1. June 19 Tribble patch notes said
Resolved an issue where Odyssey Badge 1 was not always available.
The badge is still missing for females.
2. The Odyssey 2 badge for males is still missing the second color channel that changes the color of the rectangular part. It has been this way on Holodeck for a very long time.
3. The 'Motion Picture' badge for females is still missing the second color channel that changes the inside part around the chevron. It has been this way for a long long time.
4. Rank on the 'Wells' upper for females still floats away from the character's neck. All 'Wells' ranks seem to have a second color channel that changes nothing on the rank pins/pips for females. Rank for the 'Wells' upper seems fine on males.
5. June 26 Tribble patch notes said
Long Nails have been added for Females. Long Nails have also been made available for Beachwear.
They are not available for females for uniform, off duty, or beachwear separates but are available for males in those categories.
6. 'Bare Feet' option is missing in off duty wear for both genders for almost all lower categories. The option seems to be only available when you have the lower category set to 'Robes' and I believe it was never available for robes before. This option is unlocked when opening the box for the 'Risian Beachcomber' outfit.
7. The 'Risian Beachcomber' shorts/pants have been renamed completely and so have the 'Risian Explorer' pants. The 'Risian Explorer' boots and shirt are still named as such. I doubt this is a bug but it doesn't make sense to rename these outfit pieces when the boxes they come it still have 'Beachcomber/Explorer' on them. This can cause confusion. When players open the boxes and go to use the outfits they'll have trouble finding the pieces since they no longer share the same name as the box they come in.
8. Risian flower accents collar still has an extra (4th) color channel that changes nothing, in uniform, off duty wear, and beachwear separates, for all genders and factions. (so far it seems the new color palette for all flower accents pieces is correct)
9. Risian flower accents 'Hip Attachments' are missing for uniforms. I noticed that the flower accents for ankle attachments are available for uniforms only when the lower category is set to 'Uniform - Pants Tight' or 'Skirts'. The only flower accents available in 'Beachwear Separates' is the collar.
10. June 26 Tribble server patch notes says
Expanded the color palette for the Flower costume parts, Risian Swimwear, and Flower Belts.
In the 'Beachwear Separates' category the 'Aloha Red Hula' shirt (males and females) and 'Shorts - Red & Palms' (males at least) still have a very limited color palette. 'Tight - Basic OffDuty' pants are in the beachwear separates outfit category and uses the same color palette as the off duty version. Shouldn't these pants have a swimwear version? 'Shirt Simple' in beachwear separates seems to share the the color palette for the uniform and off duty versions. Can't comment on other beachwear separates items like bikinis since I don't have any yet, but you may need to go through it all and double check the color palettes.
11. All pieces of the 'Risian Beachcomber' and 'Risian Explorer' tops, pants, and boots still don't have an updated color palette and have faction specific uniform colors. All species and factions, all outfit categories they show up in (such as off duty and beachwear separates).
12. For Federation characters the 'Diplomat' pants were renamed to something completely different while the jacket and boots are still named Diplomat. (another rename I don't understand) To be honest the 'Diplomat' outfit was actually the dress uniform worn in Deep Space Nine and the TnG films.
13. 'Kobali Belt' is no longer available for males in uniform or off duty. It was always missing in uniform and off duty for females but now nobody has it. The chest gear 'Kobali Harness Tight' is still available for uniforms and off duty for both genders. I just want to point out that a while back Holodeck path notes clearly said there were suppose to be 2 versions of the Kobali chest gear available for uniform and off duty, 'Kobali Harness' and 'Kobali Harness Tight'. However this never happened and we still only had the one labeled as tight for uniforms and off duty. Now with the belt no longer available for males it doesn't look right since there aren't any belts that match. I was hoping you guys would finally make the belt available for females in off duty and uniform but you just wound up taking it away in those outfit categories entirely.
14. Thanks for making the new 'Basic Leather' belt available for females. The belt has what looks like the color palette that is used for the 'Romulan Republic' belts, chest gears, and wrist attachments for Romulan Republic characters on Holodeck. Any chance the 'Basic Leather' belt could get a color palette with a wider range of colors to choose from?
15. Lobi store 'Korath' pants are in the 'Uniform - Pants Tucked High' lower category for males and 'Uniform - Pants Tucked Low' for females. The 'Korath' boots are in neither of these categories and only show up in the 'Pants -Tight' category for both genders, meaning you can't have the matching boots to go with the pants.
16. The 'Panels and Pockets' pants in the 'Uniform - Tucked Low' category for females is exactly the same as the 'Tucked High' category. In the 'Tucked Low' category for males the pants are actually lower than the high category and looks fine with shorter boots like the soft or padded boots. But on females, soft and padded boots don't look right. Screenshots for comparison.
Male version in 'Uniform - Tucked Low' goes all the way down to the top of shorter boots such as soft and padded.
Female version in 'Tucked Low' is exactly the same as 'Tucked High' and doesn't go all the way down to the top of shorter boots.
Tl;DR Sorry about that.
Yes, the textures are missing.
Which includes some skirts.