I'm trying to explicitly place my two engineers as team members 1 and 4 on my away team but cannot seem to make this happen.
There are several places to select away team members that suggest you can control which order they will be on your team. On the stations UI under standard away team and before starting a ground mission. But when the mission actually starts the order of the team appears to always be at random.
Does anyone know if the order of teammates can done explicitly and with precision?
It would be nice to get consistency in away team ordering so I can control which members are in which position. While I can always set this up, the difference between a) click on eng1, move them into position, then click on eng2 and move them into position, deploy assets and b) move entire team into position with engineers always up front, deploy assets is a precious time, clicks and consistency in formation.
Yeah i've played with the stations tab to no end. The order their is actually consistent with what is present when selecting your away team members right before going to a ground map. Up to that point the ordering is spot on. Its when you load into a ground map the randomness occurs. i was just hoping there was some secret knowledge someone might have had like with firing order when setting weapons to auto-fire.
Oh well.