I have just published my new mission "TOS: The Mind Trap" ST-HAYBY9HQV.
The TOS stands for "The Original Series" and it takes place in the 23rd century. it is a costume adventure mission and is a follow-up to the Star Trek episode "The Man Trap".
It is presently in the review TAB and I hope you can all play it and help get it out of review. I would also like any feedback you can give me on the mission.
Thanks for playing the mission. So far I have 4 plays and have 2 five star and 2 four star ratings.
But I need 1 more play to get out of the "Review Tab" and into the Galaxy. If you have time please be my 5th review.
You won't win any Dilithium but you will win an Accolade! Woo-hoo!