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107th Logistical looking for an armada, as gamma

rmackiermackie Member Posts: 97 Arc User
The 107th is looking for an armada to join as a gamma. We are a smaller solo(ish) fleet there are about 3 active players and several alts. Now before you say anything about being a solo fleet, and that we should disband, and join a larger fleet, and the futility of this request, saying no larger would want a small fleet as a gamma, etc. Or how selfish it is for me to want to join an armada for only want help with my own fleet etc. I don't want to here about the futility, as I don't think it is futility this bound to be a fleet/armada out there that can help

Yes I do want help with my only fleet, and this is what armadas were designed to do, We are very casual fleet that it is hard at times to keep members interested as we don't have the flashy toys larger fleets have, so of course I want to expand and get help.

I am also willing to help where i can, with STFs, Events, missions, the usual helping hand where possible. Also with other fleet stuff if i can. If you are wanting to discuss this further feel free to get in touch with me, or post on this thread, otherwise I don't need trolls around.

Thanks in advanced for your consideration
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