So, I'm pretty sure this has been said before and some of you know... but for those that had the tinfoil hat like I did and didn't really looked into No Man's Sky yet... this'll blow your mind off as well...
No Man's Sky is a upcoming survival/adventure space video game... it is a procedurally generated galaxy with over 18 quintillion (1.8×1019) planets...
That's a hella lot of planets...... soo much that it would nearly take a human being 5 BILLION years to visit each and every planet the galaxy has to offer...
What do you guys think???
Any of you will try it when it's released?
No Man's Sky could just as well let you realize there are billions of worlds but they essentially are all the same or the actual gameplay sucks. Might be a good endless roguelike space game but who knows.
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Still, I would love it if it were good.
Oh, and Spore. I still believe in the concept behind Spore. What a disappointment.
Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
Or did you mean Black & White 2? Now there's a disappointment.
No, I was talking about Black and White. Liking the game is not really a counterpoint, taste is different and of course one is allowed to like everything they wish. But if you compare the hype (or take another Molyneux, Fable) to the actual product you'd wonder how the designer still leaves the house and didn't hide in shame in his basement
Whenever people create hype threads on the basis of advertisments (and yes, magazine preveiws are also advertisments, they make money that way) or even trailers (last game I fell for a trailer was "Philipp K. Dicks' UBIK) one has to remind them to think. Don't fall for ads, don't fall for "early access" just think.
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My first real dive into the realm of fiction writing was a fan-fic of Black & White which gradually morphed into its own thing. It was terrible (I was 15), but it was my first serious creative project.
Still more Molyneux hype? Godus. I went "YAY" when I found out about it and "ugh" when I saw it played.
Horizons should satisfy the explorer in me a little more, with the ability to land on rocky and ice moons with a rover but it's still a game with much to improve on before it's a game changer for me.
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Star Citizen promised so much but now seems to be disappearing in its own controversy. I've unsubscribed from its new letter as I seriously doubt it will launch, or if it does it will be drastically cut back in scope.
I'll reserve any decisions on No Man's Sky until its at least in beta.
But the thought of having to spend 5 billion years to travel to all planets, that itself is.. More than intriguing.
Indeed, in the beginning will be fun but after you have done the same thing 20 times, the fun is over. One single type of weapon, one single type of ship, how long you think will last before become BOOOOORING!!!?
Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
Like others I hope it will be available on the PC, as outside of STO and World of Warships this is the only game I have been interested in. In fact if the exploration lives up to the hype that has surrounded the game so far then it and STO would make for me the perfect match - NMS for the exploration and STO for the pew pew, ships and everything else that it offers. Will NMS replace STO - hell no I think we have all invested too much into STO to just give it up but will they compete with each other possibly, but that in itself would be good for STO because the DEV's would be forced to see what works in that game and make STO better as a result.
So from where I'm sitting it's win-win!
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