking the forum rules, please report their post by 'Flag' function at the bottom of the post. Don't react/quote it & derail the topic.

    Thank you.
    ~Your friendly Community Moderator. :smile:

    And our friendly moderator comes in to solve the issue! Thank you sir. Apologies for the reply/quote back there. Just trying to prevent a flame war, sir.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    geezerpunk wrote: »
    (Soapbox off)

    wall of death text about oneself?

    ive been around for 4 years now. i guess another of the old timers on this game and take it from one to another; there is one thing you should not discount, that ultimately what you do is your business because no one is going to help you out if you are in trouble. in knowing that, you could save yourself a lot of trouble instead embarrassing yourself on the forum by realizing that its just a temporary thing that wont last very long and its best to be ignored.

    seen too many people reacting to things and posting silly things that is seen as trying to get the last word or some other damned thing. just cut it off and dump it and then move on.

    if you are lucky enough to find yourself in a good fleet, take advantage of the time you have with them when you can, because it wont last, it never does.

    thats all i got.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    geezerpunk wrote: »
    Maybe in retrospect I should have cooled down and taken a break before ranting.
    Then it wouldn't be a rant.

    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • bernatkbernatk Member Posts: 1,089 Bug Hunter
    Well, that's what you get if you play in noob places. (In every MMO not just STO.) Just keep a good 5 LY distance from ESD. Use K-7 or First City as main hub.
    I myself mainly play on Kobali (I just love that place), I use Delta Command center for main hub and K-7 and Ganalda station for turning in smuggled goods. If I need training manuals I buy it in First City on a KDF toon.
    ESD = cesspool. Absolutely beautiful map but the trolls made it their nest.
    Dahar Master Mary Sue                                               Fleet Admiral Bloody Mary
  • kerygankerygan Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    are so many romanians in game , that you mentioned them ?
  • khan1000khan1000 Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    Look up star citizen. Might help.

    When it's finished in 30 years.
    Fear the Dominion
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    Sadly, a reality of gaming is annoying griefers. Even more so in F2P. At least STO has Instances (in most cases) and you can just pop over to hopefully ditch the annoying ones. I don't spend alot of time on ESD or at SFA so have not really had much issue with them other than the occasional Ignoring of some Goldseller.
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,467 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    'tis a fine rant.

    a fellow old timer

    It most certainly is a fine rant.

    As for Germans, just tease them as they have no sense of humor anyway ;)
    Likewise for the French, Italians, Russians <add numerous countries> with the exception of the Netherlands and England.
    When you come across someone from either of those countries be sure to praise and worship them as you are now in their exalted presence.

    Long story short, there are plenty of idiots so switch off zone chat and find people to relate to.

    P.s. you should have added a warning that your ranting was infectious.

    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • jbmonroejbmonroe Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    In nearly 20 years of online gaming, I think I've seen it all--and it's been a lot like the OP's complaints. It's been worse in other games. (I'm pretty sure that one time in City of Heroes isn't even something I can write about in these forums--suffice it to say that I suggested multiple times that the other party involved seek counseling at a minimum, and reported his behavior and requests to the game mods.) I had someone try to pick me up on Starbase 39 a few years ago, but that's probably as much an issue with how dull the place is as anything else. The funny thing is--I was playing a Vulcan. Yeah, dude, like that's gonna work.

    And then there was that Teutonic PVP-hound who insisted on directing everyone in an STF. As I'm naturally the sort that bristles at being told what to while I'm on my leisure time, I politely asked who'd died and left him in charge. He responded with a load of bluster regarding how we should go to a one-on-one PVP match immediately following the STF so he could "show me how the game is supposed to be played." I declined, commenting that I didn't feel any particular need to pander to his elaborate revenge fantasies. His response was something like the invitation of that fellow at Starbase 39--but more succinctly put, if you take my meaning.

    As recommended elsewhere: zone chat powers, deactivate! (Hey, where else ya gonna get a Superfriends reference this early in the morning?) Also, if you have a gaming keyboard, program this in as a key macro in case of emergencies: Lassen Sie mich allein, du krasse unbeholfene Narr. Sie haben die feineren Qualitäten einer seekrank Dachs mit Verstopfung.

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