Since you so kindly induced us to create more alts, it became a bit harder to do the event on all alts.
would be most appreciated the ability to claim "Mirror / Crystalline" item rewards on other alts in the same account.
as it happens with the account claimable ships.
keep up the good work
That being said, the Mirror event is not as generous as the CE event time vs reward wise.
I don't care too much for the marks and Dilithium. It's a nice bonus, but it's not "do it 5/10/15/20/[# of a alts] x a day"- nice.
I salute you, that requires some serious determination.
I'm already on verge of saying "f**k it" despite doing it with only 4 characters.
Excellent Idea with 15 toons I have felt the burn a few times