I'd like to suggest a small change to the main character screen. Would it be possible to add a small progress bar to each character that shows where you're at in a level? Basically, a small version of the progress bar at the top of the UI in game?
I think this would be very helpful, especially for players with large number of characters, to see which one they need to work on. It would make it very quick to see who is about to go up a level or who has a long way to go.
Here is what I mean:

Does anyone else feel this would be beneficial?
The Armada
Original join date: Feb 5, 2010
Twitter: @davejl_99, & @STO_BBArmada
In the picture you can see that S'unn and Finn are very close to going up a level (and getting the all-important Spec Point) so I might want to focus on them, where Rakhohl has just gone up and is a long way from going up again. I don't always have time to play every character every day, so I think it would be helpful to have something to help me decide who to play.
We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!