I need to get to him. I can't just leave him out there alone. - Sometimes you've got to makes sacrifices, Lara. You can't save everyone. - I know about sacrifices. - No, you know about loss. Sacrifice is a choice you make. Loss is a choice made for you. - I can't choose to let him die, Roth.
"a fellow
of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath
borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how
abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims at
it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know
not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your
gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment,
that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one
now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen?"
classic... already forgot about that time in theatre. thx for the reminder .... in a doubled sense meeeh ... no matter what: the mug stays hot !
In a way, I kind of admire it. Say you want to get rid of your game's PvP because (...reasons?). But you don't want the metaphorical blood on your hands and be blamed for eliminating a whole thriving section of your game. So what do you do? You wait. For years. Just wait with patience and neglect it, just waiting for it to die out. Sometimes you have to prod it with fake promises to slowly alienate players one by one as those promises wither away. And if you wait long enough, alienate enough players, you will eventually eliminate PvP and get away with no blood on your hands *and* perhaps blame it on the players.
And that's what I somewhat grudgingly admire: whoever it was that wanted us gone, probably Geko, had the patience to wait for 5 and a half years. That's dedication, man. But for what? So we PvP players don't spoil the beautiful work of art the game has been gruesomely turned into?
In a normal compagni, a persone that represent the staff that call thier player base *14 year old min-maxer that live in thier mom basement* should be fired immidiatly and make public appologise, That happened in 2012 and the guy is still allways working here, so you clearly see PWE/cryptic dont care about humans but care about your wallet
[System] Link has been on active duty for 415 days, 23 hours, 9 minutes, 16 seconds.
[System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.
In a way, I kind of admire it. Say you want to get rid of your game's PvP because (...reasons?). But you don't want the metaphorical blood on your hands and be blamed for eliminating a whole thriving section of your game. So what do you do? You wait. For years. Just wait with patience and neglect it, just waiting for it to die out. Sometimes you have to prod it with fake promises to slowly alienate players one by one as those promises wither away. And if you wait long enough, alienate enough players, you will eventually eliminate PvP and get away with no blood on your hands *and* perhaps blame it on the players.
And that's what I somewhat grudgingly admire: whoever it was that wanted us gone, probably Geko, had the patience to wait for 5 and a half years. That's dedication, man. But for what? So we PvP players don't spoil the beautiful work of art the game has been gruesomely turned into?
I guess we don't fit in to Geko's grand plan.
Let's not start rewriting history just yet, sure lack of action played its role and I participated in calling them out. But that alone hasn't done half the trick. The constant introduction of OP items with no value for PvE and total game changer values for PvP was a big fat broadside from Systems straight at PvP. PvP didn't starve of neglect, it was bombarded with nefarious design at every turn and patch.
Ha, what about the rumor that the season 12 will be about pvp and game balance and that there will be even new pvp dedicated dev ?
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
Congrats to everyone at Cryptic for successfully and completely killing PvP in STO and everything what made STO fun in the past.
PvP was dead on October 14th, 2014 when Delta rising launched. Nothing to see here. Unless we spend tons of cash on it. It's a tragic business plan doomed for failure but there is always other MMOs for PvPs
In a way, I kind of admire it. Say you want to get rid of your game's PvP because (...reasons?). But you don't want the metaphorical blood on your hands and be blamed for eliminating a whole thriving section of your game. So what do you do? You wait. For years. Just wait with patience and neglect it, just waiting for it to die out. Sometimes you have to prod it with fake promises to slowly alienate players one by one as those promises wither away. And if you wait long enough, alienate enough players, you will eventually eliminate PvP and get away with no blood on your hands *and* perhaps blame it on the players.
And that's what I somewhat grudgingly admire: whoever it was that wanted us gone, probably Geko, had the patience to wait for 5 and a half years. That's dedication, man. But for what? So we PvP players don't spoil the beautiful work of art the game has been gruesomely turned into?
I guess we don't fit in to Geko's grand plan.
I think that was it - they knew they couldn't really support PvP, and every attempt to do so failed when they tried to secure resources - usually some dev leaving. But why tell the PvPers that they should pack their stuff and go home? As long as they're there, they might still spend money, and if you tell them, you can be certain people will get angry. (Or just generally vicious - there have been quite a few non-PvPers expression deep hatred for PvP and the PvP community, you can bet their triumphant claims would provoke quite a few heated debates.)
I don't think however that there is any real hate or dislike for PvP. I think it's really just that the team can only do so much thing and the main money machine is the PvE stuff - including the power creep, because the people like to pay or grind for power, to get "value for their money/grind". But all that is diametrically opposed to good PvP design. Cryptic couldn't find a way to square the circle (has anyone?), and so PvP fell by the wayside.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
This game really had the go-nadds to make pvp really good to. I would rather sling torpedos and phasers anyday over a sword and shield. Oh well, I guess it had to happen sooner or later.
P.S. Guess I'll get my pvp fill of "Combat" for the atari 2600. Thats still a good game to break out at a party.
Someone decided to half gift me what I needed to get a new ship from the fleet store, and picked up a FT6 Avenger. Outfitted it with five forward cannons, Override 1 and re-adapted my T5U layout. I managed (somehow) to get in the queues and... well... basically nobody knows how to use battle cruisers anymore (read: nimble ships that are not frigging escorts, but with a turn rate of 9 or higher), and if they fly a BC it's always... everytime... no exceptions beams + kemocite + eventually plasma explosion. Even escorts (which have been dumbed down to a minor number of ships that can actually compete) use beams, nobody knows how to aim anymore, not even if they have a 18+ turn rate ship, go figure what they can possibly do with 9.
Also, a note to the game engine itself. I can run Tomb Raider at these (click) settings at 1920x1200, which are pretty damn good for a three years old MacBook Pro. Frame rate is between 30 FPS and 60 FPS, depending on how complex the environment is, averages 40 FPS usually.
I'm proud to announce that when explosions and multiple FXs are involved, STO manages to go as low as 0 FPS, and it remains frozen until all the spam on the screen is gone. If it's a milder one, I may even be lucky to get away with 10-20 FPS. Now, you would say "hey, just lower graphics!"
Breaking news: I run it at medium. And before you say it, I run both TR and STO on Windows 10: no virtualization, runs on its own partition. Devs keep adding rubbish that the game cannot even handle. Otherwise you wouldn't explain why a triple A game that came out in late 2013 runs much better at way higher settings than STO, which is five years old, at medium.
They say they made "under the hood optimizations to the game" throughout the years: the heck they did.
I need to get to him. I can't just leave him out there alone. - Sometimes you've got to makes sacrifices, Lara. You can't save everyone. - I know about sacrifices. - No, you know about loss. Sacrifice is a choice you make. Loss is a choice made for you. - I can't choose to let him die, Roth.
Pffft, you hardly see cruisers in PvP anymore (though to be fair, you didn't see much of them in the past either). It's either Sci ships or escorts. Maybe the odd healer.
Cruisers with cannons just don't work when you've got escorts doing 180 turns on a dime and zipping off like a foo fighter. Added to which, lining up a target makes you a prime target for being hit by resonance.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
"a fellow
of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath
borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how
abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims at
it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know
not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your
gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment,
that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one
now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen?"
classic... already forgot about that time in theatre. thx for the reminder .... in a doubled sense meeeh ... no matter what: the mug stays hot !
And that's what I somewhat grudgingly admire: whoever it was that wanted us gone, probably Geko, had the patience to wait for 5 and a half years. That's dedication, man. But for what? So we PvP players don't spoil the beautiful work of art the game has been gruesomely turned into?
I guess we don't fit in to Geko's grand plan.
[System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.
French Canadian
Let's not start rewriting history just yet, sure lack of action played its role and I participated in calling them out. But that alone hasn't done half the trick. The constant introduction of OP items with no value for PvE and total game changer values for PvP was a big fat broadside from Systems straight at PvP. PvP didn't starve of neglect, it was bombarded with nefarious design at every turn and patch.
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
P.S. 'Ello Thissler!
PvP was dead on October 14th, 2014 when Delta rising launched. Nothing to see here. Unless we spend tons of cash on it. It's a tragic business plan doomed for failure but there is always other MMOs for PvPs
I don't think however that there is any real hate or dislike for PvP. I think it's really just that the team can only do so much thing and the main money machine is the PvE stuff - including the power creep, because the people like to pay or grind for power, to get "value for their money/grind". But all that is diametrically opposed to good PvP design. Cryptic couldn't find a way to square the circle (has anyone?), and so PvP fell by the wayside.
P.S. Guess I'll get my pvp fill of "Combat" for the atari 2600. Thats still a good game to break out at a party.
Also, a note to the game engine itself. I can run Tomb Raider at these (click) settings at 1920x1200, which are pretty damn good for a three years old MacBook Pro. Frame rate is between 30 FPS and 60 FPS, depending on how complex the environment is, averages 40 FPS usually.
I'm proud to announce that when explosions and multiple FXs are involved, STO manages to go as low as 0 FPS, and it remains frozen until all the spam on the screen is gone. If it's a milder one, I may even be lucky to get away with 10-20 FPS. Now, you would say "hey, just lower graphics!"
Breaking news: I run it at medium. And before you say it, I run both TR and STO on Windows 10: no virtualization, runs on its own partition. Devs keep adding rubbish that the game cannot even handle. Otherwise you wouldn't explain why a triple A game that came out in late 2013 runs much better at way higher settings than STO, which is five years old, at medium.
They say they made "under the hood optimizations to the game" throughout the years: the heck they did.
Cruisers with cannons just don't work when you've got escorts doing 180 turns on a dime and zipping off like a foo fighter. Added to which, lining up a target makes you a prime target for being hit by resonance.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse