I will be posting this build on Reddit STObuilds (tomorrow) with an explanation of my build. I'm having a great time with it and wanted to share. The Krenim Imperium Warship is pretty nice!!
The STO Academy link should have my ship, skills, specilizations, and traits. Reddit will also contain my DOFF, BOFF, and other settings.
A lot of people like AP & beams, but I enjoy the disruptor DR debuff (entire build built around it - helping me and the team) and the burst dps from cannons is just plain fun to watch tearing through an enemy's shields/hull.
More info coming tomorrow...
I was away from the game for a couple of years so I was way behind on everything in the game. So I spent some $$ on the game. I would buy zen and then sell the promo boxes/keys for a good chunk of EC and I also exchanged zen for dil. I bought most stuff already at Mk XIV Very Rare/ultra rare with the mods I was looking for. Overall it took me a few days to get everything upgraded to epic. This was after I spent weeks of researching the forums, youtube, and chat.
I actually spent a LOT of $$ on the game. Let's just say I'm not the luckiest person around and MANY of my Epic upgrades wouldn't "pop" until the item was 25-40%. That's a LOT of DIL!! Hopefully you are luckier!
Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
You mean Vulnerability Locator consoles? They are from T3 Fleet Spire. You buy them Mk XII, and upgrade.
Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy