For any that missed it:
This is a fantastic idea and very beneficial. This will be a big help to those trying to get those UR Weapons up to Epic status.
I really hope they do more of these in the future. I just wish it was longer then one weekend.. but baby steps.
Insert witty signature line here.
If they'd reduce the costs to 1% it would be a fair deal.
Interesting event Cryptic.
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It was clarified in the announcement thread itself that this also helps with research, e.g. you don't lose your rarity upgrade chance. You just need half the upgrade items for the same result.
Still a rip off, and pretty sure the exact term was "the chance won't change" so nothing has changed in terms of quality upgrade. The only difference in a sense is that each chance for that quality to happen is less because filling the tech point bar will cost less, which is arguably irrelevant anyway as your filling it quicker but with half the research points gained in the process as per normal.
I would have appreciated to know it earlier as yesterday i spend many tech upgrade to improve the chronitron beam from the temporal set and despite reaching the MK XIV it didn't improve his rarity. Considering his frightening cost in tech upgrade, it can't help but to be angry when i saw the news one hour later.
Uhm is this really the case?
I mean lets say you have an item which needs 30 experimental techs applied in ordr to give you the first roll at rarity upgrade with lets say 14% chance. I think you now only have to apply 15 experimental upgrades for a first shot at 7% and the next 15 you apply gets you to the regular 14%.
You get twice as many shots at a rarity upgrade for the same money. True, all depends on luck still but you have double ammunition to get lucky over the weekend.
Am I wrong here?
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I suppose it depends on how you count the odds progression. The way I see it your odds on the roll for the quality upgrade are the same, as we have two situations:
1) Outside the event, you have 14% quality upgrade chance on the first roll. This is more likely to succeed and you spent, say 5,000 dilithium (to keep in round numbers) to get to that first roll.
2) Inside the event, you have 7% quality upgrade chance on that first roll. The odds are worse though you spend 2,500 dilithium to get to that point.
Of course in the case of situation number 2 you could get lucky and therefore save yourself some resources, but odds are that won't happen anyway as its a 7/100 chance as opposed to 14/100 on that first role. You spend the same amount inside the event to get to 14% chance again, therefore on paper the only difference in the numbers come from chances at the quality roll, and that's assuming you didn't upgrade the mark of the item in the process and therefore lose progress towards that quality upgrade.
No, you're right.
In my case, I have several weapons that are already at Mk XIV but only got up to Ultra Rare. For these, the way I get them to epic is pumping kits in them over and over and going for a rarity upgrade at 'level up.' This weekend, I have to use half the number of kits to get to the level upgrade. I use half of the amount of kits, half the resources to make kits and half the dilithum.
Look, there is ALWAYS going to be something that people would rather see, I'm not saying it's the greatest thing in the history of ever.. but I do think it's a pretty good idea. It's very helpful to new characters, delta recruits trying to upgrade, and in a lot of ways.. us vets that are trying to get those last few items over the finish line.
KK thx for replies and clarifying a bit cuz I was starting to wonder.
So the events aim of course is to attract revenue. Peeps not going for linear upgrades so far are teased with a 50% closer carrot. Those who are done and who care about rarity upgrades are expected to insert 10 times more recourses anyway, so only give em a carrot that is a tiny bit closer.
In my case linear upgrades are done and all 9 toons are in a basic shape I want them in. Quality upgrades are so immensely expensive that in the past year I only made them in very selective cases. But still… if I have 50 salvages and 50 quality boosters in stock anyway this weekend is probably the “best” time to put them to use.
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Any chance we'll see the Omega Particle event anytime soon ?
I know I made great use of those particle traces. And would like to see this event return at some point.
I could be wrong, but my understanding was that the amount of upgrade chance you get is related to the number of tech points you add, meaning that if filling out the tech points gives you a 5% chance for an upgrade, you will have that 5% chance regardless of you using a ton of white teh upgrades or only a handful of purple ones and whether you use a tech point booster or not.
A really nice boon for this event is if you use a tech point booster, you could potentially be doubling doubled tech points...
Even if I am wrong, you do still get twice as many shots at a rarity upgrade for your resources. Statisticlly speaking... *math about reoccuring events like these upgrades Blah blah blah* ... It's kind of the reverse of the gambler's falacy. Gamblers think that if they play long enough, they are "owed" a win to make up for all the losses, which they are not. In the case of upgrading an item, you actually are owed that win eventually even if you have to upgrade it to a point where it gives you a 100% chance to upgade, so the more chances you have to make that roll, the better off you are (you have to think of it as what are the odds of not getting an upgrade all those times in a row).
Like if you know someone will call you randomly today, but they have to call you before 5pm. The closer to 5pm it gets, the greater the chance they will call within the next minute.
Scenario 1: I'm not sure how mk XIV quality improvement works as I stop once reaching that mark, but I suspect the quality improvement chance keeps increasing (at astronomical costs), unlike at lower mark levels where it completely resets to 0% after a mark upgrade.
Scenario 2: Below mk XIV. Upgrading the mark faster by doubling the tech points mean the quality improvement chance (without the correction as stated by Trendy: "The team actually anticipated this and thus math'ed to preserve the ratio, so the chance won't change. Don't worry.
Gambler's fallacy states that one mistakenly believes their chance increases the more they play, when in effect the chance stays exactly the same on each and every attempt because a random number generator has no memory of what it rolled prior, or is otherwise influenced by prior (or anticipated future) outcomes. Playing more simply means one is willing to risk more resources towards that probability (assuming the probability stays the same, and does not change artificially by external manipulation without your knowledge), which, depending on the cost, reward, and probability itself, may be beneficial over not playing which means 100% guarantee of not obtaining that prize, but also not losing any resources.
The way I understand this weekend event, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that we simply get fewer rolls at quality improvement chance. The net effect, within Scenario 2, would therefore be worse for quality improvement chances (QIC) since the items get pushed towards higher marks which are much more expensive to obtain QI. This issue is then compounded if failing to complete desired Mark and Quality within the weekend event, resulting in high mark items that are harder to improve quality on.
Yes, it uses less kits go reach the end of the bar if you're trying to up to epic, but the percentage is only going up half as fast since I'm using half the kits meaning the cost is exactly the same.
It's a fine thing if you want to move up in mark, but for those of us that want to move up in rarity, this event is completely and totally useless. I guess I should have known better, but not the first time I have experienced disappointment.
Won't be the last either.
An upgrade weekend is such a great idea that even a large company like microsoft is participating. Heck, they were so stoked about the idea that they started a day early though not to infringe on Star trek online's copyright they only offer an upgrade to window 10.
It was quite generous of Cryptic to allow Microsoft to ride it's coattails.
Figures, I hate being right at times.....
Still, at least Mk upgrades are cheaper.
Thanks for clarifying, I wasn't sure on that.
July 29
dukedom01 wrote: »
So we get double the tech points but half the quality upgrade chance because the system doesn't compensate for that?
The team actually anticipated this and thus math'ed to preserve the ratio, so the chance won't change. Don't worry.
Boritcus is awesome like that.
This is from the weekend announcement thread.
Whatever, all he did was make sure that people that are looking for rarity upgrades can't benefit in the least..
Their idea of 'awesome' is very different from mine.