Power Board Race:
More course markers that actually mark the course boundary. I might suggest them in two colors. White to mark the course, and Red to mark out of bounds/Disqualification line. Use the player positional data. Some areas of the course need to be course boundry and DQ on the same line, A fair race penalizes for cutting the course.
At race end, The flag things have got to go. They are not fair to the players. If your first across the line, then award the player the extra favors. The game is tracking players positions on the map as a matter of course. Use the data! Players should not be having to grab anything at the end of the race! to routine governing the race should know where the players are on the course and who crosed the finish line in what order. Extend bonus favor awards down to 5th place finish, that will open the rewards to more players. Filter in some bonus awards.. races won, races done.
Consider multi lap races..there is more then sufficient time min events to run a 3 lap race! The same could be done with the winter event.
Leave the race course up at all times. Let folks practice!
Race games are much more fun for everyone when done right.
Floater stuff: There could be a multiplayer floater race. Almost surprised we don't have one.
Costumage: More off duty and mixables please. And Risan flower ornaments can NOT be worn with swim wear and swim wear combo's WHAT? That is just silly! Fix that! Might want to get together with some companies...that Orion dancer pattern is unique. Check with some shirt manufacturers! Licence it! (give it buttons that have the trek badge on 'em.)
Emotes: Go fix the male Samba so it looks like a "Male" Samba. Pretty please. I've danced professionally. It's..ummm "ewwwwwww!" kinda squeal with that I just stepped in goo sort effect to get the idea. You could try adding a couples dance for next year. Players agree to be partner. just code it in that asking to dance wins you the dance lead animation if there is a gender issue. Other wise sorry, It's "Traditional" dance in STO universe.. amle dance the male dance unless they have been asked by another male to dance. It could be quite comical. Umm, players must be within a certain height range of each other to perform a couple dance.
A nice bit of Bossa Nova motion capture could be fun... And we've seen Picard dance.. its not a lost art!
Also.. Because I saw it done in DS-9 maybe consider/think about adding or how to add a Limbo contest?
The recent fixes as of yesterday this post did clear up a great deal of the Risa event map lag. Quite a bit less frustrating in game! Thank you.
"I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
NOw, what if powerboards had a throttle control?
I've done Floaters, and Ice Racing for 3 Years, lets try something new.
I like the Idea of Multiplayer Floaters, so that cool.
A mini-power board and Elite power boards that look, well, more tasteful, less garish for the KDF...and, in particular, for the women playing this game?
I don't mind the red...but tired of the black and thorny and garish. Maybe something more "spa-inspired" and meditative? Colors more in the vein of the LLAP Vulcan Power board?
Yes, I favor the KDF and Klingons they all may be...but I want them to look stylish.
Also, speaking of the Vulcan board.....can we get a mini-board and/or power board in "artificial gold plated latinum" for the Ferengis?
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Gotta admit I am a man first, so my views may differ somewhat. But while I agree on the Targ - it's so "badass" with a miniscule capital "b" that you don't even see how badass it is (what I am meaning to say: IMO it's trying too hard) - I disagree on the KDF board which in my opinion is the best looking of the lot, mostly because Fed and Rom are lacking any distinct features.
1) Get rid of the Flag Mechanics
2) Create a second race within the race time. (9/10 of the time, the race is done within 1 minute, leaving lots of spare time. In that time, there can be a second race.
3) Make the race more about skill than having the fastest board or luck with the speed boosts.
Allow Winter weapons to be used on Risa as party (squirt) guns.
Have something to do around the North Tower, make use of that empty area.
More Sand Castle event areas.
"No matter where you go...there you are."
-Bring back the old ships
-Remove the flag-picking from the board race
-Add alternate rewards directly to the daily floater mission (converting the ship currency to marks with a 20-hour project is a pointless hassle when we could instead choose between the ship currency and marks when turning in the mission in the first place)
By all means - remove the flag grabbing at the end of the power board race. It's beyond unfair when you miss out of it because of lag or you can't stop where it is it and someone else (who came after you) grabs it.
All participants should be rewarded with a minimum of both monkey tags and favors no matter the ranking but ofc more if you take 1-3 ranking. I mean players did the race so ofc they should have a minimum of both in my opinion.
Also reinforce penalties when players cut corners or jump areas out of the course boundry - either race disqualification or noticiable speed reduction for 5-10 secs.
Monkey tags should also be obtainable from other contests than the power board race.
I miss some underwater activities and the monkey tags or another new tag type could be implemented and obtained from one of the below mentioned underwater activities:
underwater pearl diving
catching fish with fishnets
swim with turtles or dolphins (like swim with x amount of species within a limited time)
plant x amount of corals
- there are lots of possibilities!
Dance competition – overall I think the developers have done a great job in the details of every dance move, I'm very impressed but I sooooooooo miss some MUSIC – if there had been some cool clubmusic during the dance competition I would have installed my bed on Risa
Another idea could be to have the dance competition on a yacht (both on the upper and lower deck) and ofc in the open air – and ofc with music!! . You would either have to use the floater, swim out to the yacht or use the powerboard to get out there.
There should be more yachts out there during the dance competition so players would have more boats to choose from. Overall the yachts would add to the beach/seaside environment, which currently seems rather empty.
Finally I think it's a pity that Risa only has content 1 month in a whole year cause it's such a lovely and beautiful place. How about a reoccuring event every 3 months, which would last 2 weeks or so? Then you could also be given the chance to wear all the costumes you bought during the summer festival?
I admit that having a slow connection with lag issues might hurt you and wouldn't mind a "first through the posts" rule, would win more races myself that way - but I'll guess you'd get a new set of complaints from people who thought they were first. But as it is, it is not cheesing mechanics but playing as stated.
What I would welcome though would be a change so that good jumping over the ramps actually helps you. The boost you may or may not receive barely compensates for the speed loss in the air.
Also, I would love to see them add duty officer assignments similar to the Winter Event. Some assignments that grant event rewards. The raising feathered monkeys thing is alright, but we can do that across the map with all sorts of pets so it's not really special. This previous Winter Event featured missions such as "Decorate the Halls" and "Exchange Gifts" (something like that) and you'd get some of the event's currency as rewards. Summer equivalents would be a great addition, I think.
Water Balloon Fights maybe water balloon guns?
Rafting, similar to the power boards but you power raft instead through a course.
Bumper boats! maybe smack in to stuff for points or something along those lines.
One of the original concept sketches of Risa had waterfalls all over the place.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Sweet Hilton-Marriot-Trump, that's a nice resort!
As well as a bigger map, I'd like to see "buggy" races, perhaps as a leeway to ground vehicles. After all, many of us do enjoy unsafe velocities, esp. the Pilots.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.