If you look at the stores prizes are increased big time except for the lobi store, like to know if you agree with me or not ?
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Expensive ?? 49 votes
I agree Dillithium prizes and Marks are far to high on obtainable sets.
I disagree their is an increase but I don't mind .
The whole game is to expensive thats why I don't buy any zen from them !!
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Or what mattjohnsonva said.
The dil price is only expensive in the way that you literally have to wait for getting refined dil. Hoarding ore has never been easier, srsly a couple runs in the dyson bz and you've got dil for days. But you still have to wait for 4 days just to refine enough to actually use it, which is bs.
The thing that's generally way too steep is the price on zen ships. Thirty bucks is waaayyy beyond "micro-transactions".
High 'prices' on the other hand.. aren't so good.
But since your poll has 3 very biased and negatively worded options, I refrained from voting. I believe all Rep gear in this game is easily obtainable, even if you don't play on Advanced. You can get any rep gear you want without ever touching an advanced que.
And I don't know what increase you're talking about, prices are the same as they have always been.
They've actually even been reduced in some areas. Back then before we had 4pc space sets each pice was 1000 marks (3k in total for 3 pieces) but since the last revamp we now have 750 marks for each (3k in total for 4 pieces).
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l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Yeah, they sure have a thing for doing stuff half assed. Same with the rep armor visuials, some unlock by simply getting the set and some still need a project for it.
But, most likely, they are not having fun if they lag, so ...
Though it seems cryptic is a pretty avid whale killer considering that now even the newest ships & their traits get released horribly bugged these days. So now whales not only have to put up with the lag but also with broken/non functioning toys.
Haha.. are you sure about that? lol. Because as far as i ve seen, people is playing with lag but they really dont care..
And then again, broken stuff is happening since years ago in a regular basis. I guess we finally reached the boiling point?
Sooner or later bound to happen. Would be unintelligent of C to assume ppl would not adjust their spending behavior to quality control & "uniqueness" (yeay... another ship *slow clap*) of releases.
I have not seen prices increased... I'll freely admit that I don't track the prices of set gear from the reputation (if that is what you were referring to), so I could be mistaken....
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
Prices never increased (as far as i remember) but the problem is.. who want to buy a new shiny if he cant play because of the massive lag?? so im buying a product that i will not be able to use.. prices should not be so high, specially now. Because if cryptic is not planning to fix the massive lag.. how can they expect people to keep buying like nothing?
Reputation Store / Project Items have stayed the same or dil costs for store (non project) have gone down.
Most Lobi Store Items have stayed the same in costs over the years.
What has increased in cost are the T6 Lobi Store Ships. Those are 900 Lobi now.
The old T5 Lobi Ships are "only" 800 Lobi. You guys want to guess how much a T7 ship would cost in Lobi in the future? This is the only part between Reputation equipment and the Lobi Store that has increased.
When T6 came out, it would have been nice if the T5 Lobi Store ships went down in price since T6 was "The New Standard" at endgame and where Cryptic devotes its development in new ships. And hoping for the T6 Lobi Store ships to be 800 like the old T5 ones were.
Lag is a separate issue not covered by the OP's topic. Yesterday was particularly bad for example... but in general has been pretty bad for me lately... lots of rubberbanding, ability delays, etc.
I agree that the lag needs to be looked at (desperately)... but back on original topic (which was specific to prices of set reputation gear) I don't think the prices are too high for the reputation items.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
Not everyone suffers from it, that's why. I get a few slight hitches now and then, but some of us don't get anywhere near the lag issues others report.
Not denying the severity of anyones issue, just offering a reason why you still see people playing. If I suffered the problems that some people on this forum suffer, I would have quit a long time ago.
As far as cost go, my only issue is with T6 and T5 ships. They have made T5 ships completely obsolete just by pricing alone. By the time you buy a T5 ship (2500 Zen) and upgrade it to T5-U (700 Zen) it's 200 Zen more expensive then just buying a T6 Ship (3000 Zen.)
When T6 was released, T5 ships should have dropped to 2k Zen max and the Upgrade Tokens should have been 500 Zen. T5-U should get the extra boff ability that T6 has. That way if you don't want the trait, you save $5 and get the same thing. Ship costs are just.. out of whack.
Why is it for example that to get the Intrepid interior, aka the only proper Federation interior in the entire game I must spen 5500 freaking zen for a bundle I don't want?
Let alone the absurd prices for old ships. If they functioned as skins I'd sort of understand but other than a few exceptions they don't.
This entire game is compromised by naked and unreasonable greed, designed to farm as much money from players before we leave rather than enticing us to stay.
As for dilithium. I wouldn't mind the prices so much if not for the absurd, ABSURD 8k dilithium daily cap.
For veterans, life timers and subscribers it's an absolute joke, and the 1000 dil 48 hour doff assignment is ridiculously insufficient.
My character Tsin'xing
You know what's even better? If you happen to own any of the ships in that bundle, let's say you got a T4 Bellerophon 2 years ago, you CAN'T get the Interior because you can't get the bundle. No matter what price, you just can't. lol
EDIT: For reference: http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1197825/should-cryptic-offer-a-time-locked-expansion-shard-ala-sto-rebirth/p1
Well, everytime i go to a zone where massive lag is present, i ask everybody in the zone if they suffer lag. 90% of em say "yes". It doesnt matter if i go to the undine battlezone, to an isa instance, red alerts, everywhere. So, well obviously some players will only experience a bit of it (for watever reasons, like living in the building next to the servers lol), but my conclusion is the majority have bad lag issues.
Pretty much this. If Cryptic would have applied such a strategy not only to lobi ships but to zen store ones as well the entire Tier 6/5u debacle would have been much easier to swallow.
Well, almost a year later they know if it worked out for them and I’m afraid it did.
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Dont know when you joined sir, but when Rep store started a shield or deflector or engine was 500 Mark and you won 100 mark per elite run so that was doable even with the high dilithium prizes it still was doable. now with an elite that isn't playable so most have to stick on advanced and normal, and if you are Lucky to have a good team and no server problems you can win 100 mark with each round. And now with an 900 mark prize and a wait of 30mins between it takes a very long time to complete 1 item and that versus 3 times. You can guess the rest.
Not sure how you guys with time but with a Garage and a family I'm glad to get a few hours a day on STO. I think maybe 8 to 10 hours a week.
Ok 2 things or make elite bit better to play or normalize the prize in the store...
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."