A few ideas for new Content:
a) 3D chess
Create a Mini Game like Darebo
E.g. in the fleet starbase on the desk where the counselor is sittig there is a 3D Chess
Make a dilithium Project to activate it within the starbase.
Make PVP and PVE possible with it.
b) The Holodeck
Make the holodeck with multible Environment available and possible to select one from a menue.
Could be also in the fleet starbase, where the holodeck is anyway installed.
Make a dilithium Project to unlock it.
c) New Fleet Holding on a Planet
Make a fleet colony on a planet with multible bulidings and houses.
d) Think about the possibility of an other mini game for strategic Gamers
Something to build, like colonies and trading....
Let us fly through the worm hole to the Gamma Quadrant
Exlore new worlds, interact with the dominion.....