Star Trek Online - Nandi vs Tholians HD
Just to show off how fun this ship is to fly and kick TRIBBLE in. Love the ship, I can't wait till i get my hands on it on Holodeck.
If you missed it, you can check out the written review of the ship
here on Priority 1, which also includes a video overview.
I would love to see your loadout via STOAcademy's Skill Planner please.
Can't wait to pick one up just for yuks. Oh and good job on Priority One!
Captain grumpy cat: "Tholians, do I look amused?"
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Nice work on the video , it was hard to tell, was you using the new console on that build? I thought I saw it once or twice, but wasn't sure, due to it being a new graphic.
If you follow the second link I posted to the P1P review, the video included shows the exact build. I'll be coming back later today though with something on sto academy.
It's a matter of preference. Just because something can fit something doesn't mean that it should.. after all an Atrox can fit DHCs but you wouldn't actually use them on that ship.
Beam Arrays are the most effective weapons for a 4/4 ship, DBBs+Omnis would also work but you would have a rear weapon slot that either A) doesn't contribute to the forward damage, or
DHCs are viable, I just like zipping around at max speed and always hitting something, hence the BAs.
The trait was active, but the console was not equiped.
No :mad:
What is the official DPS leagues perspective on [CRTD]x3 [PEN] vs [CRTD]x4?
I've gone with former myself for my newest builds. I'm also curious to test a [CRTD]x3 [OVER] Surgical Strikes build, it would hit like a brick wall against single targets but could still be DOFFed for shield penetration. Maybe useful in PvP?
FAW: check
Plasma Explosions: check
Kemocite: check
drawing circles while doing the above: check
killing npcs: check
Nothing to see here. :rolleyes:
Is there even some variety in PvE? Do people even use something different than Antiproton beams? Like cannons? Torpedoes? Resist consoles? Heals? Counters?
A Rom Tact with 5x SRO's can pull that off.
The Nukara Particle console is kinda useless, btw: you don't get the extra Acc during BFAW, and it just can't compete with an Embassy console otherwise (if you slotted it for the extra PrtG, even more reason to get an Embassy console in its stead).