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Can't leave Ganalda system due to popup crash

kirimuffinkirimuffin Member Posts: 695 Arc User

On the Tribble character I've been playing today, when I beamed up from Ganalda Station and the space map loaded, the popup started to appear and then froze, and the game crashed. I tried logging into the same character again, and got the same thing: a crash. I tried this several more times, including trying in safe mode, trying with DX11 disabled, and trying after a force-verify, and got the same result. Prior to this, popups (including the Ganalda popup) had been working just fine with no crashing. Now, however, my Tribble character's ship is stuck outside Ganalda, apparently permanently.

CATEGORY: Uhh, crashes, I guess?

Steps to reproduce:

1. Log onto Tribble and then load the character in question, R'wosk@KiriAmaya
2. Watch as the popup fade-in animation begins, then freezes, and then GameClient.exe crashes

LOCATION: Ganalda System

Can't submit an in-game ticket because I can't even get that far.


  • danthalasdanthalas Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Decided to give this a test after seeing this post here. Bug also seems to occur when attempting to dock with Ganalda Station, resulting a immediate crash of the game. Attempting to log back in after crashing results in a frozen screen of the ship sitting outside of the station where you were when attempting to dock with a distorted (vertically smushed) pop up window.

    Steps to reproduce:

    Attempt to dock with Ganalda station once in system and in range of the station far enough to get the pop-up to initially appear.

    Also cannot submit an in-game ticket because game is immediately frozen upon finishing initial load into character after selection.
  • markus1566markus1566 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I had the console running while reproducing the crash and it turns out to be an Error in the Sound System:
    FMOD Error Operation could not be performed because specified sound/DSP connection is not ready.  when calling parent->freeEventData((FMOD::Event*)event, false)
     from c:\src\libs\SoundLib\event_sys.cpp (2811)
    the whole console is spammed with this

    Also it already occurs on the Map Loading Screen for me just before the client request an adress from the Gameserver(If i caught that right, the console was scrolling by really fast...). (So the Map itself should be loaded Clientside). In some cases my Game doesn't crash but goes into an infinte SNR, I shut down the Game after 500seconds. Most of the times the game crashed straight up.

    EDIT: Tried it again, with a character that was located in Ganalda System when I copied him over to Tribble:
    FMOD Error The requested event could not be found in any loaded project. when calling result from c:\src\libs\SoundLib\event_sys.cpp (726)
      UNACCOUNTED FOR                                                     (9.70)
        Waiting for new GameServer address from LoginServer done.(0.41)
        Connecting to GameServer SOCKS4 connection
    SOCKS connection active
      done.                                                            (0.59)
      Done.                                                               (1.00)
    ERROR: GameServer not responding
    Details: GameServer address, client link instance 1
    ERROR: Client possibly stuck in gclLoadingGameplay_BeginFrame.
    Details: GotWorld 0, ReadyForGeneral 0, Patching 0
    Patch Streaming: Entering inactivity

    This time my console didnt get spammed with the Error but still it seems like it has something to do with the FMOD sound system. I let the game check the gamefiles and tried again, still the same errors occur.

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