Okay I have an Idea....(que the thought "oh god why, WHY!?!"..)
anywho im not sure how it will go down and what you peeps will think but here it goes anyway.
Suggestion: "Gain Rep experience from queues"
For quite some time I havent been able to fathom why we cant gain experience even if its a small ammount from the queues related to the rep system itself. I can understand that it may make it way to easy for people to level it up but if you capped it at say...100 or 200.. it wouldnt be so bad. When you use the token it would then it would double that exp much like how the token does it for project experience.
I love the fact that we can double the exp for projects but as far as the queues go after a while I have no motivation too queue up for matches it becomes stale and I dont think im alone although anythings possible, so why not get exp from queues themselves?
on top of that, there could be a daily rep exp bonus for each queue like there are with the marks.
Theres 2 pro's and 1 con I can think of;
- Increases the likelyhood of people queueing up.
- Adds far more relevance to the queues than they currently are at. (gives them purpose outside of the project requirements themselves)
- May make the rep system progress far too quickly. Depending on the ammount of exp gained of course.
As a mid way point....for the players and cryptic as its likely cryptic wont like this idea:
Tokens would not increase the exp from queues if a token is used on the character in question.
Your pro isn't likely to matter. Gaining rep experience is a short term thing. Spending marks for gear and converting g to dilithium is the big deal. So this won't bring people to the queues like you hope.
Add to the con's:
1. Forces the devs to reduce other rewards from the queues to ensure the total reward per unit time stays the same place it is now.
2. Forces the devs to co e up with a mechanic for gaining something other than reputation once you're maxed out at tier 5 without running to the spec points to dil catastrophe that still has us locked out of the dil reward.
3. Reduces the total amount of free reputation items, elite marks, and dilithium a player earns in the process of raining tier 5 reputation by reducing the number of daily/ hourly boxes the player opens.
Really, it only takes 40 days to hit tier 5 rep. After that rep exp is meaningless. Just 20 if another character on your account did it first. Meaning every delta recruit can already be tier 5 in everything but iconian resistance {and that's not too far off for the first people).
Your pro isn't likely to matter. Gaining rep experience is a short term thing. Spending marks for gear and converting g to dilithium is the big deal. So this won't bring people to the queues like you hope.
Add to the con's:
1. Forces the devs to reduce other rewards from the queues to ensure the total reward per unit time stays the same place it is now.
2. Forces the devs to co e up with a mechanic for gaining something other than reputation once you're maxed out at tier 5 without running to the spec points to dil catastrophe that still has us locked out of the dil reward.
3. Reduces the total amount of free reputation items, elite marks, and dilithium a player earns in the process of raining tier 5 reputation by reducing the number of daily/ hourly boxes the player opens.
Really, it only takes 40 days to hit tier 5 rep. After that rep exp is meaningless. Just 20 if another character on your account did it first. Meaning every delta recruit can already be tier 5 in everything but iconian resistance {and that's not too far off for the first people).
While it is a short term thing plenty of people like to get their rep out of the way, as quick as possible so they can start working on gear, frankly its an annoying barrier. for quite a few people regardless of how "simple" it is.
1) For your first point in the con's I really cant understand that especially if you lock the rep exp gained off at a certain point in other words making it static unlike other rewards. which have determining factors like optionals etc.
2) For your second point, your under the assumption that what im suggesting would actually effect the other rewards, I am actually suggesting it as a short term addition a "gap bridger". 1 feature does not have to add to the elder game beyond what's necessary. Not everything has to be co-opted to suit the post-rep system.
3) well the rewards wouldnt be effected because it would be given outside of the reward boxes given too you much like skill points. You could have a daily cap of course as long as its reasonable due to some players playing non-stop and cryptic wouldnt want people to progress too quickly, they don't need to fiddle with the rewards as it only touches progression not gear aquisition. its totally unnecessary. no offence I think your overthinking my suggestion here its fairly simple.
"Really, it only takes 40 days to hit tier 5" - I suggested what I have simply because not everyone can play everyday sometimes only a few times a week. So it can take much much much longer.
with all do respect; your response was almost a "panicked" response. There is no need for them to do any of what you've said simply because it would affect the the reward packs because as ive said, it would only effect rep progression and not acquisition not only that the cap ive suggested would simply turn on when you've hit a certain of amount of rep exp in queues, but would not effect the rep system itself.
While it is a short term thing plenty of people like to get their rep out of the way, as quick as possible so they can start working on gear, frankly its an annoying barrier. for quite a few people regardless of how "simple" it is.
You can work on gear right away. The consoles and one part of the space set and ground set are tier 1 unlocks. The weapons and another piece are tier 2 and 3 (divided between ground and space this time not both at once) tier 4 gives the ground and other funky stuffg and five finishes the space set.
Since all of the existing sets can be worked on without being tier 5, the only hold up is if a player chooses not to start working on the gear once it is unlocked. That's a player choice, and thus not something the devs should waste time on.
Now, I DO wish the costume options would be pulled out of the full three piece ground set and something we could unlock separately at tier three, but I have accepted this will never happen. Sadly.
1) For your first point in the con's I really cant understand that especially if you lock the rep exp gained off at a certain point in other words making it static unlike other rewards. which have determining factors like optionals etc.
Based on the developer interviews over the past year this is a key issue for them. They have very specific goals for how much and what type of rewards people earn over time.
Very specifically let's say it takes 20 hours to do something. The devs prefer you do that in 20 one hour installments over multiple days rather than one 20 binge on your day off. This is because of many factors, the biggest being emotional investment to the game. Playing regularly for short periods builds much deeper investment than playing intensely for short periods.The other is this causes far less burnout. And finally it prevents people saying "done now, bored, going to play something else" for 20 days instead of 1 day.
There is an excellent thread on this subject by stoleviathan in the general channel,but its not on the first page anymore.
2) For your second point, your under the assumption that what im suggesting would actually effect the other rewards, I am actually suggesting it as a short term addition a "gap bridger". 1 feature does not have to add to the elder game beyond what's necessary. Not everything has to be co-opted to suit the post-rep system.
not at all my assumption. My assumption is that you are not the only player who will experience this system. As a group, players react very negatively to things being taken away. Players that get used to a reward then stop getting it (such as after max rep) often (but not always) perceive it as having been taken away, and then come here to the forums and rage about it.
The devs would be forced to take this into consideration.
3) well the rewards wouldnt be effected because it would be given outside of the reward boxes given too you much like skill points. You could have a daily cap of course as long as its reasonable, they don't need to fiddle with the rewards as it only touches progression not gear aquisition. its totally unnecessary. no offence I think your overthinking my suggestion here its fairly simple.
actually its not simple at all. But you may be right, I often do over think things. ^.^
A simple suggestion would be " can we reduce the rep cost of tier 5 by 33%". Which I think, might be a better idea with a nearly identical outcome. As it stands, tier 4 is halfway to finished (takes 20 days or 10 days). Reducing tier 5 by 33%, would mean only 14 days,or 7 if you have sponsorship. Knocks a whole week off that first character but still keeps tier 5 needing more investment than tier 4.
"Really, it only takes 40 days to hit tier 5" - I suggested what I have simply because not everyone can play everyday sometimes only a few times a week. So it can take much much much longer.
Again, I never made that assumption. Whether you do those days all in a row, or with gaps between them is not relevant. What is relevant is that you cannot do the whole thing in fewer than 20 logins.
That is very intentional for the reasons outlined above in #1. I have many characters who are two years old and still only tier 3 in some reps. It still only takes 20 days. I simply don't play those guys very often and don't always work on rep when I do play them.
Your pro isn't likely to matter. Gaining rep experience is a short term thing. Spending marks for gear and converting g to dilithium is the big deal. So this won't bring people to the queues like you hope.
Add to the con's:
1. Forces the devs to reduce other rewards from the queues to ensure the total reward per unit time stays the same place it is now.
2. Forces the devs to co e up with a mechanic for gaining something other than reputation once you're maxed out at tier 5 without running to the spec points to dil catastrophe that still has us locked out of the dil reward.
3. Reduces the total amount of free reputation items, elite marks, and dilithium a player earns in the process of raining tier 5 reputation by reducing the number of daily/ hourly boxes the player opens.
Really, it only takes 40 days to hit tier 5 rep. After that rep exp is meaningless. Just 20 if another character on your account did it first. Meaning every delta recruit can already be tier 5 in everything but iconian resistance {and that's not too far off for the first people).
While it is a short term thing plenty of people like to get their rep out of the way, as quick as possible so they can start working on gear, frankly its an annoying barrier. for quite a few people regardless of how "simple" it is.
1) For your first point in the con's I really cant understand that especially if you lock the rep exp gained off at a certain point in other words making it static unlike other rewards. which have determining factors like optionals etc.
2) For your second point, your under the assumption that what im suggesting would actually effect the other rewards, I am actually suggesting it as a short term addition a "gap bridger". 1 feature does not have to add to the elder game beyond what's necessary. Not everything has to be co-opted to suit the post-rep system.
3) well the rewards wouldnt be effected because it would be given outside of the reward boxes given too you much like skill points. You could have a daily cap of course as long as its reasonable due to some players playing non-stop and cryptic wouldnt want people to progress too quickly, they don't need to fiddle with the rewards as it only touches progression not gear aquisition. its totally unnecessary. no offence I think your overthinking my suggestion here its fairly simple.
"Really, it only takes 40 days to hit tier 5" - I suggested what I have simply because not everyone can play everyday sometimes only a few times a week. So it can take much much much longer.
with all do respect; your response was almost a "panicked" response. There is no need for them to do any of what you've said simply because it would affect the the reward packs because as ive said, it would only effect rep progression and not acquisition not only that the cap ive suggested would simply turn on when you've hit a certain of amount of rep exp in queues, but would not effect the rep system itself.
Since all of the existing sets can be worked on without being tier 5, the only hold up is if a player chooses not to start working on the gear once it is unlocked. That's a player choice, and thus not something the devs should waste time on.
Now, I DO wish the costume options would be pulled out of the full three piece ground set and something we could unlock separately at tier three, but I have accepted this will never happen. Sadly.
Based on the developer interviews over the past year this is a key issue for them. They have very specific goals for how much and what type of rewards people earn over time.
Very specifically let's say it takes 20 hours to do something. The devs prefer you do that in 20 one hour installments over multiple days rather than one 20 binge on your day off. This is because of many factors, the biggest being emotional investment to the game. Playing regularly for short periods builds much deeper investment than playing intensely for short periods.The other is this causes far less burnout. And finally it prevents people saying "done now, bored, going to play something else" for 20 days instead of 1 day.
There is an excellent thread on this subject by stoleviathan in the general channel,but its not on the first page anymore.
not at all my assumption. My assumption is that you are not the only player who will experience this system. As a group, players react very negatively to things being taken away. Players that get used to a reward then stop getting it (such as after max rep) often (but not always) perceive it as having been taken away, and then come here to the forums and rage about it.
The devs would be forced to take this into consideration.
actually its not simple at all. But you may be right, I often do over think things. ^.^
A simple suggestion would be " can we reduce the rep cost of tier 5 by 33%". Which I think, might be a better idea with a nearly identical outcome. As it stands, tier 4 is halfway to finished (takes 20 days or 10 days). Reducing tier 5 by 33%, would mean only 14 days,or 7 if you have sponsorship. Knocks a whole week off that first character but still keeps tier 5 needing more investment than tier 4.
Again, I never made that assumption. Whether you do those days all in a row, or with gaps between them is not relevant. What is relevant is that you cannot do the whole thing in fewer than 20 logins.
That is very intentional for the reasons outlined above in #1. I have many characters who are two years old and still only tier 3 in some reps. It still only takes 20 days. I simply don't play those guys very often and don't always work on rep when I do play them.