I hope the devs read this...
A cool month long event between the specials could be a bonus mission for the bonus free ships dotted throughout STO history.
Using the same game engine used for the Omega Upgrades you could have ship tokens redeemable in the special event tabs so the more you play, the more ships you get and a t-5U risan liner is better than a sovereign for our battle hardened delta recruits.
A good idea I think
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For better or worse, they look totally different compared to the other ships. One might say they are the "freshest ships" out there.
While I dont really go for looks (performance is the important thing), I certainly can understand people wanting these ships, as they arent half bad either.
its cant have syndrome, when these ships were available many players said how they didn't like them as they were not canon or because they look odd or because they didn't have quite the specs they were hoping for.
now they cant have them this cant have syndrome takes over and suddenly they really really want them and would sell their first born just for a chance to get them.
but in all seriousness its just human nature to always want what you cant have.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I don't like them, they are too... human? :P
I'm nuts about the two Risian ships, and no it isn't because of some syndrome of wanting what we can't have, but because I've looked forward to Risa all year to get them after having missed out on them last year where I was too new to the game to understand how special events work, and that event marks and projects could stay slotted.
Whoever made the decision to remove them last minute without an opportunity to slot them this year left me bitter enough to not want to buy zen, and cut back on ships I might have wanted. I HOPE THEY ARE HAPPY FOR THEIR DECISION :mad:.
Also, the corvette still has the highest impulse speed of any ship in the game currently.
Turn Rate: 21
Impulse Modifier: 0.25
Inertia rating: 90
+15 engine power
Compare that to a pilot ship with 20, 0.24, 75, +10. Sure, the pilot ship has access to maneuvers on short CD, and pilot seating abilities like Fly Her Apart, Clean Getaway, subspace jump for warbirds, and many other speed bonuses for real combat, but by the basic numbers, the Corvette is still on top.
Also, if you don't get it, or if others feel the need to diagnose why players like aspects of the game, then why are you paying, and spending lots of time playing?
And if they're so concerned about exclusivity, make it so that only Delta Recruits, and future Special Recruits which are by design made to bring in new players able to participate and slot these ships. That way, they can have their exclusivity, but still make it possible to acquire them if one has both A) A special recruit, and
Bottom line of exclusivity is metrics, and this idea would only boost it.
that's a load of bs.
some people are collectors, some people actually wanted them, and a lot of people have alt armies that they put in different ships (it's a dollhouse game for many), and yeah some people only 1/2 wanted them until things were changed, who knows. but to sum it up as that is just plain wrong
all I know is that it was a rough move to do this right before the event, better to announce that this was the last chance to get them and remove the opportunity after 2015.
seriously, can you imagine how much interest a "last chance" event would generate? it would have been huge.
even then there would have been players who didn't quite grasp what the last chance was and couldn't we have just one more last chance or there would be some new players who see there was an event but didn't quite know how it worked like alcyoneserene despite the fact that it was highly publicised on the news pages and loads of players who would have explained it all in great detail if they asked on the forum.
I don't say the way they did it was ideal but I guess they thought they had to draw the line somewhere and chose to draw it there.
by the way the cant have syndrome was a gag I thought that was obvious when I said but seriously.
all I do know is when these events were on and these ship were up for grabs there were loads of posts on the forum about how these ships looked odd and how they weren't canon or some could not be bothered to grind for them and such, it just seems strange that so many players are posting that they want them now and many of those posters have been playing the game for as long and sometimes longer then I have, like luddimus the originator of this very thread.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Doesn't it take a lot away from collectors though if ANYONE at ANY TIME can earn what they've earned? Gotta have 'em all is only a part of the compulsion. If there's no special significance (ie. limitation) there's no art to the hobby. Its just a wallet exercise.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
After all, how can they really be that exclusive if, for example the Chell Grett, has been availiable three times over three years. If someone is willing to do the grind, I don't see the harm in letting them. It's not even like you see Risian ships all that much so somebody who wants to try them might as well be enjoying them. (*Thinks Back* Nope I've never used mine for more than one queue each. :rolleyes:) In reality its a shame that with all the work that went into their creation, few who have them use them and those who might can't obtain them.
exclusivity doesn't bother me either, I don't care if everyone and their mom has these event ships and I`m sure most players feel the same but have you or anyone else stopped to think about this from cryptics point of view?.
maybe its cryptic that wants to keep these ships exclusive not necessarily to select players but to select years.
keeping an item exclusive doesn't necessarily mean only those that played for it got it, it can mean this item is exclusive to this event this year and if you don't get it then you will never get the chance again.
I am pretty sure that players hording event tokens was not the only problem cryptic see with the event the way it was, maybe they also see some players not bothering to play the events cos you could always wait until there are 3 ships up for grabs then just go in with 3 characters and get them all in the 3rd year.
cryptic want us to play the events for the ships on the year they are offered, not last year or next year but this year, what better way to make this happen then to make these ships exclusive to this year and this event.
if this means having a differant event token each year and no more repeats of old ships then so be it.
sure they may have picked a bad time to announce it but its just possible that they didn't see the problem until after the last winter event, what difference would it have made if they had announced it then, you still would not have been able to get last years ships, it would have just meant you had a whole lot longer to moan about it.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
it may not be a clinical term, but if/when you have kids you will understand that it is entirely real
woah, you got it worse than I did, sorry man
The event store is permanent, so any new toons can reclaim ships you earned and it gives you the ability to dismiss event ships and reclaim a new one later, without having to wait for the event to return. (like c-store ships) However, if you never earned a ship before it was retired then it will not be availiable in your event store. That is the issue OP has.
And to bobbydazlers, thanks for the response but I'm afraid it was a little confusing after the first paragraph. I don't think anyone disagrees that this was cryptic's logic, but rather that considering the work they did to create such ships, not giving people who want to use them that option seems like a waste of assets.Especially since they gave no warning that this would happen. Yes they must draw the line somewhere, but it is usually common courtesy to "give notice" of a policy change with enough time for people to make plans. Not to mention how few of us who have the ships actually bother to use them. :rolleyes: (I only use my Risian crusier at Christmas, so I can fly a bright red and green monstrosity called RXS Sleigh I. :P)
Also, as to people hoarding event currency, cryptic already solved that issue. By issuing a new currency everytime they ensure we will alway have to run a full gauntlet for the prize if we want it. (I for one am alright with this as I never hoarded event marks and earned each ship its original year) So once again I don't have a problem with others wanting a second chance at ships I earned during their original event, as thanks to the new system they will still have to pay their 25 days due. If they want to grind two or three event ships like that its no skin off my back. And anyone that dedicated should be rewarded for their suffering.
Anyway and otherwise I agree with you, I just wanted to perhaps state my point more clearly.
thanks for the complement but I`m not only a dad 3 times over but also a granddad.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
as for hording currency sure you don't have a problem with it, I have no problem with it, just maybe cryptic do.
as you say changing the currency each year solves this problem so why retire the ships, maybe as I said there is still the problem of players not bothering to get the ships when they are first available but then swooping in 2 or 3 years down the line and getting all the ships in bulk, whether this is the case or not I cant say but it seems to be a logical reason for removing the old ships from the event.
they put in the ability to get older ships just to help out a few new players and maybe found that their good deed was being abused by some other not so new players, I think if this was the case I would make the same move cryptic did it that situation.
as I said in another post it just seems ironic to me that many of the complainers have been playing at least as long if not longer then I have and have no reason for not having these ships already.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.