In "Time in a bottle"'s Iconian cutscene, the pointy bit the Blue one has where its legs should be, is that an Iconian version of a wheelchair? Could make a potential plot component.
In "Time in a bottle"'s Iconian cutscene, the pointy bit the Blue one has where its legs should be, is that an Iconian version of a wheelchair? Could make a potential plot component.
One of my fleetmates and I have discussed this as well. He thinks that L'Miren (that's "the Blue one") cannot walk. I'm inclined to agree, but those cutscenes, even when recorded, are awfully brief, so I haven't fully gotten on board with the idea yet. We both note that the Iconians don't need to walk, since they generally levitate.
One of my fleetmates and I have discussed this as well. He thinks that L'Miren (that's "the Blue one") cannot walk. I'm inclined to agree, but those cutscenes, even when recorded, are awfully brief, so I haven't fully gotten on board with the idea yet. We both note that the Iconians don't need to walk, since they generally levitate.