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Fleet Promotions

I run a small fleet and since we now have armadas to contribute to that has raised the problem of how do I promote people in my fleet now? We used to go by contributions but that's been taken off the table.

I'm looking for some ideas on other ways to people can earn promotions. Timeframes? Accolade points? What works for the fleets out there? Have any ideas I haven't mentioned?

Thank you so much for any advice. =-)


  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    You can still go based on contributions, since there is 2 ways to determine a player(s) contributions towards your fleet.

    1 is the leaderboards, while the other is in the member roster, there is a spot you can click on the far right of the example member that usually says member comments, click here and scroll to total contributions, click this option and it will display the total contributions in FC earned by this member!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    You can still go based on contributions, since there is 2 ways to determine a player(s) contributions towards your fleet.

    1 is the leaderboards, while the other is in the member roster, there is a spot you can click on the far right of the example member that usually says member comments, click here and scroll to total contributions, click this option and it will display the total contributions in FC earned by this member!

    Yeah.... his point was kinda that Armada contributions also show up here.

    OP: You should wonder yourself some questions. These are not meant to say anything bad about your fleet or leadership, but as reflective questions that might help you answer your own question.
    1) Will Armada contributions seriously hurt your fleet? As in, would it be bad to promote people on working on the Armada, thereby increasing the bonusses you have for your fleet?
    2) What do members gain by getting a promotion? As in, do they just gain unlocks in bank access/provisioned stores, or is your system more suited for Fleet Event creation access and such? AKA more social based?
    3) If you change your system radically, how would it impact your current members positions and rights?

    For my fleets, the Deltas, we found great armadas both Fed and KDF side, with us taking up Beta positions there. We disabled incoming Fleet mark and XP contributions from other fleets in the Armada, same they did. So while doffs, dilithium and EC stuff (the less contributed stuff) can flow around, it doesn't do this a lot. Most members earn their promotions with Fleet Marks and XP, which they only have a place for in our fleet, since the rest is just filled up by the other fleets themselves. But then, our promotions unlock nothing except more bank access and the ability to buy from provisioned stores. For the rest, each of our members is valued as much as the rank above or below them, myself in leading position not excluded. Mostly, promotions with us are some nice Fleet titles (so to say).

    In case you want to wonder how our system goes, click http://deltafleets.webs.com/information <--that. Its a proven system that has worked in this form or a slightly different one for over 2 years now. We got no problem with people who are promoted, nobody is leeching our provisions, in fact we are getting so many we don't know what to do with them. But that is explained with having a large amount of people per fleet, in T4 or T5 fleets, with non-stop provisioning projects running to allow people to contribute.

    In case you have further questions, either ask them right here, PM or mail me ingame (@rahmkota19 as well). To answer them better, I would like to know a little bit more about your fleet (amount of members, ranks and promotion requirements per rank, level of holdings), just to help you to the best of my ability.​​
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    1) Will Armada contributions seriously hurt your fleet? As in, would it be bad to promote people on working on the Armada, thereby increasing the bonusses you have for your fleet?

    I was wondering this too. If you used contributions before, why change it now? Why not count contributions to the Armada?

    Your fleet shouldn't be penalized for contributing to the Armada. If all your active holding projects are full, they shouldn't have to wait to contribute when fleets in the Armada could use the resources.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    1) Will Armada contributions seriously hurt your fleet? As in, would it be bad to promote people on working on the Armada, thereby increasing the bonusses you have for your fleet?

    I was wondering this too. If you used contributions before, why change it now? Why not count contributions to the Armada?

    Your fleet shouldn't be penalized for contributing to the Armada. If all your active holding projects are full, they shouldn't have to wait to contribute when fleets in the Armada could use the resources.

    Just in case this does in some way hurt his fleet, you can always disable specific outgoing contributions, until no harm is done anymore.​​
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    You can still go based on contributions, since there is 2 ways to determine a player(s) contributions towards your fleet.

    1 is the leaderboards, while the other is in the member roster, there is a spot you can click on the far right of the example member that usually says member comments, click here and scroll to total contributions, click this option and it will display the total contributions in FC earned by this member!

    Yeah.... his point was kinda that Armada contributions also show up here.

    OP: You should wonder yourself some questions. These are not meant to say anything bad about your fleet or leadership, but as reflective questions that might help you answer your own question.
    1) Will Armada contributions seriously hurt your fleet? As in, would it be bad to promote people on working on the Armada, thereby increasing the bonusses you have for your fleet?
    2) What do members gain by getting a promotion? As in, do they just gain unlocks in bank access/provisioned stores, or is your system more suited for Fleet Event creation access and such? AKA more social based?
    3) If you change your system radically, how would it impact your current members positions and rights?

    For my fleets, the Deltas, we found great armadas both Fed and KDF side, with us taking up Beta positions there. We disabled incoming Fleet mark and XP contributions from other fleets in the Armada, same they did. So while doffs, dilithium and EC stuff (the less contributed stuff) can flow around, it doesn't do this a lot. Most members earn their promotions with Fleet Marks and XP, which they only have a place for in our fleet, since the rest is just filled up by the other fleets themselves. But then, our promotions unlock nothing except more bank access and the ability to buy from provisioned stores. For the rest, each of our members is valued as much as the rank above or below them, myself in leading position not excluded. Mostly, promotions with us are some nice Fleet titles (so to say).

    In case you want to wonder how our system goes, click http://deltafleets.webs.com/information <--that. Its a proven system that has worked in this form or a slightly different one for over 2 years now. We got no problem with people who are promoted, nobody is leeching our provisions, in fact we are getting so many we don't know what to do with them. But that is explained with having a large amount of people per fleet, in T4 or T5 fleets, with non-stop provisioning projects running to allow people to contribute.

    In case you have further questions, either ask them right here, PM or mail me ingame (@rahmkota19 as well). To answer them better, I would like to know a little bit more about your fleet (amount of members, ranks and promotion requirements per rank, level of holdings), just to help you to the best of my ability.​​

    Armada contributions, only show up in the leaderboards, and not in the actual fleet member roster listing!

    However, any and all contributions to any other fleet(s) in the Armada, adds to the member(s) total contributions even in the roster listing as well!
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    1) Will Armada contributions seriously hurt your fleet? As in, would it be bad to promote people on working on the Armada, thereby increasing the bonusses you have for your fleet?

    I was wondering this too. If you used contributions before, why change it now? Why not count contributions to the Armada?

    Your fleet shouldn't be penalized for contributing to the Armada. If all your active holding projects are full, they shouldn't have to wait to contribute when fleets in the Armada could use the resources.

    Just in case this does in some way hurt his fleet, you can always disable specific outgoing contributions, until no harm is done anymore.​​

    This is good advise, if they feel the other fleet(s) in the armada are chewing up their ability to contribute, than they need lock those projects down for themselves!
    Post edited by shadowwraith77 on

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • groomofweirdgroomofweird Member Posts: 1,045 Arc User
    I am the fleet leader of one Alpha fleet Fedside and one Beta fleet Klinkside.
    When it came to the armada, honestly I didnt change a thing. I (we), have always promoted based on overall holding contribution from each member.
    As others have mentioned you can find this in the roster dropdown menu, its quite easy to select that option, then click on the rank column and scroll through the roster looking for numbers above the current level requirement for the rank above the one the player is at.
    When it comes to things that tend to fill quickly ie (fleet marks) and a few other things, you can disable armada contributions as I have seen some fleets do in our Armada Fedside, and we have done from time to time in our fleet Klinkside. For us at least we have never complained when fleets in our armada have done this, I get it, people want to save the easier stuff for thier members, so there is no problem. And nobody has complained when we have done this Klinkside.
    I know I'm prettymuch just repeating what others have said but I thought it might help to hear the voice of one more fleet leader.
    "If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
  • sle1989sle1989 Member Posts: 552 Arc User
    If I am not mistaken you can limit what people in other fleets in the Armada can donate to your fleet. For example, you can make it so that fleet marks are only allowed to be donated by members of your own fleet.

  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    1) Will Armada contributions seriously hurt your fleet? As in, would it be bad to promote people on working on the Armada, thereby increasing the bonusses you have for your fleet?

    I was wondering this too. If you used contributions before, why change it now? Why not count contributions to the Armada?

    Your fleet shouldn't be penalized for contributing to the Armada. If all your active holding projects are full, they shouldn't have to wait to contribute when fleets in the Armada could use the resources.

    Just in case this does in some way hurt his fleet, you can always disable specific outgoing contributions, until no harm is done anymore.

    This was going to be my point as well... for example, I disable outgoing dilithium and doff contributions (these take the longest to fill, as well as disable incoming fleet mark contributions (for 24-48 hours of a new project to give resident fleet members a chances for.

    I, for one, still use the contribution amount as one criteria for advancement. It doesn't matter to me where they donated, our fleet or the armada... they are still contributing to the whole.​​

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • fatman592fatman592 Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    We just kind of promote based on whether the player is active, and the duration of their membership. Generally, up to Commander comes monthly, then we give the Captain rank to anyone who is fairly active in chat or our forums (after a certain period of time). We dropped our minimum contribution requirement some time ago too... the contributions will come, since people want fleet credits. It's really up to leadership to use the tools given to limit outgoing contributions and to limit projects by priority.

    But we're super casual and are maxed out, so what works for us may or may not work for you. Good luck.
  • admiralkogaradmiralkogar Member Posts: 875 Arc User
    Not sure if any of this is useful to the OP, but here goes.

    For Armadas I consider myself to be very much a novice.The other day I did tell all the folks in my Fleet to show a big welcome for our new Armada member, and we put in some of everything, including Fleet marks and dilithium. Normally, I would freak out quietly in my mind if WE missed ANY Fleet marks or dilithium, but I want to see if this Armada thing is really good, and there is no reason to wait for others to prove, or disprove the idea.

    However, I do not base promotions in my Fleets proper, on JUST donations, or leaderboards. Some of my best producers use alts for farming things with 20-24 hr cooldowns and such. You know that happens, no big secret. However what I really look for is honesty, friendliness, willingness to share useful knowledge and experience, unexpected generosity to nuggets in terms of gifted gear, or even lock box ships, that sort of thing. Even still the rank structure is fairly open.

    My original FIVE for my Fed Fleet had the top three ranks. Leader (me) Quartermasters (2 others) and Senior Command (2) others, and they are all almost the exact same thing with about one or two permissions different. We add slowly to the Senior Command over time. Flag Officers are the next down from there and have a whole lot of permissions, and practically free run of the bank. Commissioned Officers are Flag Officers in training. The lower two ranks are for new people, with the lowest having almost no permissions. Everyone can chat, so anyone can ask questions. Buying from stores starts at Rank 2.

    We are a small Fleet and don't spam invite. Sometimes our Fleet chat is dead, and sometimes we have a rip-roaring good time because we have enough of us online. We have kids in our Fleet. Providing a good game environment for them is part of my duty as a leader. We have hard edged DPSers in our Fleet, and casual players, and part of my duty is to see they mix well, and respect their different goals. Leadership and teamwork skills are most valued.

    I promote the people who I feel will protect and serve the main values, and goals of the Fleet to Senior and above. I recognize material contributions as well, but they don't need much rank to buy stuff in our Fleet, so Flag Officer is good enough for most others. If someone wants to be a Senior Commander, let them tell me both why they need it, and what they have done that reflects good leadership. I am always approachable. My door is open :)

    Also, large promotions are voted on, and must be voluntarily accepted because we do expect you to use your authority if we promote you. I had to practically beg one of my Senior Commanders to take his post, because he was happy at Flag, but I wanted him to have Senior authority if it was ever needed, and he is utterly trustworthy. Not the highest contributor in earning Fleet credits, but an individual possessing greatness of character.

    That works for us well enough.

    So recap.
    People you trust to make big decisions for the Fleet should be at the top, regardless.

    Anyone who kicks butt contributing to the Fleets (Armada benefits help the Fleet, so include them imho) should be high enough rank to enjoy respect and freedom in the Fleet.

    Anyone in training, or brand new needs to stay at low rank till they are proven, but if they contribute, let them buy. We don't have to worry about exploiters taking more than they have contributed for. It doesn't happen with us. I think if you recruit properly, it will be the same for you.

    Treat your Armada like all the Fleets in it are your responsibility. If you invited them into your Armada, then they kind of ARE your responsibility, and if this new mechanic works right, their glory is yours also. Help each other :)

    Again, I hope that helps ;)

  • therealmaddmatttherealmaddmatt Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    In the fleet I'm part of, promotions from fresh recruit to member are time-gated at one week, to discourage sneaky bank pillagers, then another two weeks later the individual is promoted to the next tier, for more privileges. Project contributions are entirely voluntary for our members, but we're a large fleet, so we can get away with that.

    Any promotions after that (officer-level) are based solely on whether the individual wants to take on additional responsibilities in the fleet, like taking care of banking functions, coordinating events, etc. It works this way in real life militaries: most people only see rank as an increase in privilege, but added responsibility is also part of the package.

    I'm not sure if this would be at all suitable for smaller fleets, though, but a duty/responsibility-based promotion system might be an idea to explore.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    sle1989 wrote: »
    If I am not mistaken you can limit what people in other fleets in the Armada can donate to your fleet. For example, you can make it so that fleet marks are only allowed to be donated by members of your own fleet.

    You would be absolutely correct in your assumption!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • iceeaglexiceeaglex Member Posts: 375 Arc User
    So how does contributions to Armada get shown?
    Say I donate 10k fleet creds worth of stuff to a fleet in the armada, say, embassy.
    Where does it show I did that?
    When I click on MY embassy? When the other fleet clicks on THEIR embassy?
    If I donate 1mil fleet creds over 8 fleets, 30-40 holdings, where does this get shown?
  • sonicshowersonicshower Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    Just use the good ole boy system
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    iceeaglex wrote: »
    So how does contributions to Armada get shown?
    Say I donate 10k fleet creds worth of stuff to a fleet in the armada, say, embassy.
    Where does it show I did that?
    When I click on MY embassy? When the other fleet clicks on THEIR embassy?
    If I donate 1mil fleet creds over 8 fleets, 30-40 holdings, where does this get shown?

    Any and all contributions you make to another fleet in your Armada, will show up in their leaderboards, and will add to your personal total contributions which can be seen by anyone in your personal fleet, by checking in the member roster for total contributions.

    As seen here!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    In my experience, the overall holdings contributions does NOT show Armada contributions, it shows only what was contributed to the Fleet itself.
    I joined a well-established Fleet with a brand new toon (lvl 4 at time of joining), right as the research lab was implemented. As everything else was almost maxed anyway, the only projects the Fleet would start were the research lab ones, and only one of tthose at a time so all resources would go to getting the lab maxed ASAP. Of course that meant that everything other than Dilithium and DOFFS got filled within minutes or hours of a project starting. Two things a low level character has little of (dilithium) or none of (DOFFS).
    Long story short, I contributed lots of stuff to the Armada, and what I could to the fleet. I watched my Fleet credits climb. So, I'm sitting on 200K plus Fleet creds due to Armada contributions, yet my "overall holdings contributions" that show in the Fleet roster show only @ 20K. And of course only contributing 20K in almost a month meant I never got promoted past rank 1 in the fleet. So no, Armada contributions do NOT show up in the overall holdings contributions.
    BTW, as of last week, that Fleets lab was still not finished. Meanwhile a fleet I have another toon in just asked people to please contribute to the lab first but kept numerous other projects going at the same time. Their lab is maxed, and my never promoted toon from the other Fleet is now enjoying life here instead.
    LTS and loving it.
  • dabelgravedabelgrave Member Posts: 979 Arc User
    Armada contributions DO NOT show up in your fleet's roster. But I really wish they would... it would one more useful tool for fleet management.​​
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    arionisa wrote: »
    In my experience, the overall holdings contributions does NOT show Armada contributions, it shows only what was contributed to the Fleet itself.
    I joined a well-established Fleet with a brand new toon (lvl 4 at time of joining), right as the research lab was implemented. As everything else was almost maxed anyway, the only projects the Fleet would start were the research lab ones, and only one of tthose at a time so all resources would go to getting the lab maxed ASAP. Of course that meant that everything other than Dilithium and DOFFS got filled within minutes or hours of a project starting. Two things a low level character has little of (dilithium) or none of (DOFFS).
    Long story short, I contributed lots of stuff to the Armada, and what I could to the fleet. I watched my Fleet credits climb. So, I'm sitting on 200K plus Fleet creds due to Armada contributions, yet my "overall holdings contributions" that show in the Fleet roster show only @ 20K. And of course only contributing 20K in almost a month meant I never got promoted past rank 1 in the fleet. So no, Armada contributions do NOT show up in the overall holdings contributions.
    BTW, as of last week, that Fleets lab was still not finished. Meanwhile a fleet I have another toon in just asked people to please contribute to the lab first but kept numerous other projects going at the same time. Their lab is maxed, and my never promoted toon from the other Fleet is now enjoying life here instead.
    dabelgrave wrote: »
    Armada contributions DO NOT show up in your fleet's roster. But I really wish they would... it would one more useful tool for fleet management.​​

    Unless they have made a change, or there is some new error, every contribution I have made to my own fleet as well as to armada fleets, has increased my personal overall contribution # which is listed in my personal fleets roster!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    sle1989 wrote: »
    If I am not mistaken you can limit what people in other fleets in the Armada can donate to your fleet. For example, you can make it so that fleet marks are only allowed to be donated by members of your own fleet.

    HAHA awesome sig - that's the FIRST thing I thought of when I heard Nintendo NX myself
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