For now we are having limited time projects for Research Lab. When there is going to be for other holdings?
There are fleets that did not do all that projects and wish to do it.
I'm hoping that the aesthetic projects for the other holdings are currently being improved in line with player requests -- with more choice to the fleet leaders, such as RRF fleets no longer being forced to add more and more KDF/Klingon Empire or UFP/Starfleet imagery with almost every project, but instead being able to choose RRF/NRR imagery. It would also be nice if other options were made available, like Orion, Vulcan, Andorian, Bajoran, Gorn, Trill, Mirror, etc.
Romulans are Semi-Fraction who are UFP/Ally or KDF/Ally so they have to join Federation or Klingon side fleets. So they do not have much choice in this but to do UFP or KDF images in fleet holdings.
It would be better for Romulans that they are not Semi-Fraction so that they have there own images for Limited time projects for fleet holdings and that they have pure Romulan side starbase.
Romulans are Semi-Fraction who are UFP/Ally or KDF/Ally so they have to join Federation or Klingon side fleets. So they do not have much choice in this but to do UFP or KDF images in fleet holdings.
It would be better for Romulans that they are not Semi-Fraction so that they have there own images for Limited time projects for fleet holdings and that they have pure Romulan side starbase.
No, we don't have to join Federation or Klingon side fleets. Many of us started our own fleets. We have an alliance with the United Federation of Planets or the Klingon Empire, but that is by no means the same thing as allegiance to one or the other of those powers. My fleets are neither Federation nor Klingon fleets; they are fleets of the New Romulan Republic.
I still did not get my answer on a question.
For now we are having limited time projects for Research Lab. When there is going to be for other holdings?
There are fleets that did not do all that projects and wish to do it.
No, we don't have to join Federation or Klingon side fleets. Many of us started our own fleets. We have an alliance with the United Federation of Planets or the Klingon Empire, but that is by no means the same thing as allegiance to one or the other of those powers. My fleets are neither Federation nor Klingon fleets; they are fleets of the New Romulan Republic.
Whoa, don't mess with this guy. He takes his RP seriously.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
No, we don't have to join Federation or Klingon side fleets. Many of us started our own fleets. We have an alliance with the United Federation of Planets or the Klingon Empire, but that is by no means the same thing as allegiance to one or the other of those powers. My fleets are neither Federation nor Klingon fleets; they are fleets of the New Romulan Republic.
Whoa, don't mess with this guy. He takes his RP seriously.
I was "WTF?" when I seen the what that guy wrote. I came here to get my answer, at least semy answer, but I also got a guy for mental institution, like this protogoth.
No, we don't have to join Federation or Klingon side fleets. Many of us started our own fleets. We have an alliance with the United Federation of Planets or the Klingon Empire, but that is by no means the same thing as allegiance to one or the other of those powers. My fleets are neither Federation nor Klingon fleets; they are fleets of the New Romulan Republic.
Whoa, don't mess with this guy. He takes his RP seriously.
I was "WTF?" when I seen the what that guy wrote. I came here to get my answer, at least semy answer, but I also got a guy for mental institution, like this protogoth.
I'm not a "he" or a "guy." If my signature were currently visible, that would be obvious. And speaking in-character is by no means worthy of being flamed as needing to be in a mental institution.
Fleet projects are on cycle, as the first reply answered. They haven't even finished the first rotation for Research fleet projects, so it might be awhile until you get the first ones to come back around.
Yeah, the flaming was not necessary... and I think the very first reply just about said it... There are NEVER specific dates for just about ANYTHING... So, asking when the Limited Time projects will come around for other holdings is moot because Cryptic will do it when they feel we have too much dilithium stored up...
It would be better for Romulans that they are not Semi-Fraction so that they have there own images for Limited time projects for fleet holdings and that they have pure Romulan side starbase.
No, we don't have to join Federation or Klingon side fleets. Many of us started our own fleets. We have an alliance with the United Federation of Planets or the Klingon Empire, but that is by no means the same thing as allegiance to one or the other of those powers. My fleets are neither Federation nor Klingon fleets; they are fleets of the New Romulan Republic.
For now we are having limited time projects for Research Lab. When there is going to be for other holdings?
There are fleets that did not do all that projects and wish to do it.
I'm not a "he" or a "guy." If my signature were currently visible, that would be obvious. And speaking in-character is by no means worthy of being flamed as needing to be in a mental institution.
So, to quote bloodyriz:
Even though Proto's comments were not in answer to your direct and specific question, there's no need to "burn at the stake", so to speak...