First why dont make STo a open wordl game where you can play as GTA and we able to construct ship colonized planet for resource and administrate them:why dont use you ships for createa fleet to use in space combat for assist? Second the
the possibbility to have an atmoshpere like the playstation home where to construct your ships as its happened in startrek starship creator and to have own outpost.I say this because the gameplay are begins to being ripetitive much and tiring and i hope this feature carry new life
If they wanted to do this, wouldn't they just make an entirely new game from the ground up with a new name?
You're not suggesting improvements for STO, you're saying you want to play a totally different game.
We have this to a degree, each ship type has a few different variants with parts that are interchangeable, but what I always wanted was the system they used in an old game I loved called "Star Trek Starship Creator" where you had a large collection of various nacelles, saucers, hulls, pylons etc. and you could mix and match them to create your own ships, I had hours of fun playing that game and creating my own unique looks.
If I had a dime for every time I saw this. I've seen quite fun and complex ways of how this would work.. Honestly I don't think it would break the game. It'd be like having an away team on the ground.. but in space. With friends in your party replacing ships you've brought with you. One of the better ideas I saw promoted once was the concept of being able to promote boffs to captain your old ships. This would promote expnasion of the RD feature with whole new Ship Captain BOFF abilities, expand sales of DOFF packs as you need more to equip to your new ships, and increase sales of fleet modules, zen store ships, ship upgrade modules, ect, as some people put out top dollar to have a powerful "fleet" of NPC's that they can bring with them on missions or perhaps are even allowed to bring in to future, special STF's, alerts, or something else.
It seems like the amount of money they would make compared to the work they'd have to put in would be fairly minimal.
Concerning open world. No. Ground stuff is boring. I know not everyone feels that way but it is a shared feeling among many. I don't want every planet to be like Risa, because I would fall asleep just running the massive distances. I don't want new, huge, open world locations like Risa unless we're given ground vehicles as well. The closest we have is the ground stuff for the Voth, Tholians, Romulans, ect and that's really more like SWTOR than SWG, but I really did not enjoy those. There's also Nimbus III, which everyone, or just about everyone, DETESTS. Part of this is again the huge walking time. Part of it might be because Nimbus III doesn't pay off, plot wise, unless you're playing Romulan, so it feels like a gigantic waste of time for a very small problem which you must trudge slowly through every time you begin a new character. Maybe if the plot for just the Nimbus arc were more rewarding to play through (like the first KDF arc, OMG that was so much fun the first few play throughs) then things would be different.. but for the time being, it's one of our most open world areas in the game, with actual plot to go through and other players running around in it, and we all loathe going there. Again, maybe ground vehicles to speed things up or help in ground combat in Open World PvE scenarios would fix that, but there are clearly problems right now which need to be addressed concerning ground play that render Open World a no go for me and many others.
As for colonization..
EVE Online does planet colonization, among other celestial bodies. It's interesting and if STO does introduce it, I'd suggest looking at what they're doing, see what they do right, take some of it, drop what they do wrong, and introduce our own spin on it. I did not get in to it much but a friend of mine VASTLY enjoyed it. I could see this being a fun time sink.. but I would ultimately be afraid that it'd be YET ANOTHER "spend your crystals on this! Grind more! Take forever to get anything done because you need crystals for EVERYTHING!" scenario. I'm officially sick of having to grind those damn crystals, which I can only get so many of in a day, and then deciding what little I want to get done today because everything requires them so my play time is limited.
Town building features are often a hugely fun aspect of RPG's, look at the Breath of Fire series for instance. However, I know for a fact that this would become a crystal sink if they took colonization in this route. Or it'd be a new fleet location with fleet projects and it might lack the personal touch a single person's colony has.. or lack customization and just be a "build it up" process like all other fleet locations.
I'm not sure what colonies would give us. Either as the "never actually visit there" EVE method or the "build a town" fleet location method.. so it may be pointless for now until there's more features in the game that this could provide us stuff for.
And that's my take on why some of these things won't work or be put in, but how, if they were, they'd avoid the pitfalls that mark the down sides of STO.
Yeah Khorvax, I love that idea, of boffs using our old ships. So they can fly wingman with us during episodes and patrols.
Would love to see that.
Huh? The visual parts in Starship Creator were always class-locked. Each class only let you choose the three or so variants of each part that they gave you. I don't see how STO's visual customization is any different (aside from also letting us change hull textures).