How are you supposed to defeat this beast as a Level 26 new toon?
Get too close, you're tractored, and then the 4 heavy torps kill you.
Sabre Dance attack and he says, "TRIBBLE this" when he's 50% hull and teleports back to full health at his starting spot.
Attacking this with an at-level Escort is suicide. I'm in a Defiant and can't kill it.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Then I respawned.
Sorry, I have enough Dilithium where I could only buy the entry-tier Science Vessel. That's not killing this menace.
And seriously, if you need to focus on one skill track just to kill this one vessel in this one episode, that's ridiculous scenario-building.
Yes, after dying twice in knife fighting, I started a Klingon Sabre Dance, cruising in, delivering an alpha, fishtailing away with aft weapons then backing off, especially if 4 heavy torps were incoming or those four tractor mines appeared. I tried my best to stay near the hex-grid and reasonably close to him so he didn't think I disengaged.
You know what? Twice, after getting him under 50% damage, he Teleports Away Back To The Starting Location At Full Health. If he didn't do that, I wouldn't have been writing this thread in the first place.
Sure, I've watched u-toobs of other people easily blowing this Rea away... in ships that have double my health and double my shields with captains that certainly aren't playing their first toon in this game.
I guess this episode is really written to introduce you to the Skip button.
For the record, bringing a buddy in a Tactical Assault Cruiser does wonders again the Rea. He did the heavy lifting in blowing that Bird up. Then he left and wished me luck.
And then I ran afoul of the *other* D'deridex. And on this one I learned how to take those annoying Birds out solo. Staying within 12 at all times, running a curved pattern away from the 4 hvy-plasmas, using every offensive trick I have upon an open side shield, it finally went down and it did not teleport away. I was thrilled, and then completed the mission.
Hated this mission at the beginning, left it thankful for teaching me how to play adequately afterwards.
Cannon Scatter Volley (if you use cannons) or Beam Fire At Will (if you use beams) activated once the torpedoes start flying should enable you to intercept them before they hit you.
Emergency Power to Shields activated once you start taking damage will make your shields last longer. Hazard Emitters will clear ongoing plasma damage. Tactical team will auto-distribute your shields to the facing under fire.
All this shoudl be equippable on a Tier 3 Escort.