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Fighting Iconians...PvE help?

rerednawrerednaw Member Posts: 159 Arc User
edited June 2015 in The Academy
Wow, never thought I'd be asking for help in PvE content...but playing science officer and on the ground and in space I keep getting vaporized by Iconians.

On the ground the Defilers and Heralds/Harbingers continually one-shot me. There's a brief warning before they drop their big attacks down but sooner or later your sprint/tumble is on cooldown while they are chaining their attacks. Or you get stuck on an invisible pixel that prevents you from moving. Or if you are trying to revive someone, then it's chain snare plus nuke and you're out.

In space...lol. Each Iconian ship fires 2 probes. Each probe strips all buffs and then disables your ship. While your ship is disabled they also drop solar gates which can kill your ship from full shields to 0 in nothing flat. Focus on the probes and you almost take them out as fast as they are spawned. Focus on the gates and the probes disable you, focus on the ships and most of the time your ship is disabled taking hits from the gate.

I'm definitely open to ideas and suggestions.

Any help welcome and thanks!
Post edited by rerednaw on


  • baelogventurebaelogventure Member Posts: 1,002 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Well, for space combat.

    EMP Probes fly in a straight line, at the point where your target WAS when the ability was activated. You can simply approach at an odd angle to bait their probes, then climb or dive under them.

    Barring that, Engineering Team will counter EMP Probes when you're hit by them, and if Aux to Inertial Dampeners is running, you'll be immune to the effects of the EMP Probe.

    Engineering Team will also counter the Iconian Viral Probes ability, Viral Matrix.

    Dropping a decently strong Gravity Well on the ship launching the Probes will also stop them, since the Probes will be sucked back into the well.

    Simply reinforcing your shields with Transfer Shield Strength or Emergency Power to Shields should mitigate the Solar Gates, as will flying out of range.
  • fatman592fatman592 Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    For space, like every other type of enemy area of effect damage (AoE) powers are the answer. Beam Fire at Will, Cannon Scatter Volley, Tractor Beam Repulsors, Gravity Well, among a couple others will take care of the EMP Probes and help you take down mobs. For the Subnucleonic effect, have Science Team ready.

    Also, never underestimate remaining on the move. Slowly circling or employing park and shoot tactics is probably something you shouldn't do unless you know what you're doing.

    On the ground, don't rush the Heralds. Let your boffs take the brunt of the damage while you hang back. Controlling their abilities, instead of allowing their AI to dictate attacks, will increase your effectiveness by multiple magnitudes. And if you're a Science captain, go medic, you'll never die. I have my main set up with three of the new Xindi Doctors and holy TRIBBLE it's like double time heal spamming. Combine that with a couple counselors which provide a willpower buff on heals; you'll be immune and immortal.

    Good luck.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,799 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    For ground, you might try a sniper rifle (energy or TR-116) so you can stay farther away. That seemed to help me with dodging the one shot cones o doom.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I'm not very good at ground but found a couple of things that seemed to work for me. For one, ignored the normal rule of weakest-to-strongest and started by hitting the Defilers first, stacking every debuff I had and directing my boffs to gang up, to take his AOE stuff out of the fight ASAP. After that use use a lot of movement debuffs (Suppressing Fire or Gravitic Field) to keep them bunched up as much as possible for pulsewave and full-auto fire, just mop-up at that point really. I did also find handy to have an engineering boff with mines equipped, as he usually drops them as soon as a fight starts, and any Thralls that warp in behind you then blow themselves up on it. And of course lots of heals and make sure you're not using an armor type with low Physical defense (I had been making that mistake). They're still unpleasant, but manageable.

    Space, make sure you have your Team skills, all three of them, plus a tractor counter and maybe the warp-core-cleanse doff if available. When fighting the battleships especially, expect they're going to subnuc you, so feint in at close range till they do so, pop your sci team to clear it and PH to escape their tractor, then pop your real buffs and commence pounding. AOE skills of course spam even more than normal, never stop moving, and listen for the sound effect of a Baltim about to ram you and evade accordingly. I also found TBR to be quite handy on a sci ship (if thats what you're running) as a flyswatter for the viral probes, charging raiders, and any open rifts. They have more unpleasant tricks than other enemies, but so long as you're using your counters correctly they're easier than some other types.
  • rerednawrerednaw Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Thanks everyone for the advice...looks like I need to retrain the bridge officers. I do pop Engineering team...but that only stops the first probe, not the other 5. Ditto for Science team, while they are on cool down, I get smoked. However retraining into some PBAoE's may work.

    I do have a question on the TR-116? Is there a mission for that weapon?

    Yah I tried stacking all my sci debuffs, must be using the wrong combos plus the animations take precious seconds, while I am debuffing, they are in the process of vaporizing :) Most of the time combat is:
    1) spot enemy.
    2) give command to team to focus fire.
    3) drop1 debuff.
    4) if not clear move, once clear fire once, halfway through firing animation I'm killed.

    Anyway it gives me a starting point for trying something different, thanks.

    Those probes are annoying though. Only weapon in the game I know of that hits as hard as a torpedo and is continually fired at you, homing from ranges of...well I'm 40 km away and they are still shooting them at me.
  • tr1p3ktr1p3k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    rerednaw wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for the advice...looks like I need to retrain the bridge officers. I do pop Engineering team...but that only stops the first probe, not the other 5. Ditto for Science team, while they are on cool down, I get smoked. However retraining into some PBAoE's may work.

    I do have a question on the TR-116? Is there a mission for that weapon?

    it is the level 15 R&D Ground Equipment recipe. Can be found on the exchange if you don't want to build it yourself. I guess it would come down to component cost vs buying it on the exchange.

    As for the original question.

    I might have a different perspective. I use a T-6 Pilot ship, after all. Highly manuverable, glass cannon. And I am always moving and always shooting. Rep consoles/traits help. The usual engineering team/sci team. Something AOE and the ability to drag stuff into a cluster is useful. Also consoles and powers that can remove a disable effect, especially on weapons or engines. Engines let you move, weapons let you shoot. (yes, I know this is obvious, but when those are your only defense......a pure offence.....still good to say)

    On the ground. Ugh. Welp, I have a lot of rep weapons and a couple lobi ones from back durring the last lobi reward for replaying missions event. I am also Sci. I run with triage, med tricorder, endothermic, another aoe research I don't remember where I got it. It creates a micro vortex that does damage and roots for a second. And a temporary reflect damage/DR universal that came with the rom navy kit. Endothermic is a good AOE attack that enemies will move away from. It can disrupt the charge attack, but expect the circle nuke if you use it, but it has a good range so usually you aren't near that. The micro vortex will disrupt it if it roots, which defilers don't do often, but I'm not really speced for ground "exotic" effects like that. I don't remember off the top of my head which skill it should be. I'm shifting between the plasma flame thrower and the jem'hadar mini gun currently with good effect. (flamethrower is rom republic rep and the mini gun is lobi store) One of my tac boffs has the 8472 ground set, one has the dyson set, engineer is using 2/3 jem'hadar set plus the undine plasma fist lobi gun, and the last is my intel sci using the delta aliance set. And I have most of the iconian resistance ground traits equipped for good measure. They actually do help. Killing them as fast as possible is the best option. While making every effort to stay out of the bad. I have more issues with the Thralls warping on a flank and rush stunning me and tearing me apart melee at this stage. Defilers, Fused Constructs, Thralls, Regular Constructs. Red circles and lines are almost always one shot kills if you can't avoid them. Pretty much all I have on the matter.
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