As the game is lagging horribly again and again then getting fixed a little only to be broken again eith the next patch all the while we are getting new TRIBBLE that may break the game again I feel its time to break this cycle of pain and start introducing what I would call Code-War-Bonds.
The main thing is that Cryptic needs to keep the ball rolling but all the while fighting a war against its own servers and more importantly its own game-code.
And since they obviously are on the verge of loosing this war (as proven byheavy lags over 9+ month now) what I think they need are Code-War-Bonds.
What I mean by that is a special C-store item that cost like 1-5k zen and what it does is it sits in your bank and looks great. It gets an nice icon. It may even be tradeable. But thats that. We get some random item - they get money wothout having to invest time into programming new abilites and stuff.
The point of it is that they get money which then should be allocated 100% to fix the lag/login-issues and stuff like that. Maybe some day in the future when the game is healthy again we get a nice thank you for all the bonds we bought. Whatever that may be. Dil ec a ship superior veteran doffs with sup op or something.
They could propably go and sell those directly but that would entail additional work which we all would prefer seeing invested into fixing stuff.
So I know there are artists and sound ppl and lots of other ppl not related to coding. They also could use some time to fix/polish stuff. Balancing/ opening up the tailor to new stuff, fixing problems with old ship models and so on.
Link: Castra - a german Fleet.
I couldn't have put it any better
Yup, i dont know why there are people that cant see it lol.