Hi folks,
most of you know that playing PvP has become hard to play because of all that broken and OP stuff
Some people in the German community had the idea "Hey, why should we play with those things when there might be another way"
Then we founded "STO-Bplzplatz" but there aren't as many German PvPers as here are, so I got the idea to make it an international event
The "Bolzplatz" will take place every second and fourth saturday each month at 5pm UTC, invites to matches will be sent through our channel (named as the event: STO-Bolzplatz), most people there are German by native but speak English, so you don't have to speak German
Before telling more about this, here we have the rules (which should exclude most bad stuff):
1.:T6-Ships are not allowed
2.: a) TIF is not allowed
b) AMS is not allowed
c) Graviton-Pulse is not allowed
d) R&D particle emission plasma torpedo is not alled
e) Yellowstones are not allowed
f) Phase Decoupler is not allowed
g) Plasma Proc embassy consoles are not allowed
h) Neutronic Torpedo is not allowed
i) Isokinetic Cannon is not allowed
j) Players are not allowed to equip more than 2 pieces of iconian reputation weapon/weapon/console set
k) Blackhole is not allowed
3. a) Players are not allowed to use more than 2 ship traits
b) Both versions of temporal insight, tactical retreat and the Zahl cruiser trait are not allowed at all, even if you have no traits but these
- Failsafe Scrambler is not allowed
- R&D science, shields and engineering traits are not allowed
4. Players are not allowed to use bridge officer skills that come out of a lockbox or are rewarded for completing story missions
5. Pilot spec must be used as secondary specialization
6. a) D'kora EMP is not allowed to be used with Aux2Bat
b) Scramble DOffs are not allowed
The German forum thread can be found
here, I hope, some people from here will take part to have some PvP fun without broken things (first "bolzplatz" will be 8/8/15, we'll meet in Quark's Bar)
(Pleasd excuse language mistakes, I do not speak English by native)
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Totally agree. When I was doing PvP (pre-DR and before the crafting revamp) I would have laughed at someone wanting to do a spike damage science build. Science should be supporting the real damage dealers (Tacs), controlling the battlefield and/or being secondary healers.
Anyways my view of PvP is old fashioned, before Cryptic messed it up. I won't be participating in the tournament, mainly because my characters are so far behind all the stuff I would be a liability to my team.
In an ideal world it'd be great having science vessels as support only. However, the game has shifted against science officers over the years to the point where countering science abilities were easy and the science vessel was obliterated. You have escorts and destroyers flying around the battlefield at 95-180 impulse while all other builds are flying around at 45 impulse. There are over two dozen ways to make oneself immune to all forms of control in the game right now. Between these two things, that effectively makes Gravity Well, Tykens Rift, Tractor Beam, Photonic Shockwave, Tachyon Beam, and Charged Particle Burst worthless.
However, Tractor Beam Repulsors, Scramble Sensors, Viral Matrix, Energy Siphon, and Jam Sensors are still quite effective against such opponents. Oh, but wait, there's a duty officer called Keel'el that removes all debuffs "40% of the time" with EPtX, but everyone knows there are certain seconds in a minute that will always make it proc. Then you've got the intel trait that removes 1 debuff with every tactical ability activated. Both of these things on top of existing counters. That leaves Tractor Beam Repulsors and Scramble Sensors if you use the cooldown increase duty officer (delays Keel'el).
TRB alone isn't going to kill anyone though and a true science ship won't have any pure tactical consoles. This means the science captain must rely on torpedoes to deal real damage. The best torpedoes for this is the R&D Plasma Torpedo (buffed by particle generators), the Neutronic Torpedo (buffed by Flow Capacitors), the Gravimetric Torpedo (buffed by Graviton Generators and Particle Generators), and the Hargh'Peng Torpedo. This list has banned both the R&D Plasma Torpedo and the Neutronic Torpedo. That's like banning escorts from using Dual Heavy Cannons.
A science vessel that's not contributing damage to neutralize a target before it's debuffs are cleansed is a worthless science build. The only exception is science healers.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Spike science multipwn build pre DR and pre R&D revamp from 13min:37sec
Not to mention Isometric, crushing GW and superpwn tricbombs even way before romulans.
The only difference between then and now is that ships have 50-100% more hull and you can put 600 instead of 200max prtg.
and yeah, no players.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
In our defense nobody could have anticipated the @#$% Season 9.5 and DR would bring into the game.
I just wanted to let everyone know the rules have been replaced:
1. Ships:
a) Any ship is allowed, including T6
b) Ship Traits are not allowed, same for ship-specific abilities (pilot maneuvers, chroniton lance,...)
2. Equipment:
a) Any equip is allowed, up to mk xiv gold
b) Any weapons are allowed
c) Any batteries are allowed
d) Any pets, excluding those introduced after DR, are allowed
e) Embassy plasma proc consoles are not allowed
3. Traits:
a) Any traits, excluding failsafe scrambler and blaze of glory, are allowed
4. Skills and BOffs:
a) Any ability that was in the game before DR is allowed, this means abilities that are rewardes by missions, boxes and specs are not allowed
5. Spec:
a) Intel must be primary
b) Pilot must be secondary
6. Additional:
a) TIF is not allowed
b) EMP + Aux2Bat is not allowed
c) Scramble DOffs, Aux2SIF placate DOffs and any DOffs that are ultra rare or gold are not allowed
d) Phase decoupler is not allowed
e) RnD science, engineering and shield traits are not allowed, also, emission plasma torpedo is not allowed
f) Console switching is not allowed
If you need all that junk to be good at PvP with a science ship then wow. My PvP science ship would thrive under these rules.
But Zan, PvE and FAW require mad piloting skills!
Ok seriously I can't say that with a straight face.