So it's been about a week since the Mirror Invasion event has started and here's everything I noticed:
1.) Despite all the OBVIOUS problems with the last Mirror Invasion event, nothing was changed or "revamped" like the announcement said it was, unless you count the fact they just replaced the Typhoons with Command Cruisers. That's about it really.
2.) AFK players aren't suffering any consequences for not doing anything.
3.) This event takes way to damn long up to the point it drains you that you don't even want to look at this game when your done with all your characters. I have 9 and I know people that have more than that. Imagine how they must feel doing this every day for 2 weeks.
4.) This whole event just negates the STFs like Counterpoint (not like that was giving much rewards to begin with) and the Battlezone. I got enough marks for all my characters to complete the new Reputation and I have no need for new gear.
5.) Oh, and Obisek seems to be missing some VO in a few areas.
And after all the complaints this event has been getting this week, IN ADDITION TO THE LAST TIME WE GOT THIS, the patch notes for tomorrow (November 12th) don't indicate that ANYTHING is being done to fix this stupid STF! Why didn't you just use the new Counterpoint STF instead of this one!? This whole event feels like it was thrown at the last minute because you didn't fix ANY issues with this, there was no warning of it coming which completely threw me off my Dilithium Bonus Weekend, and we just got a new Reputation with new STFs and a Battlezone, so why give us an event that just gives us easy marks anyways?
I agree, it needs a complete revamp from the ground up.
I actually don't mind the STF itself, the problem is how they put an event for us where we have to do the STF over and over for 2 weeks for the reward. The Crystalline isn't so bad because it can done MUCH faster, the players you get aren't AFK (at least as much) because you actually HAVE to kill the Crystalline to beat it, and doesn't have a fixed timer you gotta follow. So doing that on multiple characters doesn't drain your soul as badly as this one does.
I mean now you've got multi mission explorers using science trickery, Galaxy classes using scramble sensors, even manticores in there too.
There's definitely more AI variation and they aren't just mindless idiots like they were last year.
I'll admit though that other aspects need to be updated.
Set the number of rifts to close at 25 or whatever and have the timer end once that is done.
Or end the timer once the station is fully powers up.
The dreadnought section seems fine so no change there. It's just the sitting round waiting people are hating.
Peeps should simply queue up freely and equally distributed over the queue list to cover their marks and/or fun needs. Cryptic should stick its head to see to it that all maps roughly reward the same under consideration of the times involved to run them. They already did so with a few but hardly with all.
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What makes it so tedious are in my opinion two main reasons:
A) The first part of the mission is completely obsolete. You cannot fail it and you cannot earn more or do any good by doing it - the 20 marks it gives are in no way enough to motivate people to actually play, hence the many complaints about AFK players. Why does this mission "trap" teams that are able to eliminate the threat during the time limit in said time limit? The event should auto-advance once all portals have been closed, allowing teams to clear it faster. The time limit ensures it is automatically advanced after 10 or 15 minutes so that's the maximum time this stage takes. - I feel this change alone would eliminate a lot of complaints.
With those changes the event is fine as it is. Change and new missions are always appreciated, but the basic premise of the MI event is not broken, just questionably executed.
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1) Story-Wise, that's how long it takes for the station to charge up its Tachyon Emission.
2) It time-gates the mission so people can't get rewards faster than expected.
Question is - is the time gate needed? Crystalline Entity doesn't have that, either. Maybe that bothers Cryptic already, but if not, ditch it in the Mirror Universe event, too.
If it is needed, ensure that there is something to do for people in that time, and that they also earn somethnig for it. And no, 5 minutes sitting around or flying pirouttes in pilot ships is not the appropriate reward. I can do that around ESD, too.
Open more portals, and give additional rewards. Or add an extra special mission component if all the portals get closed early.
I have to agree. I can only stomach doing this on my main character this time round, and even then I begrudge doing it. No way I am doing this on my alts.
this. But Admiralty must not the only way to grind dil etc in this game. we still need events, but the "14 days events" are obsolete now, and totally boring.
Make the mission advance faster when portals are closed, then people will close them.
On Normal, there can at least be 5 minutes or so and no portals open, so i think there is an ending at that difficulty level, but I've seen this happening around different numbers of portals closed. (28 seems to be a reasonable figure, though).
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Best match, was the one where 2 guys dropped out at the very start, only a 2 minute wait that time.
One of the things I love about "The Cure", the better you play, the faster you finnish. Then on to the next map and see how fast you can do that one.
Please Cryptic, take note, for many of us, timegating the newer maps make them less fun to play, and, it seems to me, reduces the incentive to 'play hard' or improve your flying skills (dare I mention AFKing).
... not to mention to buy ships or sink dil into upgrades, yea.
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