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Duty Officer Missions nerfed more?

rannositarannosita Member Posts: 12 Arc User
Am I just unlucky tonight, or are duty officer missions nerfed even more with the update?

First with the sector update it became a real pain to try and find any maruading missions worth doing (disable freighters, raid colony, etc.). I'm still not having any luck finding a spot to go for those.

Now I log in and fly around Qo'nos and then out to DS9 and I found a total of *TWO* missions for 50 dilithium ore. No mission for 250 like I normally find around 8pm Eastern, and only two for 50 through all my department heads in various sector blocks.


  • rannositarannosita Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    I tried a couple more characters, and I found a few more but they still seem to be tough to find compared to before the sector block changes.
  • borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    1) A thread almost identical to this one is posted after every. single. patch. Stop it.

    2) "Nerf" indicates purposeful intent behind a change that is somehow detrimental to players. To my knowledge, we have -never- changed the Duty Officer system in such a way, without fully announcing and documenting such changes.

    3) If you're really just after Dilithium, I find you'll have better luck contacting your Operations and Engineering Department Heads.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,748 Arc User
    1) A thread almost identical to this one is posted after every. single. patch. Stop it.

    2) "Nerf" indicates purposeful intent behind a change that is somehow detrimental to players. To my knowledge, we have -never- changed the Duty Officer system in such a way, without fully announcing and documenting such changes.

    3) If you're really just after Dilithium, I find you'll have better luck contacting your Operations and Engineering Department Heads.

    A somewhat acerbic reply to a simple question, with all due respect.

    I mean, since the sector space update, we have to go to "sweet spots" or our subcontacts to find many of the missions that used to be in sector space. SO his question, albeit possibly repetitive, does have some basis in validity.
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    1) A thread almost identical to this one is posted after every. single. patch. Stop it.

    2) "Nerf" indicates purposeful intent behind a change that is somehow detrimental to players. To my knowledge, we have -never- changed the Duty Officer system in such a way, without fully announcing and documenting such changes.

    3) If you're really just after Dilithium, I find you'll have better luck contacting your Operations and Engineering Department Heads.

    I believe I know why there have been a high amount of these posts of late. With the release of the Sector Space revamp, there has been a constantly high amount of "Purchase Prototype" and "Deliver Prototype" duty officer missions everywhere KDF side. Sometimes I have all 18 variants of "Purchase Prototype" available at the same exact time. Prior to the sector space update I'd only have 1-4 of these on average at any given time. In many cases these "Prototype" assignments are almost the only thing showing up in the "sector" tab. url="http://imgur.com/a/yuxDH"]Here are a few screenshots for an example.[/url

    Also some parts of the Alpha Quadrant, particularly around Deep Space Nine, don't have any "sector specific" duty officer assignments (Officer exchange, Jevonite, 20 hour diplomatic missions) and typically have generic assignments instead (Data samples, evaluate credentials of <profession>, purchase prototype, etc). The truly sector specific assignments can only be obtained by going to very specific coordinates (usually about the size of 2.5 light years in size) within the Alpha Quadrant. The Minor Korva sector for example (linked in the above screenshots) had no sector specific missions when I visited it today. The same thing happens in the Beta Quadrant, but to a lesser degree.

    As you say though, this is indeed not a nerf, but rather a side effect of the sector space revamp.​​
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    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • rannositarannosita Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    It's not just dilithium though. The commodities and other items from the maruading missions are useful too. We're talking about *TINY* little areas you have to hit sometimes to get the missions to pop up. I'll be traveling along in sector space with the duty officer missions up and then have to hit all stop immediately or I'll fly too far through them. Sometimes I then have to back up to get them to show up again.

    It's not just maruading missions either. Trying to trade officers with the Cardassian, Bajorran, and Wadi contacts are all touchy sometimes. Trading officers around is a cheap way to get better duty officers for your crew. Sure it takes a long time to get the ones you want, but it's a lot cheaper than buying very rares off the exchange.

    There are other missions too around there that act the same way, like the Ghosts of the Jem'Hadar assignment chain.

    I like flying around space as much as the next guy, but I like to know where I'm going and not be lost looking for that sweet spot in sector space to make the assignment possibly pop up.
  • sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 750 Arc User
    Okay, was about to start a new one, but I guess this one is close enough. Of course it had to be on page two!

    Can't seem to pick up a good number of DOFF missions anywhere after the update, it's spotty at best.

    Used to grab a fair bunch of DOFF missions and log out. Just a little of this, and a little of that. Now with the new season ( New Dawn), the pickings are almost as anemic as can be, like one or two DOFF missions where you had a full page earlier. I sure hope no new ( Admiralty) systems are based on letting the blood out of old and working material, to look more shiny and glorious, that's not quite an "upgrade" then! More like a partial replacement!

    In short: Varus, where are my DOFF missions!
  • jormunrekjormunrek Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    looks like they removed all of the crafting resource doff missions.
    And haven't tested enough to say for sure but looks like deep space has been drastically reduced (use to getting multiples not singles of crafting mats).
  • sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 750 Arc User
    Apart from the mandatory Dilithium, the contraband, and the rare BOFF mission opportunity, I have almost nothing up and running now. That's a little sad, not to speak of an enormous waste of a system that come with so much potential.
  • borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    The Assignment issues that arrived with S11's launch will be investigated. They were not intentional.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
  • sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 750 Arc User
    The Assignment issues that arrived with S11's launch will be investigated. They were not intentional.

    Thanks for removing that boulder from the shoulder! Temporal affairs is after all something that time itself can handle. :-)
  • medli1medli1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I have also noticed a precipitous decline in the availability of doff missions. Allied Sphere Space was always a great location to do doff missions for R&D materials and just in general. After the update however the number of "Current Map" missions there and elsewhere have declined to *maybe* two or three and low yield garbage missions usually. If this was not intended I hope you can rectify it quickly.
  • mulgannon2mulgannon2 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Yea I was wondering where like 90% of the Doff missions went. If I spent all those fleet credits for the extra doff missions then I wasted those credits.

    Where did those missions go? And hitting the sweet spots that was mentioned above, I hate that. If you wanted to make like a Quadrant wide mission availablity, and say the old sector blocks, personal and department heads, that probably would of been better. Would make me fly around to the different areas in search of more missions rather than flying around to find and mark a sweet spot and try to always hit that spot.

    Even reverse sometimes does not work for me. Frustrating. Hard to find certain chains. I just hope the Doff missions return. And I think I am already going to write-off this admiralty system. Although it looks cool, I think its more of a hassle than anything. Its good to be able to make use of older ships, but at the same time, the maintance times are laughably high for those of us with few ships, and dont have the disposable incomes like some do.... Its hard for me to even justify sending ships on those missions. But I guess the extra specialization points will be handy, but I think its a system I would rather not invest into, personally.
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