Do not know if this was mentioned in some distant past but has there ever been any plans to introduce this feature on other planets? I would love to see Earth, Vulcan, Nimbus, New Romulas etc with a night and day cycle. As far as I know, Risa (and I think it's just the seasonal version) and maybe Bajor that has this. Is there some difficulty to having this done? If so is it a lag issue or just a script issue via shading?
"There is iron in your words of death for all Comanche to see, and so there is iron in your words of life. No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men. The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life... or death. It shall be life." - Ten Bears (Will Sampson)
It would be nice to have more night and day cycles on the various planet maps.
(But yeah, salespeople on Risa don't sleep either and it would probably look great)
It's mostly a time and resource issue.
If it takes X time to make a good looking skyfile for a single time of day, for a given planet. It takes (roughly) 24X time to make a full day/night cycle that looks good and works well for the same planet.
I can appreciate that, I however (can't speak for anyone else) would be cool with the sun on one side of the sky in the morning , the other in the afternoon and darkness for night. I know that doesn't say much, but 3x the effort is better than 24x, right?
I suppose there would be other variables such as lighting (from streetlamps to torches) that would have to be reviewed as well as the lighting and shadows they would generate from day/night cycle as well as the time those particular scripts would be activated. Also if you had a reflective surface such as a mirror or water I would guess that they would have to be modified as well for realism.