So as an OCD themer of characters, I have a problem; Cryptic's decision to put all of the juicy new abilities on obscure race DOffs. I haven't worked to populate themed Klingon, Gorn and Human (pseudo-22nd Century Starfleet) crews to give up now !!! :P
What I would be prepared to do, though, is pay Dil or Zen to stick those juicy new special abilities onto another DOff of the appropriate quality and profession. A bit like BOff training, if you will.
The function could be run through the established skills trainers on Qo'nos / ESD and could result in the "new" Doff being bound, to avoid chaos on the exchange. The minmax or IDIC brigades need not apply but it could be fun for RPers.
Yes, I would love to be able to pay to create a DOFF based on a specific character of my creation. That would include selection of a specific specialization, a custom headshot, custom name, and custom description along with a reasonable selection of DOFF traits.
I would expect it to be very expensive, way more expensive than buying a Purple DOFF with the equivalent amount of Dilithium bought with Zen. Because they'd need to add it to their DOFF database and that would impact everybody.
However, no, I wouldn't want the option to select special passives and I wouldn't like to be put in the position where I'd need to buy all my DOFFs like this in order to stay competitive.
But I don't see them doing anything like this anytime soon without a complete overhaul of the DOFF system.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I'd like to see some of the more exotic features and traits on a wider variety of species, but considering the work that is probably going to be involved in creating such a system as the Op is decribing it, I'd rather see that work being put into other areas of the doff system.
An easy way to implement a wider varity, could be the way they are (or rather were) already going. When "resolve" came out, it was eventually added to the core species through the academy up- and downgrinders or through doff missions (efficient caitians through B'tran, resolve caitian through ferasan flight training etc...). There are a few other examples where this applied, like the telekinesis Humans and Klingons from Project Chrysalis or the Warfare Specialists from fleet starbases.
So "YES" for a wider variety of races for some of the rarer traits and skills. "NO" for a "create your own doff tool", simply because the rescources could be spent better somewhere else.
Yes, I would love to be able to pay to create a DOFF based on a specific character of my creation. That would include selection of a specific specialization, a custom headshot, custom name, and custom description along with a reasonable selection of DOFF traits.
I would expect it to be very expensive, way more expensive than buying a Purple DOFF with the equivalent amount of Dilithium bought with Zen. Because they'd need to add it to their DOFF database and that would impact everybody.
I agree. I want to create my own special custom DOFFs with the characteristics you specified above. As for the passives, they should be based on the DOFF career much like they always have.
Not at all. They're already fleecing people with prices now, in the C-store and elsewhere, I'm not inclined to help them by giving them even more ways to gouge people.
Not at all. They're already fleecing people with prices now, in the C-store and elsewhere, I'm not inclined to help them by giving them even more ways to gouge people.
As Blade said: We're not exactly the march of dimes here.
I would like to see something that allows you to custom make at least the Duty Officer head shot and save to use later, maybe in another design-your-own-Doff contest, or to upgrade a duty officer in-game after collecting some Doff training manuals or buying the ability with zen (which I would pay for in a heart beat!!). Maybe a Doff-headshot-maker app/program or some other out-of-game way of doing it. I would love to make doffs of all of the Star Trek Characters from TV/Movies/Novels.
I can actually see this happening. Sure I think it would be outrageously priced, be it a C-Store item or through some other means of obtaining. But I think this adds some progression to the DOffs system, and it wouldn't exactly make it worse by any means.
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...
Yes, I would love to be able to pay to create a DOFF based on a specific character of my creation. That would include selection of a specific specialization, a custom headshot, custom name, and custom description along with a reasonable selection of DOFF traits.
I would expect it to be very expensive, way more expensive than buying a Purple DOFF with the equivalent amount of Dilithium bought with Zen. Because they'd need to add it to their DOFF database and that would impact everybody.
However, no, I wouldn't want the option to select special passives and I wouldn't like to be put in the position where I'd need to buy all my DOFFs like this in order to stay competitive.
But I don't see them doing anything like this anytime soon without a complete overhaul of the DOFF system.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I'd like to see some of the more exotic features and traits on a wider variety of species, but considering the work that is probably going to be involved in creating such a system as the Op is decribing it, I'd rather see that work being put into other areas of the doff system.
An easy way to implement a wider varity, could be the way they are (or rather were) already going. When "resolve" came out, it was eventually added to the core species through the academy up- and downgrinders or through doff missions (efficient caitians through B'tran, resolve caitian through ferasan flight training etc...). There are a few other examples where this applied, like the telekinesis Humans and Klingons from Project Chrysalis or the Warfare Specialists from fleet starbases.
So "YES" for a wider variety of races for some of the rarer traits and skills. "NO" for a "create your own doff tool", simply because the rescources could be spent better somewhere else.
I agree. I want to create my own special custom DOFFs with the characteristics you specified above. As for the passives, they should be based on the DOFF career much like they always have.
My character Tsin'xing
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My character Tsin'xing