According to the wiki, it's a 1.5 minute cooldown, but the page hasn't been updated since late 2013, probably because the ability is so lackluster . I doubt the cooldown has changed, there's been very little attention given to older powers in the last few years.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
I think the reason why is because it has a reasonably long 30s debuff effect. So in practice it's not doing anything for 1min.
But yeah, the fact that it's a defensive ability and that it can be cleared so easily with an ability everyone has (hazard emitters) which also refreshes faster, short of tanks using it to dull incoming for a little bit vs bosses in PvE it's largely useless.
I wouldn't mind actually seeing Aceton beams effect split into two separate debuffs. Let hazards continue to clear the largely useless minuscule radiation DoT, but the energy weapons damage debuff should be only be clear-able upon EPtW activation (as opposed to if EPtW is already active).
Lowering the CD would definitely be nice, but I think having a similar ship trait to all hands on deck and reciprocity, but for engy powers, would be just as good imo. Aceton beam in an A2B build is very nice on the CD, so a similar trait for engy powers would be another way lessen the pain.
Well, part of the discussion is for PvP. Do PvE mobs have HE? If not, then it's not a bad ability against boss mobs, especially considering there are more +Radiation buffs from several sources out now.
The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
But yeah, the fact that it's a defensive ability and that it can be cleared so easily with an ability everyone has (hazard emitters) which also refreshes faster, short of tanks using it to dull incoming for a little bit vs bosses in PvE it's largely useless.
I wouldn't mind actually seeing Aceton beams effect split into two separate debuffs. Let hazards continue to clear the largely useless minuscule radiation DoT, but the energy weapons damage debuff should be only be clear-able upon EPtW activation (as opposed to if EPtW is already active).
Lowering the CD would definitely be nice, but I think having a similar ship trait to all hands on deck and reciprocity, but for engy powers, would be just as good imo. Aceton beam in an A2B build is very nice on the CD, so a similar trait for engy powers would be another way lessen the pain.