So, I've been wondering if the game has gotten any better since I quit etc.
I quit the game about a year ago when the max level was 50, but now that cap has been raised I see and there're tons of new things implemented into the game ever since I quit the game.
I've been wondering about starting to play STO agian but I'm not sure if it's any better or not, I mainly quit because once you'd have hit lvl 50 and gotten all top-notch equips the game would get very boring because of lack of end-game things to do. You'd either have to farm boring elite-missions or wait an hour or so for a pvp game to start.
So, has the game gotten any better now? is it worths coming back to? What has changed? There are lots of new things in the game which I dont know what it is. Would my equipment still be viable today? I pretty much had the top-notch fleet equipments (elite, ultra stuff) from a year ago just before I quit and some sweet t5 zen ships (i.e the avenger battlecruiser, jem'hadar dreadnought carrier, andorian escort ship, schmitar, and more great ships).
Would appreciate your help and opinion! TIA
We have more story and it is coming pretty regularly. We are getting more trek alumni voice actors as well.
I have completed all of the advanced missions in a mirror universe ship with green mk xi (or worse in some slots) gear so your old ships are far better than that. Unless you pvp, then you're screwed. But for pve, nothing is obsolete and your old gear is completely good enough assuming your builds and piloting skills are solid.
So, why did you stop playing?
I quit because I had pretty much reached end-game, I had all the ships I ever wanted, I had the best equipment (for that time period) so I had nothing left to "grind" for and the end-game content was very lacking. As I said in my first post the end-game content was to endlessly repeat the same old pve elite missions (which got boring petty fast) or wait a very long time for a pvp match to start. There were hardly any new episode missions coming out either so the game got boring rather fast for me. I hope there is much more end-game content now.
That said, the new elites are very hard. Per the top DPS and pvp players there's only a handful of people who have beaten all the games elite content and they need very specialized builds and careful team coordination. Some elite queues are easy and get farmed, some are just not done without preparation, and even then the top teams sometimes fail.
If that kind of challenge appeals to you, then we have it now. Look into the "DPS numbers" channels, get yourself setup with mark 14 gold gear and start learning the new elite queues. Without getting into the chaos and mudslinging, the people who remain at that level of play are not the epeen waving elitist crowd, they are the "I want to do better, do you want to try with me?" Crowd.
Get started by joining the dps-public chat channel in game.
Based on your reasoning, I suspect you can come back and have fun for at least a good four or five months. Which is honestly longer than most console games hold my attention.
Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013
There is a new subsystem in form of Admirality that will take care of some of the level grinding that people complained about when DR came out (and they fixed the loopholes with the Patrol mission skill point payout).
The new ship tier means that all your old ships are a bit obsolete, but the difference in ship tiers is not insurmountable, especially not if you upgrade your ship. (That you want to upgade your gear is to be expected anyway, of course.)
Tier 6 ships have as net benefit (compared to Tier 5) an extra console, an extra bridge officer abilityps, and hybrid seats that allow to slot specialization bridge officers that offer access to new gameplay abilities, which would all be new to you.
Some ships are dedicated more to hybrids than others - the Intel, Command and Pilot ships come with more hybrid seats and slots than the lower tier retrofits, and also have access to ship-specific abilities. (Most potent are probably the Pilot Escorts.)
It remains to be seen if Cryptic maintains its mission release schedule, but this year, it was basically one new mission per month.
Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
That said the new 50-60+ content has been a lot of fun for me. Tons of new missions, new ships, loads of upgrading to do, new officer types, new ships, new ship classes built around the new officer seats, captain spec tree that effectively keeps you busy from level 60- 150 (you don't get a numeric levle but each time you fill your xp bar you get a point in the tree). New crafting has some sweet perks. Theres lots more but thats some of it...